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  1. Antonia Tashquinth says:

    I feel bad about what happened to him. I recently saw he was hospitalzed for a drug overdose. I hope he is ok. This is so awful for him.

  2. oh-yugyeom says:

    he overdosed on medicine this morning and was found unconscious, he was rushed to the hospital

  3. Rhaychel Towns says:


  4. Rox Escarcega says:

    Police updates say T.O.P simply fell into a deep sleep and did not technically lose consciousness. On June 6, a rep from the police told media outlets, "His loss of consciousness reported is not true. His anti-anxiety medication has sleeping pill ingredients in it, so he fell asleep. He's received urine and blood tests as well as a CT scan, and the results are normal."

  5. milkbunsehun says:

    he's in the hospital now because of an overdose and he allegedly got kicked out and has to do two more years of service, not sure if its added on or if he has to restart.

  6. potato unicorn says:


  7. 9andabovge says:

    I will stand by T.O.P no matter what, I am heartbroken over seeing what has now transpired over this. I have no words but that we all keep T.O.P n our hearts of prayer or play his music n send good vibes over to him #StayStrongTOP #TOP_Legendary #PRAY4TOP

  8. Unicorn Tacos says:

    I just a plant… You didn't make a mistake, stop apologizing.

  9. Stacie J says:

    I just think that whatever our worldly opinion of marajana is, we have to consider that TOP smoked marajana knowing what the laws are in korea while being in his military police service. The legal action being taken against him is harsh but it also the regulation in Korea. it sucks that we have to watch an idol that we look up to and admire go through this but it is what it is.
    I personally think that marajana is harmful, perhaps not to the physical body but it greatly effects someone's functionality and personality. marajana effects how people perform tasks and some employers keep a close eye on drug use among their employees because they have a standard that has to be met.
    I feel bad because I know part of the reason TOP is in this predicament is because he probably suffers from anxiety and depression but Korea simply doesn't have the mental health resources so he fell to alcohol and drugs.

  10. kitty and fatty says:

    my God it's like he's just smoked Crack and heroin and tried to murder someone all at once. but he's only smoked pot… I'm confused

  11. KingBB says:

    Hey TOP if Koreans cannot accept you .
    Even if they edit out your pictures to your advertisement fuck them!
    Most of the countries in this world who knows how to be open minded accept you! yourself! even if you have alot of trouble to face? we accept you with open arms!

  12. MMBCO. says:

    Ok ok ok, but why are the drug laws so strict? In China it kind of makes sense, they have the opiate wars and the morphine (I think it was morphine?) epidemic before it became The Communist Party took to power. Those left large scars and heavy set feelings on Western medicine/drugs in general and the perceived need for ridiculously strict drug/medicinal laws, (Some very normal drugs in the rest of the world are banned in China) and I can attest to that from knowing a veritably large amount of Chinese nationals.

    But why is S. Korea so strict? Are they modeling China laws and systems? Do they too have a history of other drug or medical problems like China? Is it a 'trying to have the strictest legal system' kind of thing?
    I'm just wondering if it's like the story from a while ago when YG made a big apology about needing to re-do a building, because as you explained there was a tragedy involving faulty building code that collapsed and killed many people. I just think a lot of the defending of TOP (which he needs, TOP FIGHTING VIPS FIGHTING!), is very loose and biased towards many westerners ideals and no one is trying to get inside the head of the k-netz and Koreans that are criticizing and shaming him so harshly to the point where this situation happens. (If you haven't heard, he was rushed to the ER to be treated for an overdose on some kind of drug? Please keep him in your hopes and prayers no matter your opinion of him or this problem!)

  13. Debra Myers says:

    they are nuts the poor guy really did nothing wrong. Here in states not a big deal. They did not catch him doing it. Come on TOP is a ,soft hearted young man . and under a lot of pressure. Let's try to save him before they kill him

  14. artiste soundbox says:

    I dont understand, it's illegal to have chinky eyes in the U.S. and these guys that already have chinky eyes can't ohhhh, how can one tell who's high in that country then?

  15. Day Ortega says:
  16. IceFrost says:

    Y'all acting like he fucking killed someone. He SMOKED WEED. THERE ARE WORST THINGS THAT PEOPLE HAVE DONE. He isn't doing worse drugs, he hasn't raped anyone, he hasn't killed anyone. It's not even any of our fucking business. Smh y'all now he's in the hospital and UNCONSCIOUS because of an overdose. And it's because of all the pressure, and all the hate, and all the "disappointment" that put him down to this point. Y'all don't even have the fucking RIGHT to say shit about him. I don't even know what to say about all the little brats out there that think they are intellectuals for telling him that he's a disappointment. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for this.

  17. lovebtsjiminvkook loveangels says:

    Even LA NASA payed people just to use weed for a long time (dont remember how many days) in bed for some experiments . drinking alcohol cld be more dangerous than smoking weed and they allow it there…and tbh everything in the world can be dangerous if u over-use it not just weed or drugs if u over drink even "water" if u over-eat if u over-sleep if u over anything. they can make another law of the limits on how when and where to use it . but not treat them like animals tbh that make no sense .cuz everything which is forbidden is more desired .so they better be wise and make things peaceful.

  18. Joshua 15555556 says:

    no, don't apologize nor be ashamed of yourself. own that shit, own it.

  19. Hila Elkabetz says:

    This is so upsetting that he feels ashamed about him smoking a freakin joint! I love korea the law system there… #staystrongtop

  20. Nikki Boling says:

    I don't understand what the big deal is about pot.
    Big deal…

  21. Nikki Boling says:

    Better a pot head than a drunk

  22. Scha bunga aulia says:

    what happened to Seung Hyun really make my heart ache. Like literally. And now he's unconscious for medicinal drug overdose. Pity my Top, he don't deserved this. It's just weed for god sake, it's even safer than cigarette! I hope he can get through this, i'm super sad right now. I hope to be there, right beside him, hug him. He's sure super stress right now. Please get well soon :'(

  23. thenotorious ong says:

    Wow. That law sucks.

  24. Mona Poelzer says:

    It saddens me that he would feel a need to apologize for something so rediculous! He hasn't done anything wrong as far as I am concerned and I hope that I am not alone in this regard! My prayers are that he will come out on top of all this nonsense! It is also my prayer that the laws will be changed regarding marijuana possession and usage! TOP you are still the best and loved and appreciated so much! Rick I absolutely agree with you about drinking being more dangerous then marijuana! Keep up the good work guys!

  25. homerNangel says:

    This SHAME culture IS killing Koreans, Gosh man they need to find balance in their lives it's tooo much. TYOO much PUBLIC interference in people private lives does the concept of privacy even exist In S.Korea? The Korean culture of guilty until proven innocent is reversed justice it's like JOESON ERA IS TILL WITH US.

  26. Mel- issa says:

    i know that is not good but i dont know if i exagerate but korean culture is very rude

  27. Mouna Youssouf says:

    The best thing Gdragon said is that he sorry for the nuisance BB has caused. I am so glad he said that this is a BB "nuisance" and not a TOP nuisance. Am really proud of how GD is dealing with the situation.
    And I hope TOP feels better #staystrongTOP

  28. Wylder Frank says:

    Foreal? This is a serious offense in South Korea? Considering the fact that the catalyst for world wide nuclear destruction is not too far north of them, you'd think there is better use of law enforcement than marijuana offense.

  29. V's High Notes says:
  30. LALISA says:


  31. K Adams says:

    I feel so bad for TOP. But I agree that he does not need to bleed out for this. It's just a couple of marijuana cigs! He could be doing heroin or worse. K-Pop idols are held up to incredible standards. They are human beings – and they feel hurt, loneliness and pain just like we do. Please support T.O.P. and give him the love he needs.

  32. Sarah Hassan says:

    When you come to Korea as a teacher they will drug test you, because it's the law. I've been reading all these comments over the past few days and videos all about these scandals, and I'll tell you many of my Korean friends if they saw these comments about it like oh its too harsh, they would be really upset because the rich in Korea get away with so many things already. People who are kpop fans will sit and be like oh my oppa did this, but it isn't that bad… HE BROKE THE LAW. It is drummed into EVERYONE from Koreans to foreigners that drugs are very very illegal. Everyone knows the consequences, if you break them then you have to pay the price. Korea is not the United States, the Netherlands or any other country. It's Korea, a sovereign state with its own laws that they can make themselves. Therefore, they don't have to justify why the law is the way it is to people other than the people of that country. Also, you need to understand the sentiment around drugs in East Asia, especially after the Opium Wars. Drugs are not something to be taken lightly.

  33. Missy Pinky says:

    I think there's a conspiracy, they just want to ruin him.

  34. Beck M says:

    First like I just want to say that I apologize for my language, but I'm still going to use it .

    Honestly I feel like this is f**** ridiculous. He's a grown-ass man and he can smoke as much marijuana as he wants.

    It's just ridiculous because I feel like it's just based on whats socially acceptable ( you can say my opinion is also based on what's socially acceptable since I live in America ) .

    Having said that, I just want to say that I've watched Beyond too many dramas and there's episodes pretty much dedicated to people getting trashed off soju. And nobody seems to give a s*** about that.

    I think that it's honestly terrible that this man ( top ) was pushed so far emotionally that he felt like he needed to misuse his medication. As fans I feel like we have an away done that to him ,along with the government. It like really breaks my heart , because I understand where he's coming from as far as having motional disorder, I'm bipolar and I suffer from depression and anxiety. This is extremely hard to live with in a regular life let alone being a celebrity.

    I feel like all the fans do is Judge them so harshly based on their own ridiculous feelings. I think everybody needs to mind their own damn business. If I were Top I would just like disappear for a while and get away from all this BS that you guys cause. Top needs to find himself a good therapist talk about what's bothering him emotionally and just stay away from the fans for a while. Honestly if you guys love them as much as you said that you do, then you would realize that as human beings they need a break.

    I understand that you love them and blah blah blah you don't want them to abuse their bodies and all of that stuff, but at the end of the day being so harsh on them, actually caused one of them to act out in away more negative way.

    Please try to realize at the end of the day; I know that they're your idols and your bias, but they're actually human beings too.

  35. Eliani Segura says:

    There is so much guilt that T.O.P and G.D are expressing but i feel the amount of guilt is misplaced. Yes they did a "wrong thing" but they seem to be apologizing to the distribution that the hospitalization caused. and that needs no apology because is about the health and you should not apologize for your health. If anyone needs to apologize it the people who were being so negative and judgmental. They were so brave with these statements; Right now we just need to be supportive.

  36. Hallyu Back says:

    What's your reaction to hearing T.O.P's words after his marijuana arrest? How do you feel about this situation in general and what do you think is going to happen? ^^

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