Accidents Increase In Legalized Pot Smoking States!

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46 thoughts on “Accidents Increase In Legalized Pot Smoking States!”

  1. umajunkcollector says:

    there's all kinds of nutso drivers out there

  2. John LaMorges says:

    Go Gett'em Gabe!…Your 100% right on the target!!

  3. Randy Libby says:

    Gabe in today's world, how can we trust any studies or claims with any of these agencies. They claim Russia interfering in election, but no evidence. These Insurance companies go by a credit rating as well. Now here I am 53 paying a high premium becouse I never borrowed money therefore my credit sucks becouse I didn't live above my means, and pay them to say nice things about me. Why should my credit rating have anything to do with my perfect driving record of 35 years. It shouldn't but it does. So any studies that are performed by these Extortion criminals I refuse to listen too…

  4. job3831 says:

    The ability to think clearly is the most valuable thing a person can possess. Why self impose what is the equivalent of mental retardation?

  5. Joshua Gihorski says:

    Would you rather us give our money to murdering drug cartels?

  6. Steven Morris says:

    Tunnel vision and crap response time.

  7. rootofissue check says:

    loool drunk people caused more fatal crashes than other toxic and even medical materials combined, check the statistics before you start hinting at weed being an issue. look at countries with legalised weed, the Netherlands for example their crime rate is almost non existence. it help with stress and you defiantly need one. if you think weed should be illegal then you definitely would think drinking should be illegal too

  8. CAJUN Jamis says:

    Gab, what about Tiger Woods?   DUI    Medications ???

  9. ricfly52 says:

    Doh, like any sane person didn't see that coming.

  10. kevin mccarthy says:

    I quit pot after I flattened a street sign. Haven't touched it for like 8 years. I was mortified, people have no business driving high.

  11. Jack J says:

    Yep. Thanks, Gabor.

  12. Gorgeous 1 says:

    EVEN one drink can put you under the influence and subject to arrest   When I go out and my Bride wants me to drive, although I enjoy ONE Sting Tao Chinese Beer with my meal, one Beer achieves Relaxation and Socialization with my Bride and the food counter acts the influence of the one Beer.   Eating can Fatigue you a bit, so… what it gets down is a Balancing Act.   The question to you… are you Fair and Balanced?    It would be INSANE to think you are Fair and Balanced…. another form of Political Correctness.   The LOVE of Money is the Ultimate Intoxication.    Just look at Jeff Bezo's Rise in Wealth…. it becomes a Passion to Dominate.   I just hope Amazon doesn't eat up all the Jobs.   Wonder if Jeff partakes in the Dreaded Cannabis.    I don't know if you were Young enough to remember this landmark movie;;;;

  13. Old Timer says:

    So what it all amounts up to is everyone will be paying much higher auto insurance premiums because of the worthless pot heads having the accidents & being the worthless state by state legislators passing such laws to allow pot smoking… it's evident that the ones who pass the laws to allow smoking pot are evidentally smoking the crap as well…. pot smokers should do what is right putting a bullet in their brain & ending their lives would be best for America…..

  14. GrandArcaneWizard says:

    You can only get so high with weed, there is a limitation unlike alcohol where you can drink yourself to death. The medical benefits of the nature weed have been documented. You can smoke a pound of the shit and still drive fine, and many already have for years and years.

  15. blite13 says:

    "absolutely insane"…….yes, this guy is…..he uses this issue for VIEWS……FOR VIEWS…he loves 'pot' because it keeps his channel alive…..what a hypocrite.

  16. Gary Ever a cadaver says:

    Right or wrong You are out of fucking control, you need to take a holiday

  17. Abe Lincoln says:

    Gabe, I also see another angle to this. By getting a medical marijuana licence, would this disqualify those individuals from getting licences to exercise their 2nd amendment? I know the truth about the nullification of the Constitution and rights but I'm just speaking in terms of the system. It would seem plausible that gun control advocates could steal many people's PRIVILEGES by playing upon the stupidity of those individuals to get that license which would remove their legal right to purchase and bare arms. Just a thought on a whim. What do you think?

  18. Donald Allaway says:

    Cant go with you on this one Gabor. I see it as a loss of freedom for the citizens who would use it as responsible adults, just like any other mood enhancement substance. Maybe you need to smoke a bowl to calm down and focus on what you normally do.

  19. pug lady says:

    right on!!!

  20. Arnold Cranium says:

    Damn pot smokin bums useless.

  21. matt bodini says:

    Problem is' with modern day pot smokers (not all) But' a'lot of them act like illegal aliens, or like a wolf pack of Tweeker's ,Maybe it's the rap music thing 'i don't know? Start acting like a white guy and get busy with some power tools or a project 'Too many pot smoking candy ass's who don't know how to mow a lawn, or fix their car 'Or too afraid to get their hands dirty' Don't be a dumb'ass dreamer 'who thinks they are going to be a Rock Star on that shit, or make pot smoking into a religion' Or thinking your saving cancer babies and such 'or thinking your clicking and clacking in some Gay Mafia etc: 'Each generation acts like they re-invented that shit =what a joke '' don't let your Mommy mow the lawn 'Get off your dead ass, and get busy and help your Mom or Grandma out 'Instead of driving everywhere' like a addictive habitual driver' with that stupid ass boom box' Acting like your Scar Face behind the wheel 'Driving some Japanese plastic piece of shit'' looking like a total cry baby self righteous road rage Pendejo 'Smoking pot is like smoking cigarettes, Nothing to be proud of =Only the cool guy's get a free pass on that shit

  22. texasted73 says:

    Gabe I think you should smoke a joint and relax

  23. brian jones says:

    The REAL problem is alcohol is legal, and most accidents involve alcohol impaired drivers. Here are the facts for 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.
    Fatal crashes involving drivers who recently used marijuana more than doubled in 2014. Pot was involved in 17% of fatal crashes in Washington in 2014, up from 8% in 2013 — the year before recreational marijuana was allowed there. Alcohol needs to be banned again just like it used to be.

  24. Nunya Bidness says:

    I bet the fast food orders are wrong more often too. 🙂 One of the problems is ppl think pot's harmless, but I've driven while high before and I could see why one could have more accidents. More ppl in CO probably smoke pot than drink now.

  25. Greg Westerman says:

    New York Times —fake news if i ever saw fake news Commando Raids on ISIS Yield Vital Data in Shadowy War

  26. Mike Kendzie says:

    Gabe seems to be in need of a bong hit today huh?

  27. Frank Rook says:

    Gabe, don't forget birth-defects. These states haven't even turned over their medical records on what this stuff does to any child conceived while on it? Anything that can kill sperm or lower testosterone, can't be much better in utero than having cocaine or heroin in ones system at time of conception. Air, food, and water, sobriety's the best.

  28. Carl Deshazer says:

    Hello Gabe, I don't expect Jeff Sessions to do anything good for our country, the guy has turned into a silent Slug!

  29. Lilian Kuhn says:

    Thank you for making this video! This was my fear. High people can't drive for fucking shit! They believe they can because they're stoned! I taught my kids to stay away from drugs & now these assholes are screwing everyone over.

  30. Pat Denney says:

    and the drug companies are pouring billions in fighting marijuana and you believe fake news

  31. Pat Denney says:

    I don't smoke pot the drug companies are worse than our politicians now the wacked-out ones they're all part of it get a clue things like prilosec in Oprah's all you can buy over the counter how much damage does that do to you that's just the tip of the iceberg Oh They'll have it down pretty soon so they can duplicate it they that's one thing they haven't been able to duplicate but they will and it'll be like that synthetic heroin that's killing everybody they don't want to cure you they just want to treat the symptom that way they can keep on making money

  32. Pat Denney says:

    the reason why they don't use natural cures because you can't patent them and you can't make any money so they copy the natural cure with chemicals and you think that's good why do you think the a lot it in the first place because of DuPont Harry Andover cannabis has over 10 times more healing power than any other herb it was in 60 to 70% of the medicines when they outlawed it and in the most of the medicines that's the only thing that was doing any good do some research yeah I agree alcoholics are pieces of s*** so are people that smoke cigarettes right how many people did cigarettes kill and they're still legal come on how many how many are they killing today and you're worried about a couple fake fender benders the natural cure is the wave of the future we're just now starting to learn this we put chemicals on our fields we kill the microorganisms the ones that are supposed to take care of us and so if anything happens we get poisoned animal goes take scrap because the soil is anaerobic in healthy soil there's approximately 15 billion living organisms in one ounce of soil that is unless you poison it with chemicals and those are organisms are meant to take care of us I'll stop

  33. Diana N Alaska says:

    Pot has been legal to use in Alaska since before I moved here in the mid-90's. A person, even back then, could have it for personal use and own up to 5 plants to supply themselves legally. Recently it became legal to buy it in stores. I myself do not indulge but it would be interesting to see if this study holds up in our state. I do not recall any talk or news reports that I know of here in this state that 'accidents'' increased or even were caused because of pot . Alcohol and hard drug abuse, yes, lots of problems around that. Sounds suspicious to me. Who funded these studies, what are their politics?

  34. John Hasse says:

    It is a complex problem, and we need to look at the total results. (The seen, and the unseen.) Book the people for driving while impaired. However, how about the deaths for opium overdose???? Are they up or down? And about a thousand other results.

  35. Rabbit says:

    @gabor that's not how you hit the blunt!!!

  36. Rabbit says:

    mothafucking gabor, so you stand for laws that in the first place became passed thru racism to target black and colored individuals?!?!?!? You fucking racist Uncle tom. Legalised marijuana helps people with disabilities and many your things so don't talk bad…chill old man.

  37. White Man From Town says:

    Great video Gabe! I couldn't agree more. Pot smokers are genetically inferior.

  38. Doxxy Lover says:

    I have tried pot, due to cancer. I don't care what anyone says, you can't smoke and function properly in a car. Most people can't walk, let alone drive.
    I agree with you Gabe, 100%.

  39. S. Benee says:

    Remember "States Rights" is superior to federal law !!!

  40. S. Benee says:

    Oh, and to let you that the insurance industry and pharma don't want it legalized so they make it up. Just to set you on the real road a medical study was just completed indicating no increase is wrecks from marijuana states. Cool your heals. Quit believing everything you read/hear put out by vested interests. Ever hear of that insurance legislation creating the Guest Statute. That's one that should fire you up. It's gone now but so many people got screwed good on that one for many decades. Med. study by Bell Seaton. A university study.

  41. sunfishdana says:

    I was in tears laughing. You are hysterical. So now we need laws against driving while high.
    DWH. It NEVER should have been legalized. Yet my husband says it absolutely should be legalized bc the govt should have ZERO say so in what citizens do in the privacy of their homes. It is the only point we disagree on.

  42. Jenny N says:

    Should we ban alcohol then to get all the drunks off the road?

  43. Jenny N says:

    Didn't you say say you smoked a little weed at one time? You're not going to be popular with this one.

  44. Jenny N says:

    This is wear the government is scared and You Tube needs to monitor very closely when you go off on a rage like this.

  45. TRS80relic says:

    I think , back in the civil war times, the cotton industry lobbied the gvmt. to make hemp illegal. it is so easy to harvest and to blend with other materials to create hundreds of necessary things from clothes to buildings. ( I could send you a list ) The medicinal benefits are amazing too. And I just read something about these stats… "no one" ever wrecked a vehicle causing injury, much less killed anyone or OD'd while under the influence of marijuana. I do see the decline in mental clarity and memory in those we call "potheads" but if pot didn't get them something would have. Personally, I've occasionally enjoyed the high over the past 40 years or so and have no problem with it. It starts and ends with seed hence being part of the "everything" God gave to us to use (in moderation). It is definitely a hell of a lot better than drugs or alcohol. But to each their own. I will say though… I saw one of your other videos and said you're sexy. I still think so but please stay calm. don't be yelling like that again. It really made me cringe. I like you. I want to continue in my admiration of you. we think alike. I really do think you could be an intelligent persuader if you remain open minded and at least try one joint for yourself. I swear you'll never get mad like that again. I'm afraid for you. your heart could go.
    so, hope you get time to read this. blessings to you,

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