Alex Collins Arrest Video Shows NFL RB Had Jug Of Weed & Gun In Crashed Corvette | TMZ Sports

Alex Collins had a massive jug of weed and a gun on the floorboards of his crashed Corvette … and police video obtained by TMZ Sports shows cops making the shocking find and arresting the NFL RB for it.


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35 thoughts on “Alex Collins Arrest Video Shows NFL RB Had Jug Of Weed & Gun In Crashed Corvette | TMZ Sports”

  1. liltremble623 says:

    He snitching too… && he didn’t hide the weed

  2. John Redd says:

    They both snitched on each other

  3. Jimmy Conway says:

    Bruh dude was suppose to hide the gun off the rip. Fuck the weed. Gun would have been stashed soon as I lost control my mind going.

  4. Darael Bloodreign says:

    Cop didnt check to see if the gun was loaded or make sure it was unloaded? No evidence bags nothing

  5. Dee Bro says:

    Hate when rich people dont legally obtain gun licenses smh do time for nothing lil Wayne plaxico burress

  6. K H says:

    bye bye career. he will be in and out jail for years. but its the white mans fault that he has a gun and jug of weed. just bring a blunt and have a legal gun or not one at all dumbass

  7. Keith Riter says:

    One of the good cops

  8. Godd Speed says:

    TJ a Snitch………. smh

  9. ABN says:

    Damn Snitched and still held onto the weed. They would of brought the dogs

  10. elemenohpeespngr4205 Cortese says:

    Second im done crashing im stashing all that shit in the woods. Snowing and shit they'd never find it. What a dummy.

  11. Hustle Game22 says:

    Who drives a vette in that weather?

  12. Hustle Game22 says:

    Cop put that weed in the trunk for later use. lol.

  13. Jay Squidicc says:

    5:12 The cop be thinking " sheeeet I finna get lit later"

  14. Tetsu. A says:

    Irish dancing out of the NFL

  15. Matthew Francis says:

    This is mad old

  16. Marquise Busby says:

    Idiots could have put that shit In the snow just stupid

  17. The Big Man says:

    This just shows you even though you in the nfl black ppl cant stay away from drugs

  18. Epicsburg says:

    Police car trunks got good ass loot.

  19. Miguel Marquina says:

    man they always say that "it's not mine" and no I'm not racist, they meaning people that get busted don't get it twisted

  20. Ramon Casillas says:

    Bunch of snitching lol

  21. Dirty Laundry Media says:

    A good lawyer will get this case tossed.

  22. My Name Is David Hogg & I Approve This Message says:

    Why do cops even bother taking cash? They should leave cash exactly where it was just like they would with trash or other items in your car.

    If you think about it, there is NO reason cops would be collecting all the cash they find in addition to all the drugs guns etc. Just straight fucked..I know they say they give it back to you later which they USUALLY do but why even take it in the first place? lol

  23. Thomas Brazzile says:

    Dam he snitched on his boy I would had took the case. At least he would had a rich nfl friend for life I would had took the charge

  24. Nelson Medina says:

    You have so much money and you're driving around in a Corvette in the winter. Doesn't make sense

  25. Nelson Medina says:

    Cop says I'll smoke that later


    Alex was stupid.smh..

  27. Brother Wolf says:

    These guys are not Smartest people.

  28. flash12 oo7 says:

    Well, I can tell he's not a street dude, because he would have gotten rid of that evidence a whole hr ago! Smh

  29. KingEpic Gaming says:

    They both snitch9

  30. Cory Johnson says:

    U there for a hour and get caught with weed and a gun….he dumb asf….yo homeboy stay up the road….why u ain't just tell him to take it… dumbass should go to jail. That was a misdemeanor weed possession. All u have to do is be honest.

  31. Barrington Morris says:

    Buddah… I played against him in hs.

  32. Olórin says:

    These guys forgot they were black? Dont know how else to explain these knuckleheads sitting their for a hour with gun and a QP , waiting on AAA.

  33. lil Wopo412 says:

    It is what it is

  34. Stone Harper says:

    You had an hour and a half to hide that weed and gun, come on brother!

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