American Justice Full Episodes Marijuana's Murder

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36 thoughts on “American Justice Full Episodes Marijuana's Murder”

  1. Cosimo Kramarawicz says:

    Charlie toothless, bald and plug ass dumb.

  2. Cosimo Kramarawicz says:

    Chandler even looks like a snake.

  3. Cosimo Kramarawicz says:

    The hillbilly Godfather !

  4. Cosimo Kramarawicz says:

    The narrator just described Trump.

  5. Cosimo Kramarawicz says:

    Doesn't anyone shave or bath in the Bible belt?

  6. Cosimo Kramarawicz says:

    Was that guy Charles Ray "Goober " from Mayberry ?

  7. Cosimo Kramarawicz says:

    His stupidity alone was a crime.

  8. Cosimo Kramarawicz says:

    The gang that couldn't shoot straight.

  9. Cosimo Kramarawicz says:

    Soooo, just as I thought a yahoo bunch of bible thumping lying church folk , a drinking and shooting fish in a barrel.

  10. Cosimo Kramarawicz says:

    Oh Lordy a Billy Joe too. You couldn't write a comedy like this.

  11. Danny Yarbrough says:

    Saying a Kingpin of marijuana is like saying a Kingpin of wheat.

  12. Robert Walker says:

    Billy wanted chandler to work for his organization?

  13. Clifford Driver says:

    Bill Clinton, not only inhaled, he more than likely way running cocaine, and cannabis out of that airport, outside of Little Rock, AR.

  14. Clifford Driver says:

    Same thing you sissies did with cotton, that ain't even a drug!

  15. Johnny Morrison says:

    This is BULLSHIT!! They sure wanted to get rid of him fast!! Not even on death row for 3 years? And you have criminals that been on death row for 20


    Why so many thumbs down or have I not watched too deep into this?

  17. WAYNE O says:


  18. Peter Venetdec122970 says:

    Love when these pot idiots say pot is not a drug . Denial

  19. miles pitts says:

    were the two missing pliots ever found??

  20. fred flintstone says:

    I can't bare to watch this

  21. John Ehmer says:

    President Bill Clinton commuted his death sentence to life in prison without parole.

  22. SUNMAYDEN518 says:

    it is not illegal anymore, eventually will be legal everywhere

  23. Tom Ibach says:

    ridiculous….a fucking plant…finally getting smart and legalizing and taxing it

  24. Tom Ibach says:


    Dec. 3, 1999

    A member of this court in active service having requested a poll on the suggestion of rehearing en banc and a majority of the judges in this court in active service having voted in favor of granting a rehearing en banc,

    IT IS ORDERED that the above cause shall be reheard by this court en banc.   The previous panel's opinion is hereby VACATED.

  25. Juanita Diemer says:


  26. Eric Murphy says:

    Aint nobody offer 500 dollars to kill someone thats a crok 500 dollars my. .ss. you mean to tell me a king pin this mack daddy drug lord a guy that usr to buy groceries for those who were hungry that all can muster up to remove this so called thorn in his side is 500 dollars. 5 weeks to prepare his defense. See this is what happens when you run some illegal organization and dont pay your extortion tax to the crooks running the town you get framed up real nice in a pretty little picture frame like this. Poor ole Ronnie lost his family and life over some he said she said bull crap. Now if you want to arrest him for growing pot do so arrest him for selling it do so they prooved he done that. But all that other is fabricated they find some guy like this and he said oh yeah ronnie did this ronnie did that and never one time showed how or what where he did any of those things. Im pretty sure regan never intended theese crook cods i mean cops to frame someone with it.

  27. Eric Murphy says:

    Good ole Joe what you getting so mad for crook

  28. john vasquez says:

    Weed in for dopes

  29. 24HERBS TV says:

    Smoking weed watching this now

  30. Rachel Simson says:

    cannabis is a gateway drug. The ''slippery slope'' is a precarious place and only mugs and criminals choose

  31. Nick Citino says:

    They waste all this money and manpower investigating a big bad marijuana grower while another local, Jimmy Ray Steed is on a killing spree. Where do they get these rocket scientist ?

  32. MultiBrando88 says:

    Ha anyone notice this was posted on 4/20?

  33. Tzvi Krasner says:

    Marijuana is illegal for the same reason there's never any legitimate funding for alternative energy. The conservatives' backers can't create a monopoly on something that can be grown anywhere.

  34. Christal Clear says:

    While I don't think addiction should be called a disease, suffering addicts have little control over drug and alcohol use. I think addiction to drug and alcohol food and gambling etc. should have its own category. Just sayin'

  35. James anonymous says:

    can you believe these people ?????? southern white trash,,,,,for shure !

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