American metal band Arboroth getting down on some Weed and Whiskey

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8 thoughts on “ARBOROTH – Weed & Whiskey (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)”

  1. plague1313 says:

    METAL AS FUCK!!!!!!

  2. Hollow Terra says:

    Hell yeah guys!!! This is sick!

  3. DukeLebo says:

    Discovered this band one or two months ago. Love what you're doing dudes! Belgium needs you. 😉

  4. Torin Vaughn says:

    Walls, we're going to tear down and wrap around the mouth, the air's constricting. We come stumbling down. We drink the blood of the crown, my vision's hazy. Make my way through the crowd. All I hear is "three", the world is spinning and I can't seem to find my keys. I want to do it again. I want to do it again. Weed and Whiskey. Walls, we're going to tear down and let the roaches in. There's no escaping, them Texan boys in the crowd. We share the blood of the proud, there's no complaining. Who's stumbling now? All I hear is "three", the world is spinning and I can't seem to find my keys. I want to do it again. I want to do it again. Weed and Whiskey. No use in hiding, his blacktooth is smiling again. The terpine is burning, the blind man can see what's ahead. No use in hiding, his blacktooth is smiling again and again. Guide the hand of the burden beholden to you. Pull the pin and ignite the golden throne. Burn. Burn. It's smiling again. Again and again. It's smiling again. Weed and Whiskey.

  5. mrsigns100 says:

    Shredding vocals, sweet grooves, very talented dudes!

  6. Michael Cannon says:

    I saw them at Diamond Jim's in Arlungton Tx on March 29th. I have no idea why but they were the opening act. They should have been the headlining act. These guys were fucking awesome.

  7. Sherry Tice says:

    Hung out with the bass player and got my Arboroth t-shirt signed by everyone in the band. Very very cool guys and appreciate their fans!

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