Cannabis bill passes Virginia House

The bill would legalize medical cannabis oil.

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10 thoughts on “Cannabis bill passes Virginia House”

  1. Gregory Watts says:

    Awesome! Thanks for posting

  2. Beast P says:


  3. TheBald1 says:

    Now let's make it all legal…

  4. Lakisha mayberry-perkins says:

    im visiting tha city..

  5. Realganja dispensary says:

    That had been the best news ever for us cause Our reputation speaks for itself. With over 20 different awards won in this industry from High Times Cannabis Cups to Secret Cups, we know quality cannabis. This is not just a business to us. It’s a passion. We truly believe in the incredible properties of the marijuana plant. you can visit us through our website. or call or text./716 562-8309

  6. Sandy Beebe says:

    legalize the whole plant and get it over with . Stop with the paranoia stop with the out right on going put offs and hesitation …too many people dieing of cancer ..they need a free safe non toxic resource to treat this killer disease .It is time to grow up …I can not believe this state has legal alcohol every where and it ruins lives causes accidents kills people and so does chemical pharma both by the thousands every year ..Yet you refuse to legalize out right a non toxic herb that cures fatal diseases ????Start making sense ! The gig is up and the truth is out and it is past time to legalize this non toxic herb .just do it! stop with the excuses and the baby steps . every time you refuse to legalize this little non toxic herb you are causing more deaths ..sleep on that reality.

  7. Jasidri Lee says:

    CBD or Cannabidiol is an upcoming medical sensation that has been hidden in the shadows of the perceived notions of marijuanas use. It can be recreational but CBD is something that can help treat diseases, anxiety, pain and many more things to come. If you sign up on this website you buy CBD oils and creams for a better and easier life.
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  8. penelope 2232 says:

    Legalize VA!

  9. Bee Foltz says:

    As a Virginian and an ex heroin addict, my heart says heavy thinking I can go to the store and buy alcohol but cannabis is illegal. It’s time to end this guys.. it’s ridiculous it’s illegal and alcohol isn’t..I think once it’s more readily available.. we’ll see opioid deaths go down.

  10. Sarah Jane says:

    GO MOM!!

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