CONAN Monologue 06/06/17 – CONAN on TBS

Conan jokes about Star Wars memorabilia, medical marijuana, and Karen Pence’s bees.

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37 thoughts on “CONAN Monologue 06/06/17 – CONAN on TBS”

  1. Geryboy666 says:

    trump's a bully and has the vocabulary of a 11 year old.

    conan's show is for free and you shouldn't expect much.

    everybody who collects scifi items is a virgin.

    yep sounds fair, ok just another day trying hard to keep the left popular.

  2. The Bulioner says:

    Invite Joanna the champion Jedrzejczyk

  3. Neon K says:

    The level a propaganda in this country is alarming.

  4. Christian Garcia says:

    the conan audience has a really weird way of laughing if all there is is clapping

  5. plop teamone says:

    I'm getting sick of all these trump jokes.. I mean yeah we get it trump i an idiot..

  6. SirApathetic says:

    Kids are bullying with Donald Trump's words? They're bullying and mocking each other with ANYTHING that's trending. Especially memes.

  7. lmt says:

    conancum $14.94

  8. IA1 says:

    please don't apologize for making a joke

  9. JoJi raammmaafina fa ching lan weeb weeb says:

    Filthy Whores need to burn.

  10. JoJi raammmaafina fa ching lan weeb weeb says:

    They always pretend they care but then their true nature is revealed.

  11. JoJi raammmaafina fa ching lan weeb weeb says:


  12. JoJi raammmaafina fa ching lan weeb weeb says:

    There's nothing worse than a filthy Muslim.

  13. Im Just Here says:

    Wtf this went from 1 view to 3.1 k view in seconds

  14. Meysa James says:

    What the hell does that Andy have to offer to the show? He's not funny, he's not talented, he rarely says anything and when he does he just rides of the coattails of Conan. I don't think I'm alone saying this: Andy is a buzzkill and bad vibes.

  15. Majdermind says:

    Here comes the "They should give titles to these monologues"… comments.

  16. Deeson Jame says:

    Not free. Takes up bandwidth.

  17. El Inextricable says:

    I love Conan <3 🙂 :3

    (no homo)

  18. Jack Kenway says:

    Yeah, try to explain that to his supporters… they'll say he has nothing to do with it, that it was a separate incident, that he doesn't inspire hate and racism. "Blind people are not the ones who can't see."

  19. tallaussiebloke says:

    C'mon Conan, it's 2017, the age of the nerds.
    Quit it with the Virginity jokes.

  20. Cape SIX says:

    "your hands are small"

  21. sdq sdq says:

    ermm where conan beard ?

  22. Aaron Moses says:

    Please, more political jokes!!! Please mention Trump in every video, I can't get enough!!! Just kidding.

  23. Dameem Darwan says:

    4:45 – Sonofa….. He almost did it.

  24. Karvin Sunny Li says:

    the title should be called " Crazy Trump roasting session gone sexual "

  25. Timothy M.A. says:

    dont be a colbert, conan

  26. Bmoney42 says:

    Conan was funny before he started making constant jokes about Trump in his monologue

  27. Eric says:

    this was a really weird monologue

  28. Jeremy Stiava says:

    Conan's monolouges would be funny to me if he would stop clapping his hands together before every punchline.

  29. natasha gupta says:

    It's like they Want this channel to die. PROMOTE YOUR CONTENT, YOU ANCIENT DINOSAURS.

  30. Bran Newman says:

    Lmao I was in the audience and I had a sign but Conan and Andy couldn't read it I think and gave me just the most confusing look I've ever seen

  31. shorea27 says:

    Star wars joke reminded me of Jordan. Haven't seen him in a while.

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