Does Smoking Weed Help You Skate Better?

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This video is my experience and opinion on smoking weed and skateboarding based on 8 years of chronic use and 13 years of abstinence.

Youtube Channel

29 thoughts on “Does Smoking Weed Help You Skate Better?”

  1. Legal Man says:

    In deed Ben every human being
    reacts different to THC (pot).
    Some guys just couldn't skate or put attention in the classroom.
    Others ones having bad trips.
    Others like me we were on the top of the classroom and also able to do sports With extremely demand of hand and eye coordination like Kung Fu, Skateboarding, mountain biking and racing super bikes at speeds over 300km at the age Of 16, my life wouldn't be the same with out pot
    for me was not and escapee
    was more like shooting down
    my hyperactivity that put me on some many problems since the age of 6
    thats way I start smoking pot at 13.
    Any ways every teenager need a father or a brother or sister like you !
    A person that gives the time and
    Honesty wile talking to teenagers 🙂
    Cheers Ben and subs!

  2. Joseph Lozano says:

    I'm 20, a sophomore in college and didn't start smoking until I was 18. I live with my grandparents who smoked weed all the time, so it didn't seem like "the cool rebellious thing". I get what you're saying about numbing out and not caring. I can't feel empathy for other people and I don't know if it's because of the weed or something underlying, but when I abuse drugs and alcohol of any sort it's to skip the day. No enjoyment other than passing out and waking up knowing that there's another day I can cross off the calendar. I'm not doing as well as I'd like with both school and skateboarding, so something needs to change. Thanks for the video. Much love from Texas.

  3. TheQsanity says:

    How did you come into your skin using alcohol? video?

  4. ColdlFusion says:

    Please make a video on your story with alcohol, am very interested to see what you have to say! (New sub!)

  5. L Dot says:

    I know this is an old video but it’s pretty cool how ur so honest and chill. I feel like u treated this video as if your children may someday stumble upon it which isn’t a negative it was just a really good way of explaining the pros and cons of smoking.

  6. hobbit lad yo says:

    i wasted to many years doing drugs and drinking when should have beem skating and other good stuff. so now im a dad i aint got
    time for silly stuff like that. now it skating any chance i get

  7. Juanpablo cientodos says:

    weed is the light

  8. sad hvacman says:

    Weed affects people differently. Being a musician, or at least I was before I became a Dad, I’ve seen guys that were monster players while stoned. Not me. I am totally unable to focus and compartmentalize after smoking. Forget chords, progressions, changes, lyrics, in the middle of songs I’ve played for years and in the middle of shows. Weed completely changed my personality. I went from being a loud class clown type to a totally introverted, paranoid, antisocial. Even years after quitting, I am still introverted. There is no advantage from being a stoner. It’s better than being a drunk though. By far. While skating… out of the question.

  9. Rob Thorn says:

    Like you I started smoking around 14, one by one my group of skate friends started smoking and I thought why not try it, 17 years later I still enjoy smoking but I found day-time smoking to be really demotivating. My friend and I still joke that when it comes to getting high before a skate it just puts the ‘fear’ in you, 4 sets look like epic drops lol I also find it throws my centre of balance completely off leading to more bails leading to more ‘fear’

    Now in my 30’s I enjoy a smoke before bed time and maybe through the day on a weekend if we’re just hanging out, I imagine that will be drastically reduced when/if my wife and I have a kid.

    As Ben said in the video, smoking weed effects people differently, I know guys that absolutely skate better stoned, but for me it’s off putting, I skate harder when I’m not under the influence and I learned to enjoy skating and smoking separately.

  10. majestic UNcasual says:

    One of the most important skate-related youtube videos

  11. Brandon Meade says:

    i love ur videos

  12. Aid-BO says:

    woah dude.

  13. The EquAsian says:

    This is kinda irrelevant but for some reason I skate better when I’m buzzed from drinking. Not drunk but a little tipsy. Each time I smoke I barely want to cruise.

  14. East Midz Grime Media says:

    I started at the same age, I'm now 16 and smoke it every single day and have since I started, however if there's any reason I can't I can go without it with no withdrawal, I can skate with it and without it so I guess I'm one of the few lucky ones

  15. Fuller Kwl says:

    Good video

  16. worminator15 says:

    kids still call it pot 😀
    other than that: very good, interesting video, that gave me a good insight in the experiences from another person!

  17. F D says:

    I can tell you from experience smoking weed and cigarettes affects your lungs. Any sort of exercise, including skating, becomes more difficult. People feel they need to smoke weed to skate the same way they feel they need to smoke to listen to music, or play video games or what ever. It's a mental dependency and a vice

  18. Justin says:

    Jamie Thomas put skating first!

  19. ashley michalec says:

    Hilarious video. I did smoke a lot. Still do some. But skating hi or buzzed at all is not good for your skating or anything. Smoke and drink when you’re not skating when you’re relaxing after skating. I used to smoke and skate. I used to be baked and buzzed at work too. Reconsider just doing these things when you can enjoy the relaxation. Smoking at work also just makes your day kick on sooooo long. Just save certain things for certain times. Things like this become habits that can consume what you really enjoy doing. When you do a task be focused and enjoy it as it is. Skating needs focus intent and the thrill itself. Nothing can supplement or make it better other than being better. At least personally.

  20. Marc Bascougnano says:

    One of your best vids and topic.

  21. Healer Skate says:

    Can’t believe I missed this one. Such a great message. Skateboarding is so much fun just the way it is!

  22. hahahaha says:

    Nah, used to get high on weed in my teens but to skate and use it NOPE! The purpose of skateboarding is to be superconscious whilst in the air at a fraction of a second and to know exactly what happened wrong that made you didn't land that trick or to totally know what you did right that time you landed the trick so that you can work towards on "locking" it in. And not to be landing tricks when you high and when you didn't have a blunt, you were slipping and eating shit everywhere. What's the point in that, I really have no idea…. Maybe to have a joint after a sess or you ate shit so hard that it hurts and a smoke helps relieve it, yeah sure… same with alcohol but only worse cos it'll turn your guts out for many many hours and the next day it'll affect your energy levels to go for another skate sess. A mug or 2 after a sess sure but more than that, no thanks. At 42 gotta keep myself healthy to function properly the next day and still make the time to skate so I prefer to stay off these stuff. I wonder does Rodney Mullen smoke? Cos he definitely looks stoked and high but if he doesn't I'm not surprised cos he get it just by skating itself so I want to do just that.

  23. Dan Knaggs says:

    Thought I'd write a little something on this video. I guess I'll start by saying that I am 15 years old and my passions are skateboarding and learning about drugs and to me, cannabis is by far the most interesting. I feel as if people love weed so much that they forget that it can have a bad impact on people's lives and can definitely be an actual addition to some people. Don't get me wrong, I love weed and if I could chose one drug to be legal, it would definitely be cannabis. I've tried weed a few times and i went through a little phase where i smoked it often. I liked it but I don't think I'll really get into it until I'm older because I don't have the money for it right now haha. I've gotta say though for me weed helped open my mind and I am happy that I tried it. Just my thoughts as a kid who likes learning about drugs 🙂

  24. Harry Tuttle says:

    Well said.

  25. nuzzeh says:

    didnt know Ben Degros was a gangster

  26. Larry Lamovsky says:

    I think it really depends on how much you smoke. after a year or two I was able to smoke and skate, but I'm sure when I was roasted I didn't skate as well as when I didn't smoke or smoked very little. now that I'm older and rarely smoke there's no chance I could do it…which sounds funny, me ten years ago would have called BS lol. to each their own

  27. Larry Lamovsky says:

    I'd also like to say be careful to the youngins out there. nothing wrong with a little bit of herb now and then, coming from someone who VERY rarely smokes after being a stoner for around ten years. However I took it a bit too far, got strung out on something else and lost everything… including my abilities on a skateboard. take it from someone who learned the hard way, you will hate yourself losing nearly ten years of tricks over sometime that already robbed you of all your shit and your relationship with the person you were going to marry. and congrats Ben, skating feels like it did in the beginning once negative distractions are gone. again I'm not preaching against smoking,but it can be done responsibly…and it's better that way

  28. luca francis says:

    I occasionally smoke and have done a few times while skating. It makes me feel less nervous while committing to new tricks but i do admit that my coordination sometimes goes a little off. But i am in no way dependent on it and never will be but i can see how it wouldn't make you a better skater if your constantly under the influence while skating

  29. Jason Longo says:

    Tbh I find skating so ridiculously psychological that it's not surprise. I feel like I skate better depending on what clothes I wear or what hat I wear. No doubt if you're so used to be stoned whilst skating you will feel like you need to

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