Dr. Oz defends medical marijuana on Fox News

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34 thoughts on “Dr. Oz defends medical marijuana on Fox News”

  1. Atomic Gumbo Surprise says:

    He's not called Steve Douchebag for nothing.

  2. saigonbond says:

    Douchey's pussy just sucked up the thong he's wearing

  3. Tomahawk2387 says:

    The day Dr Oz gained a new stoner fan.

  4. Brady Jasper says:

    Dr. Ounce

  5. Dan Pratsch says:

    The FEDERAL government says Cannabis is a threat to society. We know the truth. It's the exact opposite. It's a gateway to an open mind. So does the government actually care about us? No. They're not out to help us.

  6. Finley says:

    I've smoaked my 3th marihoohaa today, can't believe I let myself overdose on it 5 times. I am ashamed.

  7. ManexCorp says:

    0:50 FUCK ya Oz! School those close minded twits. If you can't see it, you clearly have no experience to derive perspective from. Get outside your box and talk to struggling people and you'll see it.

  8. RomeroFanboy says:


  9. Bennett Brauer says:

    Marijuana is STILL listed as a schedule 1 drug, while Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and Fentanyl, (and many others) are listed as Schedule II drugs. So the federal government considers weed to be more harmful than coke. Seriously.

  10. tikab says:

    marijuana is awesome and natural (and legal recreationally in my state – wa). so glad dr oz got to speak up for it.

  11. Jill Freedman says:

    Henry Anslinger, head of the DEA who made marijuana a Schedule 1 drug in 1937 said, it must always be Schedule 1 because it makes the colored man think he is equal to the white man. There is your scientific proof. Which explains the infuriating stupidity of banning it and forbidding scientific research in this backward country.

  12. Blu Musix says:

    Thanks for telling the truth Dr. Oz…they did not want to hear you say that, but the truth is the truth, something the right is not familiar with!

  13. David Fullam says:

    You are mainstream media you stupid bitch!

  14. Si high says:

    I like how they fucked up the date an oz corrected him too.

  15. Rob Hughes says:

    Omg! Cut the feed! He’s gone off script! He’s unhinged!
    Sir we can’t cut the feed. He’s live in studio.
    Omg! Omg! Quick! Go to commercial! Now god damnit!

  16. Adam Rodriguez says:

    fox news' big pharma sponsors must be angry right now

  17. Will C says:

    It's amazing how little they know. We've been screaming this for years.

  18. MistakenMystery says:

    Kratom and cannabis is all a heroin addict needs to get off that shit

  19. Dylan Schofield says:

    when I become stoned/high I like to go out into nature. If I'm smoking on low quality like mid I'll be walking and exploring nature. now if its high quality like kush I'll be setting up a type of camp so I can truly enjoy my Utopia High. Just be extremely wise when your inhaling that type of atmosphere. Don't be a fool with a drool(stupid stoned). I choose to use that type of rhythm in life. I don't have to use marijuana for exploring nature I can be sober too. Plus I like to be a light weight being a heavy weight is extremely expensive. It's just a silly law really.

  20. James Joseph says:

    Lmao they hated that!

  21. Str8Tr4sh says:

    I now love Dr Oz. That was a pimp move he pulled getting that out there before they could cut him off for break.

  22. Mr. Serr says:

    This bimbo wanted Dr Oz to answer a stupid question about mainstream media causing stress on people because they report "negative"(what Donald says) on Donald Trump. And he gave it to them by saying "55 percent of woman are feeling it(stress levels)" and to top it off with a cherry, he finishes it off with, Weed is the cure to end the opioid epidemic. Nice. Good job Dr Oz.

  23. Jerry BISBO says:

    Was waiting for the dude to say "what's to keep em from getting all potted up and getting behind the wheel".

  24. Tim Arakawa says:

    He hasn't heard that one before lol what a douchbag liar

  25. Johanson Petra says:

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  26. Clifton Crevier says:

    This stigma about weed is really weird to me cause I live in washington state so it's completely legal here. There's atleast a dozen recreational pot shops here in spokane and alot of different strains you can choose from. The only risk here is that the pot grown here is super strong so people who smoke for the first time might get a panic attack, but other than that there's really no risk.

    My father actually has his liscense to grow, so I help him bud tend. It's actually proven here in washington that more access to suboxone clinics and weed being legal is helping with the opioid epidemic, but weed is still a schedule 1 drug…

  27. John Baharoff Sr. says:

    Dr. Oz is an amazing man.

  28. Gorilla Zombies says:

    Hell yeah Dr. Oz

  29. Gorilla Zombies says:

    They cut him right off after he says it

  30. FallnAngel07 says:

    The guy who said he hadn't heard that before is a liar. He didn't want to believe it is what he meant.

  31. Toby Yang says:

    Dr. Oz is right. Marijuana was a powerful rehabilitation tool for me.

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