From Under The Influence with Marijuana Man: Still Got Better Weed!!!

From Under The Influence with Marijuana Man: Still Got Better Weed!!!

POT TV – Watch From Under The Influence with Marijuana Man LIVE every Wednesday at 4PM PT.

Today on the show: Still got better weed!!!

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7 thoughts on “From Under The Influence with Marijuana Man: Still Got Better Weed!!!”

  1. Prof. Weed says:

    What's with all the cultural appropriation in the new LP brands? Old habits are hard to break, eh?

  2. daver5150 says:

    Is mind Control the REAL reason behind our legalization ?? This is taken from an interesting report. Quote :

    Meanwhile, both U.S. military intelligence and Canadian intelligence sources warned that the Khazarians (“lizards”) were going to bring out some hidden technology to try to manipulate public opinion using holograms and “voices.” Here is what the Canadian source said:

    ”Yes, the lizards do not want to lose “the Fed,” and yes, they have the tech to make Jesus or whoever they want to talk to you in your head. Not only that—Jesus or whoever will appear in front of you to give you a personal message as well. The only problem with this tech is that the older ‘real pot,’ naturally grown, prevented this tech from working. This is the reason it was outlawed many years ago, and who knows what Monsanto and Bayer are doing to the pot crops now.
    We can confirm from a pot farmer in Canada that yes indeed, even though Canada has legalized pot, they are trying very hard to make sure that only strains that make you dumber are available."

    Could be Bull shit or it could be true, kinda makes sense to me. Grow your own say no to gov't manipulated cannabis.

  3. John RoX says:

    Overthrow or overgrow the government!?

  4. aa aa says:

    I knew i should have gone down to the legalization celebration in Victoria. I got the email from Dana but i didn't know marijuana man was going to be there. VicBCVapeStoner.

  5. aa aa says:

    I wonder if marijuana man will ever quit smoking weed. I thought I would smoke forever but I've quit. A gf dumping me was what prompted it. Now im just straight edge do nothing. I don't even do coffee or caffeine beverages, but i still get caffeine from chocolate that's one addiction i haven't overcome yet. Fucking marketing "crunchie, kitkat, nestle crunch, caramilk, dairymilk, chocolate cake, hersey". I might smoke up again sometime on the odd special occasion but i would need an excuse like a rare meeting with jodi, marc, al, greg, Jeremiah, dana or alike. Or partying with family at Christmas. After consuming MJ for a decade daily it's interesting how I gave it up may 24th 2017 and haven't touched it since. I've been there done that and it doesn't really have any magic or mystery left for me. My advice to the kids? Smoke your face off and if you grow out of it good for you and if you don't great just keep toking and do what makes you happy. Even though I no longer smoke I think marijuana is a wonderful drug. This prohibition 2.0 is just another way for the earth masters by way of the Canadian government to financially control the people. They continue to talk about all the harms of marijuana that are completely false, controlling the minds of the populous by internet, tv, mail, ads, and warnings on cannabis labels. Bad laws are continuing to be enforced. This "legalization" is a way for the government to convince you we are gaining rights and power when in fact we are not and now more than ever people are complacent with the global powers which are heavy entrenched and controlling us all with no regards for pollution of the environment and the lives lost to war, starvation, unsanitary conditions, and poverty such as that in the third world.

  6. lunamypet says:

    Tripping me out

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