Guess Who Gets a Contact High from Snoop Dogg?!

Snoop Dogg is in da house talkin’ all things “Jokers Wild” and… giving us a contact high? HA!

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27 thoughts on “Guess Who Gets a Contact High from Snoop Dogg?!”

  1. You Tried It! says:

    i do wonder about those idiots that still give these teasers a like.
    hit the dislike, ya morons.

  2. Cynthia Ragui says:

    Miss Tamera… that dress!!

  3. Olaitan Olawale says:

    Tamera!!! That dress is awesome!

  4. Daniella says:

    This isn't Instagram. Post LONGER CLIPS. kmt

  5. coline the one who motivates says:

    Awww camera is so adorable lol

  6. Courtney Lewis says:

    26 seconds?? What’s even the point?

  7. Daniella says:

    Plus Tamera how do you get contact high from all the way over there? Get a grip.

  8. Hamza Faison says:

    “You’re welcome “

  9. Kisha McCormick says:

    So Tamera can laugh with Snoop about smoking weed but she gives side eyes to Joseline Hernandez

  10. Chelsey Linnea says:


  11. H. Lima says:

    I feel like I was supposed to laugh but the clip was so short I didn`t get it..

  12. Shanice Castro says:

    Yall do realize these are teasers. They don't get paid by getting views on youtube, its daytime tv. TV lol

  13. ypm 123 says:

    I've been subscribed to this channel for 3 years and I'm about to unsubscribe. You treat your youtube fan base terribly .

  14. msjuicy says:


  15. R Leon says:

    im gonna unsubscribe if they dont post at least 5 minute videos. this is lame!

  16. tiara edwards says:

    How the hell you guys have snoop dog on the show and then trying me with these less than 30 second clips. Normally I don't use the word hate but who ever controlling the reals youtube account just know I hate you for being so stingy

  17. Nona Britton says:

    Tamara is so beautiful rocking it

  18. TayTay BeyNippy says:

    What is "Contact High"???

  19. China MA Midnight says:

    The set though. Homage to fashion police, going off air?

  20. Julie says:

    I think everyone should unsubscribe to the real's YouTube as a protest against these short clips. Watch them upload some long clips (like the other talk shows) once they go from almost 1M subscribers to 500k or less…

  21. Camie0496 says:

    Can somebody explains to me the situation please ? English is not my first language

  22. hatedsiince89 says:

    I usually like Jeannine's style but damn those shoes are fugly!

  23. JesusisLove 30 says:

    Dang Tamera looks good.

  24. Quito PoloDown says:

    Short ass videos…… the damn shows!!!!!!!!!!

  25. niang khadim r says:

    Damn this asian chick stole Snow White shoes

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