Jeff Sessions Says Legal Weed… Illegal?

Stephen lights up Jeff Sessions for rolling back states’ rights on marijuana legalization.

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35 thoughts on “Jeff Sessions Says Legal Weed… Illegal?”

  1. Rod Vasold says:

    The jazz mans reefer stick? Hmmm, sounds a lil racist to me…

  2. R.D. Gray says:

    This will give Donald Trump an excuse to fire Sessions very soon since Trump himself said he would leave that decision up to States. This is the reality show of the American Presidency. Who needs House of Cards when you got the real thing.

  3. alexis henderson says:

    museum release dance cabin speaker alliance out owner view so-called.

  4. Amante says:

    46 out of 50 states disagree


    AG SESSIONS is defending the market for CIA supported and FBI/DOJ ignored MEXICAN BILLIONAIRE DRUG LORDS. AG HOLDER armed MEXICAN BILLIONAIRE DRUG LORDS "Fast and Furious" with container loads of guns.

  6. Pete Gromov says:

    The Evil Garden Gnome.

  7. Raoul Radio says:

    Hey Trump Administration….whatever happened to "letting state voters decide?" That's what you recently said about Alabama voters.

    I guess you only feel that what when it suits you?! More hypocrisy from the Trump Administration.

  8. Coolbreeze Benny says:

    We need to kill lobbyists, most of our political problems begins with lobbying and will only end with the death of lobbying and the lobbyists.

  9. Drone Dome says:

    Be easier on the Bern please. Love the show.

  10. Drone Dome says:

    Be easier on the Bern please. Love the show.

  11. Laalla Dahdie says:

    Conservative here……seriously wtf?!?! Get your fuckin hands off my plant. Why ?? Really, why ?? do you feel the need to ruin this shit? I take a more libertarian stance on drugs. My stance being for the legalization of weed, do we still really not understand yet that weed is harmless? GTFO of here Jeff

  12. friend2truth says:

    Sessions should be run over by a drunk driver who has a Trump bumper sticker.

  13. George B. Wolffsohn says:

    ….but a fork could be.

  14. Heaven says:

    calif getting ready to lose biggggg time billions,

  15. Captain Philosophical says:

    Smooooke weed everyday.

  16. TomdeArgentina says:

    Maybe Bernie said that referring to the fact that cannabis is a scheduled 1 drug just like heroine, but no… You had to smear him, treat him as an old grandpa like your Democrat friends are planning

  17. Silent Mira says:

    Hi from Colorado. I've never been a smoker of pot, but There is pure organic Hemp Oil that is legal everywhere that's medical. (CBC oil?) There's a great hemp cream that works wonderfully for back aches It's sold in Boulder.  But you still smell like you rolled in pot. Colorado's law first let you have MaryJane for medical. You'd pay a licensing fee and you could list a "caregiver" person who grows it for you, but who would give the gov their friends name & that he grows pot for you? You could have it, but you couldn't do any buying or selling. It made no sense. You never really knew what you were getting. Now here it's age 21 and the quality and different kinds for different reasons makes it safer, but gotta not drive or try to make big decisions.  As I've not been a pot smoker I didn't want to confuse the medical & recreational uses but I certainly can see that it may be the only way to get thru little Donald's reign. I try not to obsess over the politics, but there's no understanding crazy. But maybe it's " oldtimers" disease that is actually helped by certain strains of MJ. Currently, I don't know how little donnie who has premeditated serial sexual assault in the first degree confessed to and the DOJ does nothing???? No sexual ethics are discussed at all. Maybe it's a statute of limitations issue Makes me think a lot about the Bill Clinton issue that cost him and us so much and yet our current unfortunate circumstances are so much worse and NOTHING has been done, at all except an accusers house was burned to the ground.( Where can we send donations?) Why is there not more impeachment  discussion? They were all over Prez Bill for his unethical office boundary issues with the lovely naïve intern (been there done that) and unfortunately there's hardly a peep over little d's peeping everywhere ?????  Buying businesses for the sole purpose to do whatever he wants to women(unethical work boundaries and serious PREMEDIT ATED, FIRST DEGREE, SERIAL SEXUAL ASSAULTS BY A PERSON WHO HAS POWER OVER THEIR FATES . MULTIPLE ADMISSIONS AND CONFESSIONS IN PUBLIC RECORDED FORUMS!!! AND , of course, nothing happens to the white men, but the brave girl who disclosed the traumatic sexual harassment got her house burned down.  Little Donnie has given permission to every nut job to do what they want, as long as they aren't Mexican. Heck. someone needs to take down that Disneyland little Donnie statue in the hall of presidents until he's gone. People will go to that boring exhibit just to abuse it…maybe good therapy!Little Donnie has two daughters one of which has been publicly sexualized by her own father. I hate to imagine what her childhood was really like, but it's easily done. I wonder who she would be if she was allowed to find herself in a "normal" family instead of being daddy's clone trapped in an invisible small closet and let out when daddy remembers she's there for his use and abuse. There is a story there and maybe we will hear the truth when he kicks the bucket. Which at his age there's no way he doesn't medicate in some way, Dr. Feelgood "B-12" injections?. He's  destroyed any medical records by now, but any privilege can be shot down with a good subpoena. And what is the Military doing spending millions of dollars on Viagra???? What does that have to do with protecting and defending? Seems like a distraction or have we now reverted to a country whos military needs millions of dollars of Viagra so they can  pillage and rape any man or woman in their way?  It's actually a euphemism that tells the world that we are so inept that the military literally can't get it up. We've turned into a joke after having healed relationships without losing credibility in the Obama years. When else in our history has the public EVER accepted candidate hiding their tax returns??????  It's so overwhelming that I have to limit my political viewing to mostly "comedy" shows that encourage thinking outside the box.  The laughter is hysterical laughter over the sheer unbelievable and countless demonstrations that the patient is running the psych ward. That used to be fiction. No wonder everyone is in line to get pot. It's the only way to get away from the destruction of everything we believed we were and could be. The only difference between North Korea and little Donnie is the color of the crazy hair. Wonder what it would look like if they traded hair.

  18. Janet davenport says:

    Medical Industrial Complex got to session, they know they're losing business.

  19. Pete Davis says:

    Suprised there was no Roy Moore reference when he mentioned the 12 year old girl

  20. Snarlin Wombeezy says:

    Nobody gives a shit about what that old turd says

  21. dduffee64 says:

    Legalize it in Texas dammit!

  22. Rex Karz says:

    That little pansy retard needs to be disemboweled. Or drawn and quartered along with every Mullah and Bible thumper. Out in the street on National TV.

  23. Darnell Hamlet says:

    The last thing this old dinosaur should worry about is marijuana. The opoid crisis is one of few things that he should put his focus into. What exactly does weed do that opiates can't? It seems he has an agenda.

  24. Bucky Brown says:

    Jeff is a great guy. Would not to have sex with him but he helped me years ago. See me at

  25. John Tate says:

    You are as funny as one male dog doing another male dog…look for other employment!!

  26. Post Revive___r says:

    One good thing, haven’t seen Republicans and Democrats working together so well since Hillary screwed Bernie

  27. Peter McPartland says:

    Ripping on Bernie Sanders…?

  28. J Jonez says:

    I’m a republican, a democratic, a liberation. Oh wait that makes me an American. And having that ELF looking muthafucker tell me what I can and can’t do is bullshit FUCK JEFF Sessions. Go home. nobody wants you serving this country. You’re making matters worse than they need to be.

  29. Domo says:

    So many are dying from opioid epidemic, especially young people. And leaving their children to foster care. Jeff Sessions has his priorities focused on what matters most.

  30. markponicki says:

    somewhere in the past, you will find a woman jeff sessions loved who left him or spurned him for someone who smoked weed and he's never forgiven stoners.

  31. markponicki says:

    also, if the federal government wants to get sued by every state with legal weed, it's more than welcome to try, but it WILL fail. it's too late to go back to criminalizing weed in this country.

  32. Nicholas Frankenhoff says:

    A spoon is not a cone. There is no spoon.

  33. sloburnjo says:

    jazzman's reefer stick, this is a great bit. peace.

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