Joe Rogan & Arian Foster on Vegan Diets and Smoking Weed

Joe Rogan and Arian Foster discuss vegan diets and smoking weed on the Joe Rogan podcast. Taken from JRE #928 – Arian Foster. Full podcast –

Joe Rogan and Arian Foster talk about vegan diets and smoking weed on the joe rogan podcast. Joe Rogan and Arian Foster NFL American football star talk about vegans and smoking marijuana health benefits. Joe Rogan talks weed and marijuana and Arian Foster talks about his vegan diet vegans. Joe Rogan and Arian foster talk about the health benefits of vegan diets, CBD oil and smoking marijuana weed on the joe rogan experience podcast JRE #928 Arian Foster interview.

Joe Rogan & Arian Foster on Vegan Diets and Smoking Weed –


41 thoughts on “Joe Rogan & Arian Foster on Vegan Diets and Smoking Weed”

  1. Ζεύς says:

    Exactly…WTF is wrong with that?

  2. lucrative420 says:

    great guest. i know joe doesnt give a fuck about football but foster was so damn dominate when he was healthy. great to hear from him still after his career.

  3. Ghost 1111 says:

    Stopped being vegan because it was too hard to read the labels all the time?? He could have still tried and just not cared as much, but he switches back to eating meat, meat protein shakes etc. Clearly it wasn't because of the difficulty it was because he couldn't be arsed.

    I wish people would just be honest with this stuff.

  4. Devin Waters says:

    Foster retired? That's cool, I enjoyed watching him play at Tenn even though I "rooted" for Florida. I was surprised to hear he went undrafted because he was a consistent 4+ yard runner who would break off 15+ runs often. He's one of my favorite backs to watch of the era. He played very confident and in control.

  5. Ibux says:

    8:16 -reminds me of the Richard Pryor joke "You can't get hooked on coke. I've been snorting it for 15 years, and I ain't hooked"

  6. CarlTheCuck says:

    Weed isn't addictive. I know! I smoke everyday!
    Love that comic relief

  7. Luke Powers says:

    Seems like a good guy. Hell of a ball player

  8. Javiancr says:

    Ima get on the jre

  9. Richard Alpert says:

    Joe Rogan is still unconsciouss dummy. Where you get protein from?Protein is the one im least concerned. There are not many people in western countries who lacks protein intake.

  10. FreedomFighter says:

    Nice podcast. Arian surprised me with his knowledge and how easily the conversation flowed. Great job! Have him back

  11. Jahi Smith says:

    Toradol is f***king insane. Destroys… DESTROYS your liver but makes you feel like you're walking on air, while dosed up. But weed is illegal lol! System is a f**king joke.

  12. frederick guerrero says:

    Weed if anything makes me feel pain more.

  13. John Creech says:

    Yes weed itself is not an addictive substance physically but mentally, just like anything else, it is. There are plenty of things that themselves can't chemically make us addicted but anything we do our brain releases chemicals into our system which can cause addiction.

    I can't wait for this to be legal throughout the US, I'm almost tempted to move to a state where it is legal…this war on marijuana is getting old. I would say fuck Reagan but fuck the dumbshit Americans that fed into his bullshit about marijuana (and those that still feed into that shit today)

  14. Kip Tucker says:

    8:16 I have to disagree with Joe on the addictive nature of weed.  He can call it "physical" OR "mental" — it makes no difference — but weed seems addictive to me.  It's the best way to unwind & it's the best sleep-aid I know…and when it's gone I REALLY MISS IT!  Even after a year of (court ordered) clean living, I was counting the days until Mary & I could rekindle our fire.  Even though I don't drink (at all), I hang with Mary everyday, 3 to 5x per day.  HOW AM I NOT ADDICTED?  ALCOHOL DOESN'T HAVE THIS (OR ANY) APPEAL TO ME.  NOR DOES ANYTHING ELSE XCEPT CIGS/CHOCOLATE/COCA COLA/CANNABIS.  But goddamit I love "the four C's" passionately.  Those are addictions in my book.

  15. la Sa says:

    im so disappointed at rogan, but at the same time not surprised, he tends to bring in people he KNOWS will bash veganism and say its too hard and its not good for you. I love watching these podcasts and love rogans intelligence but whenever veganism is brought up his iq suddenly drops to like -42 and sounds like a caveman, his statements/"facts" are so outdated and

  16. John Smith says:

    I've listened to dozens of JRE podcasts and I've never disagreed with him more on the fact the he states that marijuana isn't addictive because he's being hardheaded about his passionate personal opinion on marijuana, and I smoke my phx bong every single day

    I understand it might not be an addiction for him, but an addiction can be mental or physical and you're addicted to something when you can't go throughout a day, a week, a month whatever it may be, that's why it is called an "addiction"

  17. Eric Saucier says:

    @ joe rogan be interesting to see if adding tobaco to pot as they do here in the east coast of canada makes any difference in pots addictivity

  18. Ronnie Moore says:

    "And meanwhile you can get perkocetts" Very potent sentiment to end on.
    The fucking heroine in pill form is perfectly legal and preferred by medical officials for pain. Absolutely bat shit insane.

  19. Juice says:

    The plant based diet is the only diet that does not clog arteries. All other diets promote and cause arteries to get clogged from the animal fat. I'll stay vegan.

  20. Nautilus1972 says:

    Undrafted. respect.

  21. JNixon W says:

    Yea for real to me weed is not addictive

  22. Haseeb says:

    is joe serious about smoking weed everyday for years and then hopping off cold turkey with zero withdrawal? FOH. this is what crowder was talking about with potheads

  23. Samantha Lea says:

    The key to being vegan is to focus on what you can eat instead of what you can't

  24. Shacktackle Boombaby says:

    I quit weed easy af quitting heroin was not so easy

  25. Ancient Queen says:

    I think a lot of people leave veganism mostly because of the dogma attached to it. It has almost become a religious way of eating. I am vegetarian, hardly eat any dairy if at all, and still get dogma placed on me by vegans because of dairy.

  26. F. Exprt says:

    I have been watching Joes podcast for a while now and I think I watched most of them by now since I caught up on the old ones. But his knowledge about medicine/addiction/and medical problems (outside of sports or personal experiences) is just horrible. He couldn't really explain what a heart attack is. That is one example, and having someone there that can break it down would help a lot to regular viewers. Especially since there are several types of heart attacks and the intensity of them varies tremendously, plus there are at least 20-30 direct causes for a heart attack  if not more…I also have nothing against weed, but I have been taking care of patients for a long time and I know the difference between psychological addiction and physiological addiction. Plus weed/THC is stored in the fat of your brain and it takes 6 weeks before you feel any physical symptoms. He doesn't understand/know (I don't blame him since he never learned) that psychological addiction is way stronger and harder to overcome then physiological. And that is true for Heroin, weed, Alcohol and every drug out there. I am a RN that has worked in many different fields but I specialized in Cardiology and have been taking care of people with serious heart issues for the past 5 yrs. And most people with heart issues have a LOT of other problems. Anything from addictions, to all the other major medical conditions that are directly associated with the heart. I would love to be a guest at his podcast. I would do it for free lol…and I think his fans and him, would benefit from it a lot.

  27. Craig Hicks says:

    Veganism isn't a diet…

  28. Metallica Master Of Puppets says:

    Inb4 vegan gains makes a video on Arian foster

  29. tom underwood says:

    it's so fucked up it needs to be legal ! I lost 3 family members to alcohol and had family members hooked on opiates ! I never seen anyone Or or in rehab for weed

  30. Joel Dunsdon says:

    It kind of annoys me when people discuss vegan diets purely based on health or performance benefits. I mean, that's great, but lets not forget what should be the driving force behind the lifestyle choice; The consideration for animals, not contributing to their suffering. I don't care if YOU'RE healthier, or if YOUR recovery has improved, all I care about is if your choices make OTHERS suffer.

  31. opsincity says:

    Love it!

  32. AlexZeBeast says:

    Laughing my AAAASS off on these butthurt vegans in the comments, get the fuck outta here.
    Great fucking clip, bro

  33. Mel Toretto says:

    Here is all you need to know….                                                        EARTHLINGS — Documentary

  34. Gareth McGregor says:

    Vegans are cucks!

  35. Hotel Clerk Route 66 says:

    I have found myself asking why Marijuana is illegal and alcohol isn't. Pharm, can't be the only why… Money has to be the leading cause. Marijuana is pure and it definitely helps do what what it was created for. Where as alcohol ends up owning the persons and usually bad decisions will come. Don't be stupid and do things irresponsibly. Don't get popped and let someone/someone's get wealthy off of you.

  36. Ahmed Ali says:

    He looks like Kyrie Irving. Who agrees?

  37. Gack Grobel says:

    pot, like every other euphoria inducing drug, acts on the neurotransimitters in the reward center of the brain, thats how u become addicted. because of neurochemistry

  38. seabrook1976 says:

    Hands down one of my favorite players ever.

  39. Joseph Patterson says:

    Joe would be a chill dude to hang with. Smokes, is extremely down to earth, intelligent, and could KO your ass.

  40. Shayke Speeer says:

    If you don't need to cause animal suffering, why would you continue to do so? I used to be a hard core meat eater that insisted on animal products at most meals. Then I watched Earthlings, Cowspiracy, Forks Over Knives and numerous other documentaries, as well as hours of agriculture animal abuse videos. I switched to Vegan over night. I do NOT want to cause any more animals to suffer. ps – there is no such thing as a former Vegan. A Vegan is someone who goes vegan because of empathy and nevers go back. Someone who chooses a plant based diet isn't connected to the compassion and empathy needed to be a REAL Vegan. So Arian used to be on a plant based diet, but was not ever Vegan. Just to clear things up.

  41. Darryl Williams says:

    if god didnt want us to eat animals he wouldnt have made them taste like meat … 🙂

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