Joe Rogan – Effects of High Potency Marijuana, CBD | JRE Pot Debate

Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1246 Pot Debate:

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29 thoughts on “Joe Rogan – Effects of High Potency Marijuana, CBD | JRE Pot Debate”

  1. jaylommel says:

    Is safer than alcohol…

  2. MyMonkeyMinions says:

    I keep a record or how strains affect me. Anything from White widow leads me to depression. I can’t have a hybrid and if I stick to a light trainwreck life is so much less painful (rheumatoid arthritis). I stay away from edibles because they don’t work for me without being too strong. Saliva under 20% works for me.

  3. Marlon says:

    Joe Rogan knows alot of people…..

  4. Tony Gareth says:

    I just ordered some CBD capsules (50 mg) but it’s isolate, not full-spectrum which means no THC and it’s from Hemp so I’m wondering if it’s going to help me as much as the stuff Rogan is talking about. I need it for minor aches and pains and relaxation. I have a DOT job so I quit Kratom and got the CBD without THC but I haven’t received my order so I’ll find out if it helps in a couple of weeks or so.

  5. gussstavo says:

    Joseph "joe" rogan

  6. World Eater says:

    I took 21 rips of a dab pen thinking that it’s like smoking a vape. Boy was I wrong. I went into a deep state of paranoia, was breathing heavy and kept blacking out. I was so far gone that I thought my friends put fentanyl in the dab pen to try and kill me. I thought I was dreaming and was about to jump in front of a car to wake up. The whole experience was by far a wake up call and changed my life and perception. I kind of wish I never took the drug.

  7. John Phantom says:

    I have schizophrenia. It is correlation, not causation, just like 90% of us schizos smoke cigs. It calms me, and when I don't have it I am more prone to violence. Also, since about 1972 when they came up with new guidelines for schizophrenia, schizophrenia rates have NOT risen, while cannabis use has CERTAINLY risen.

  8. Steven Choate says:

    I dont see how all these people say how weed freaks them out mentally and how they have Psychedelic experiences when all I feel when I smoke weed is a very euphoric pleasurable feeling in my face and I got the giggles plus a good mood that's about it

  9. bearded leprechaun says:

    There are times to get high af and times where a hit or two would work better. To each is his own

  10. Donya Porter says:

    Don't smoke it go drink alcohol talk about those effects on how people crash a 4 runner into a school of kids or how someone with PTSD drink alcohol and beat his wife weed is life

  11. Denya Gantenbein says:

    Why is it that nobody talks about cannabis-induced psychosis? I am all for live and let live, but, for my work, I have seen many lives destroyed by cannabis. For certain people, pot is not as harmless and cool because it can trigger depersonalization, derealization and plain psychosis. In other cases, I have seen people just with their brains "fried" and becoming handicapped due to smoking pot. So, why nobody talks about this?

  12. silly willy says:

    Still far safer than alcohol! And has just as much of a right to be able to indulge in a nice smoke or vape, or what have you, just as much as to a drink, or a sip of whine, make your decisions based on what you can control, as far as all these negitive arguements against cannabinoids, it could be made far more against alcohol and tobacco.

  13. Larry Tate says:

    Edibles are unpredictable. Better off just smoking one or two puffs. All you need today and too much of anything is not good,

  14. steve0793 says:

    I have had absolutely terrible side effects from weed that I believe are just a function of my biology. I have felt uncomfortably numb for over 2 days after smoking a small amount of weed. It just affects different people differently. Cannabis is a drug- they all have side-effects

  15. Jacob says:

    Who else watches these when ur eating an cant look at the screen.

  16. Jayson Maharaj says:

    Thc and cbd is the future. I use it everyday and it makes me the best I can be

  17. John Rico says:

    it's all on the dosage. I knw people that smoke one or two hits and der relaxed. a quarter of a edible and they r good. . yet ders dose people "oh I have a high tolerance" smoke like 4bowls eat all the edible fuck up all da dabs n dey act like Creeps.

  18. John says:

    Know thyself before you indulge thyself…

  19. MrFoggyG says:

    Meanwhile I’m on the moon

  20. Jeff k says:

    Cant smoke weed, feel like im on trial!

  21. john r says:

    I had a neighbour who took a few puffs off a joint once at a bbq and he thought he was going to have a heart attack and we had to call the ambulance, im guessing weed wasnt for him lol

  22. Lerch says:

    pot is much safer than alcohol!! You cant OD! Ever! But is it safe for everyone? No .

  23. anil rehmatullah says:

    snoop dog = "im never not high"

  24. AK SLICK says:

    The weed is making some of us who were already woke schizophrenic , because it’s just like instant truth or just the sense of awareness is instant and I do feel like I am going psychotic.

  25. MELEKH HA OLAM says:

    Here's how stupid dope smokers are -after SEVERAL DECADES of "cool" magazines and head shops and paraphernalia, they still think it's the coolest thing in the world for hot girls to fucking pose with weed in some form or another.

  26. SiR_4:20SmOkEs/AlOt says:

    I smoke concentrates daily that's some highly potent shit and it's great.

  27. Matthew Antonelli says:

    Watching this while rippin slabber

  28. TheNWSCOTT says:

    totally agree !!!

  29. John Puma says:

    "Thank god that little moron is no longer in office." LMAO, I just quit smoking a few years weeks ago and literally feel like my brain is being rewired. It just got to a point where I realized that it wasn't for me and was destroying my ambition.

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