Joe Rogan on Canada Legalizing Marijuana

Joe Rogan and Dennis McKenna on Canada legalizing marijuana and the psychedelic research.

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43 thoughts on “Joe Rogan on Canada Legalizing Marijuana”

  1. grantmitchel says:

    Joe Rogan

  2. grantmitchel says:

    geometric 'Joe Rogan' patterns

  3. GT Lees says:

    I hadta laugh a little when reading some of the comments. There are some folks out there that took the "favorable" comments made about Canada as a negative comment about the United States. C'mon people, it's not like there's a limited number of positive statements and we need to compete for them. It's not a them or us situation, calm down.

    On another note the "he's the right age" snicker snicker theory isn't always correct. For some people it may have a very high success rate but it's not 100%. For example, I'm the "right age" and I dig music and have been involved in it and partied a lot when I was younger and anybody who I discussed it with always thought or assumed that I smoked weed. I didn't. I wanted to, those fellas always looked like they were havin' a blast so I tried it. Several times, different kinds, different methods, different times in case it was something on my mind or in my chemical makeup……when I say I tried, I frickin' TRIED dammit! In the end I had to assume that I have an allergy or some intolerance because I would always pass out and most times I even got to puke before I went out. No fun. Lotsa people still figure I'm a regular weed smoker…I do say "far-out" and "I dig" a lot, soooo maybe that's it? Heh, heh. ……………………………..PEACE!!

  4. Arbys Guy says:

    Umm has this dude been to canada lol sure sounds like he hasnt your average canadian is fucking retarded and blindly thinks America bad , imean we voted in justin shithead, and first nations people are in such a bad position the reservations ive seen are shit hole drug havens and the inner city they are plagued with drug addicts and alcoholics. mainstream dont talk about it nearly at all nothing gets done about it and they get praised.. fucking ridiculous i use to look up to joe alot but this past year im starting to think he has been a stupid fucking hipster the whole time, only diff he works out alot. fuck joe and fuck his cookie cutter guests

  5. nukkumatin_vasen_koukku says:

    So much murican butthurt in this comment section

  6. Kappa says:

    Its a shame weed is shit. Smoked it back in college. I've not been out of college that long. But just because you can smoke it doesnt mean you should smoke it.

  7. Master Art Mason says:

    Don't consider this is because the Canadian government is good. More taxes, and a stoned population that will not notice how badly they are get screwed.

  8. EvilisMe says:

    The Netherlands has it legalized since 1972, beat that.

  9. James Cunningham says:

    Cutting edge Canada

  10. Thom Curry says:

    Kinda lost me when he characterizes all Americans as being "unreasonable" and then follows up by suggesting that Trudeau has done shrooms. This guy seems like a certifiable weirdo to me, but I'm one of those unreasonable Americans, so what do I know?

  11. Ripperduck says:

    I have a hard time listening to Dennis, he's got that, "i lie about alota stuff" vibe.

  12. Matt Lynn says:

    Is that True-deau? Think it's just speculation

  13. JA says:


  14. Jean Berube says:

    It's bullshit for their next election , the state runned alcool bureau will sell and distribute it. No free entreprise

  15. Naiyo says:

    Before everyone starts celebrating don't forget to read the updated road laws, C-64. " police can require a roadside breath test for any driver. The crucial change is they will no longer need reasonable suspicion the person has been drinking."

  16. Jam Man says:

    Thank you Justin Trudeau

  17. joe bell says:


  18. michael miiii says:

    whats going on with Joe's nose?

  19. Koba Forever says:

    Canadians are reasonable people….

    Really. Have you fucking lived here. The canadian government just made random roadside drug testing legal and forcible by law!! Wake the fuck up. They give a little, and take the rug out from under you. Trudeau is a fucking tyrant. A social justice tyrant.

  20. Jiro Reid says:

    Joe Rogaine is a leftist douche who used Alex Jones 10 years ago to gain support to launch his podcast and youtube channel.

    Joe is a far left global warming nut, he supports abortion, he's a secular atheist who worships Sam Harris.

    Watch his interview with Candace Owens where he goes Al Gore on her about global warming, or where he attacks Milo for being pro-life, or where he rips Gavin McInnes for believing in God….

  21. R A says:

    There is a huge marujuana facility being built hear in Medicine Hat. 21 football fields , that's right, 21 football fields. Over 400 jobs being created because of this. I live near here, it's a true story!

  22. Ste James says:

    "In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them….maybe you can hire The A-Team."

  23. JCmasters100 says:

    Pothead junkies need to get a life.

  24. Derek says:

    Wait I'm from Canada. How come I haven't heard this lol is it completely legal now?

  25. Azabuv Sobelo says:

    Trudeau has admitted smoking some weed… you guy ever heard of this catchy new word? it's called ''reeeeseaaarrrccchhh'

  26. Jacob says:

    Canada is adding gender and diversity quotas into projects that use public money….insane..

  27. Joseph says:

    You know Joe blew his biggest load ever when he read an article about this.



  29. Chode Mckenzie says:

    The US better catch up quick, not thatbit really matter cause ima smoke anyway, but goddamn it already. Everything they told us about weed when we were kids was a FUCKING LIE.

  30. R3LAPZE Gaming says:

    why mdma isntead of psilocybin?

  31. Fuk Off says:

    You hear that boys we have a new holiday every year

  32. Jcanuck73 says:

    Personally I don`t care what an adult does in regards to Marijuana,but I hate the smell and I dread how the legalization will take the right to clean air from the terrible smell

  33. Captain Fook says:

    1:11 Not exactly. It's not that Canadians are reasonable. There might be more reasonable Canadians, but don't worry, there's still a good 40% who are just as closed minded as anyone. It just so happens that Justin Trudeua happens to be a guy who is really open to more liberal drug policies. The last Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, wouldn't have listened to any of this for a second. He made laws to increase penalties on marijuana. Trudeau just happens to be the hero that weed users needed. Even the last Liberal Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, wouldn't have cared about marijuana legalization, nor would he care about listening to anything about psychedelics. Justin just happens to be the guy for this topic.

  34. Coco Bongo says:

    Fucking alot of people gonna learn a hard lesson , you think the government gives a shit about us , its a control thing .Once it is legal watch out , 1000$ fine for your first driving offense, second 30 days in jail and your third 120 days in jail! Half of B.C. will be walking so it works out great for me way less traffic for the morning commute, oh and under the same act they changed the law for consent to give a breathalyzer…..
    Oh yeah freedom can you feel it??

  35. Josh Cook says:

    Justin Trudeau literally ran his whole election campaign about legalizing marijuana….then he gets in and destroys Canada.

  36. Tom kuimin says:

    You will only be allowed to smoke government grown or GMO genetics with reduced to no medical benefits. The seeds for their plants will only grow about 1 meter high and produce around half an ounce of inferior product compared to what you can buy/grow today. Say bye to the grey market, and hello to an even bigger black market. This is anything but legalization. 2+ years working on isolating the market for Trudeau and his crony offshore friends and business partners. This is going to be a decision Canadians will regret unfortunately, but it's the only way people will realize how wrong this all is

  37. Phillip Meeholz says:

    Canadians used to be reasonable…noe we're fuckin socialists

  38. Keith Micomonaco says:

    Canada is not a utopia lol. As "reasonable" as we may be, we still have TONS of issues facing our country. The Indigenous First Nations that Dennis mentioned have plenty of communities with third word conditions. Unsafe drinking water, violence against women, environmental disasters and croneyism in leadership are a few major problems. Don't assume we are wise and understanding because Justin's liberals used legal trees as a tool to mobilize voters. They just bought a multi-billion dollar Oil Pipeline on behalf of Canadian tax payers for fuck's sake.

  39. Canada life says:

    There is no doubt Justin has done many mind damaging drugs.

  40. Jason Rougeau says:

    I would actually consider microdosing for therapeutic purposes.

  41. Ndk_89 90 says:

    My poem on this-
    Psychosis comes, braincells die
    Dependancy rise, the crystals collide
    Joints rolled, the times high
    Don't bogart now, you took a big dive
    My card comes, my money shines
    Thc differs with many lives
    It's a habit now nothing comes to life, lateron you find this is of no point
    It's waste of time you realise, you can be more creative without the price
    Let's get real and use it right
    Experience is different habits are shite.

  42. Tom Hutchison says:

    Good thing i live in canada and this per comidic gold

  43. razor ramone says:

    Until canadians vote in Andrew sheer and the conservatives next year it'll be illegal again unless the liberals win again which probably wont happen with the hatred Trudeau and the liberals have. Maybe we'll get a new party voted in like the PPC or the NDP with the first Indian PM lol.

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