Joe Rogan On Marijuana And Work Ethic

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43 thoughts on “Joe Rogan On Marijuana And Work Ethic”

  1. GamerBro M71 says:

    I took 200 milligrams for my first edibles and I didn’t really feel much I actually felt less high than I did before I took them

  2. Jacob Harrington says:

    Edibles don't touch me. It's a curse


    I can feel the first edible if i haven't had one in awhile. But after that I can eat them like crazy and not have any effects from it. My friend had one gummy and couldnt move, I had like 6 of the same batch and was normal.

  4. Vain jumper says:

    Edibles dont affect me either. Pretty sure it has something to do with your liver. At least thats what ive read online. But ive only done homemade edibles (that fucked up my brother and my mom) but ive had 5 brownies and i was fine so i was basically wasting my weed. I can get legal 100mg edibles for $10 now so i might just take a tolerance break and eat 5 at once to make sure. If im wrong, i should be on Pluto too

  5. Nomanz Land says:

    we have this new policy where we get fired if we dont' check ID for alc or cigs even if they look 80, they actually prefer us to scan the ID but we can type out there DoB in the system too. customers yell at me all the time like i make the rules or am supposed to risk my job? corporations just don't want employees using their own judgment and it's not worth the risk of one guy saying "yea that dude looks over 21" then the corp gets fined fat money

  6. Tom A says:

    The alcohol companies don’t want marijuana legal, in every state where marijuana is legal alcohol sales go down. Govt is dumb, ok you lose money from prisons, law enforcement, courts etc when marijuana becomes legal BUT you get all of the tax money for schools, roads etc. The Govt will still get their cut. And Bartenders become bud tenders. One of the dumbest laws we have in this country

  7. S Alvarez says:

    Lol I’m the same with edibles… it’s no different than smoking it to me

  8. Micah D says:

    Joe "obviously a big fan of legalization" Rogan

  9. Tyson Sheldrick says:

    Im from canada my one high school teacher .was only in her late 20s but she had a dna thing where she looked super old . The Benjamin button things kinda true to a point

  10. Gixxer Suzuki says:

    The properties of the Tums would help with absorption of the THC & delivery to the liver where an edible THC is broken down by the liver and converted into something your brain can digest through the blood stream and get you high that way. You should always eat edibles with carbonated drinks or foods as well as fatty foods like brownies or cookies or simple sugars.

  11. jim kelly says:

    if they ask one they have to ask all so no discrimination…

  12. Tristan Sims says:

    The problem isn't necessarily them not thinking someone is 21. They are still supposed to check your ID regardless of how old you look. So if they were to get raided the problem wouldn't be you not being of age it would be the simple fact they didn't actually look at your ID

  13. Brandon Byers says:

    Let me just say that I used to be on prescription medication for majority of my life for anxiety and depression. I hate drugs, but I decided to give weed a chance since I was already on drugs to begin with. I began microdosing and it has changed my life for the better. This natural plant has done wonders and I am all for it… thank God it is finally legalized up here in Canada!!!

  14. bill bob says:

    I was already a lazy person before i ever started smoking weed lol

  15. dylan musgrove says:

    I will admit it is hard to escape a household who talks shit about accomplishments, especially when the people don’t love success in there own family. Personally to escape that mindset you have to remove yourself and surround yourself with people who are supporters and lovers. Not haters and belittlers

  16. Brock Jensen says:

    Lately have found this, knew about Fear Factor, UFC, and Comedy

  17. Bryan Romero says:

    Whats the name of the spray he uses?

  18. Christian Coleman says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only bruh. Edibles do not work for me and it’s makes me upset lol.

  19. austin stillman says:

    My fiancé literally does not get high eating edibles. She can take a couple dabs and be lit but she ate four jolly ranchers one time made with hash oil and she never got high, meanwhile I ate only three and I was so I high I kept getting anxiety.

  20. Enso Ghisoni says:

    What with that t-shirt Joe.

  21. connorthepom says:

    Doing nothing is bad for you but doing nothing on pot is much worse

  22. george burns says:

    He’s 50 she’s 60 hold up?

  23. Official Sway says:

    You have to eat something after you take the edible I had the same problem when I couldn’t het high after eating an edible

  24. Eric Douglas says:

    Smoking weed is just taking the blue pill and admitting defeat.

  25. AngSt3r13 says:

    For a solid month I would wake up everyday and smoke a fag sized puree. Due to the fact that I didn’t want to go to uni high I would wake up everyday at 7am. I’d go outside and jump rope for 30 minutes, eat and then smoke. After I smoked I would near enough immediately shower and continue getting ready for uni so I would always make sure I was on time. Usually I wouldn’t start uni until around midday or just before so I would be high for around and hour max and it just mellowed me out for the rest of the day. I study law and it really made me motivated to work as I’m an aggressive and angry person anyway and starting my day by doing something that I find enjoyable just kept me motivated. Just shrugged everything off as it just put me in such a great mood. I stopped as I have an aortic aneurism and require surgery to fix it so my doctor advised me to stop as it could be bad for my heart. When I stopped I gradually stopped doing work, the habits I got into just slipped away as I had nothing to start my day with that I enjoyed. I could’ve replaced it with something else but it really didn’t occur to me at the time that starting my day like that got me pumped up so much. Now I’m struggling to get into the habit of rising early as I really don’t know what to replace it with. Never underestimate what a good morning routine can do for you. I really just don’t know what to replace it with though now as smoking isn’t time consuming and once you’ve smoked you can do other things like getting ready for the day that don’t require a lot of focus. I can’t rise early and play video games as it doesn’t engage my mind like weed did as I’d listen to audiobooks etc and since I was baked everything was just more fun and interesting.

  26. Veruca Salt says:

    it doesn't matter, they can still get in huge trouble, i know i've gotten written up as a warning when i neglected to ask id 12 years ago for cigarettes. And legalization is a new thing, we don't want to ruin this. check ALL ids!

  27. Irving Ramirez says:

    Drawing comic books

  28. Tommy Wiseau says:

    I got so high that I actually realized what dying means. No black, no white. Nothing. No pain, No happiness. NOTHINGNESS FOREVER.

    Have been working harder at everything in my life since. Weed saved me.

  29. Snorlax says:

    I work at a cannabis club and I don't eat anybodies food. My co workers stay lit. I've seen 200mg thc chips…. that look like Doritos

  30. Joseph Ford says:

    0:49 While THC helps you go to sleep, it also opposes the ability to enter into REM or "deep sleep". Without REM sleep is almost pointless.

  31. Brucifer The gamer says:

    The thing about edibles is if you eat it just before bed there is a chance it will not kick in till you wake up. Your body slows way down and your digestive system does to when you sleep. So I’ve often taken an edible for bed the. Wake up in the morn and within a few min bam…. starts kickin in.

  32. Mr. Luke says:

    when kevin hart on the podcast?

  33. Already Dead says:

    Worst feeling to watch people smoke and be dry. I’m here taking res hits, gotta reup asap.

  34. niktis says:

    Does Kevin Heart smoke weed

  35. Snow Owl says:

    The type of weed smokers that sit around and do nothing all day bring a bad name to the rest that can hold a productive life. Smoking weed isn't bad, but being lazy is.

  36. Grownincanada says:

    Why do people think a psycho joe regon who’s done enough Psychedelics to have no brain left

  37. Justin Marsh says:

    How r video games nothing thoe people make money and do this shit for life

  38. Levi Nesbitt says:

    Do a video on someone who smokes pot but are dating someone who doesn’t want them to do it

  39. Kyrelian says:

    Let’s be real pot makes you lazy once ur slumpt but in that first 30 mins go for a run. Bam problem solved

  40. Eden Raine says:

    I've smoked weed and worked jobs since 15. Clean pee and lotion is the key to everything

  41. Devildemon Lucifersatan says:

    Everybody's metabolized food different levels maybe by the time the food they ingest metabolizes the effects of marijuana is already wore off

  42. Kevin A. says:

    A 1000 grams sounds better

  43. Kevin A. says:

    Thc is like water to me…

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