Joe Rogan talks about the Effects of High Potency Marijuana|CBD|Edibles JRE clips

Joe Rogan talks about the Effects of High Potency Marijuana|CBD|Edibles JRE clips
#jreclips #cbd #weed

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31 thoughts on “Joe Rogan talks about the Effects of High Potency Marijuana|CBD|Edibles JRE clips”

  1. Norf Boy says:

    6:29 wow dude that dude won't stop saying "you know" listen for it..

  2. Odin’s Simulation says:

    Who is this guest? Where’s the credit? I want to download the podcast. Give credit where it’s due my man

  3. Matthew Quint says:

    I have bi polar and pot hit me in a great way. I used to be violent and had bad attitude. I smoked and it helped me in a huge way. But their are people that it doesn't help

  4. Jajel22 says:

    How is there only 5 comments

  5. A M says:

    I cringe every time Joe brings up "11-hydroxy metabolite"

  6. Mc Griddle says:

    author is a fucking moron

  7. John Pearson says:

    Joe "11-Hydroxite Metabolite" Rogan

  8. jacque la says:

    You guys I’m high as ffddd on weed right now. I’m fucking tripping my body’s moving by itself I’m. Not trying to even type dis? Is this normal. Pls help. I don’t know what to do.

  9. Brandon Zammit says:

    Just ate two edibles, thanks joe now I think I’m gonna die

  10. pnggnp2000 says:

    This dude is a victim

  11. Lakelurks says:

    An 80MG sativa edible turns me into a crackhead at night.

  12. Wade Green says:

    I felt like I survived a motherfucking war the day after I had a coconut oil edible that had around 200mgs thc. It really made me stronger person after, however, it made me want to only do it on rare occasions and not smoke anymore. Honestly though I felt like I was dieing on that edible it broke me down to core

  13. nicelady333 says:

    I had6 gummie bears last night it was the happiest 4 hours ever. Magic !

  14. FYLGJA FOLK says:

    Won’t lie I get fucked off of 15mg edible chocolate and have to literally lay the fuck down and be quiet to keep myself calm haha I get fucked of edibles

  15. Alex Barbre says:

    Woooooooo about to do the 1050mg plunge!!!! This party is gonna be litttttt!

  16. Owen Russell says:

    Mental health is the only downfall because weed can help and hinder your mental state like any substance

  17. Eli Geffeb says:

    You know

  18. . says:

    I don't really see alcohol effecting people the same way. My friend just gets calm and talkative, I get uncomfortably agressive, another friend who's kinda shy starts to sing/dance. My dad gets shark eyed and twists and turns everything you say into something completely bizarre. My friends mom starts getting a little too close for comfort.
    My cousin is hot.
    My friends uncle starts training us how to kill Spetznaz soldiers.

  19. TVGraphicNerdity says:

    Bro last night I downed a fucking 300mg gummie

  20. Level Earth Reality says:

    Joe is really honest and objective, except whenever the topic of flat earth gets brought up

  21. Aztec Warrior says:

    I just took two cookies with a total of 10 mg of THC am I going to be okay? Kinda scared now

  22. Antoine Brooks says:

    I didn't smoke in 20 years I had a edible last night I thought I was gonna die

  23. Mr Tuvivi says:

    Just dropped some high potency stuff.
    I'm just barely putting my seatbelts on , waiting for the ride to start.
    See you all after the enlightenment..

  24. Bird_of_ hermes says:

    I get anxious as hell going grocery sometimes I just don't buy food

  25. The Dude says:

    I love edibles

  26. alexgzbro101 says:

    Just took about 350mg of some sativa RSO. Washed it down with about 100 mg of thc tincture oil

  27. kilbride kid says:

    Who’s that other guy there with the blue shirt on? He has a shirt that says St. John’s Newfoundland on it. That’s my home town, I have no idea who he is.

  28. Big Mama says:

    That was intentional and I don't truss these muthafuckiz

  29. Zach H. says:

    Edibles make me feel gross.

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