22 thoughts on “Leave me the hell alone, Karen…”

  1. danuclearbomb says:


  2. cleverusernameyayornay says:


  3. chaos.reigns_ says:


  4. shadow_the_doberman says:

    @garys85 joel

  5. shadow_the_doberman says:

    @thecoolest_humans @kkayraee I think you know who this is about

  6. jlj317 says:

    So me @kaseyglasgow

  7. alimatamoros says:


  8. jordanenns says:


  9. sa.rah.henry says:

    @ktwedz us

  10. elinaopalko says:

    @chelseabear1875 yeah i don’t like when old people talk to me

  11. miisha_kh says:

    Lol yup @selmaxc

  12. pablopiqasso says:


  13. theblogofmog says:


  14. chelseabear1875 says:

    @elinaopalko hahaha!! That bad huh?

  15. savagememesss says:


  16. ellenann130 says:

    @thedevilspitchfork or ever

  17. ktimsss says:


  18. ktimsss says:


  19. rebecca_clarkk says:


  20. shanmagbro says:


  21. leahmmleonard says:

    @madiaymes probably you’re face right now while I’m tagging you on memes on your day off

  22. heykyyy says:

    This has been me all day legit just not answering people @mdotmiro @es_turner @mikediz1116

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