Little Lies in the War on Marijuana (MPP-TV)

Join MPP’s Sara Cannon as she takes a look at some untruthful statements made by the Drug Free America Foundation

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25 thoughts on “Little Lies in the War on Marijuana (MPP-TV)”

  1. Fuck Poop '87 says:

    @Tonesyxx yeah i guess you're right. i don't sit on youtube all day and night waiting for someone to fall for my trolling them.

  2. Fuck Poop '87 says:

    @Tonesyxx lol stoners dont know how to read things before commenting. i want you to point out where i said that "all stoners are lazy" from anything I said. if you're too high, don't forget to use ctrl+f and if that doesn't work i'll be on /b/ trolling someone else. this is way too easy.

  3. brendan watkins says:

    She only has one ear.

  4. Mr.Blunt Addiction says:

    @Tonesyxx lol you dont lose motivation while smoking marijuana you're fucking dumb ass hell

  5. Mr.Blunt Addiction says:

    @Tonesyxx i apologize you did not say it makes you motivationless and this is youtube who the fuck uses correct grammar

  6. 888777888x says:

    The Drug Free America Foundation are retarded. Do they want us to quit drinking water as well since it is a drug?

  7. GRUDG3 says:

    @888777888x This is officially the most retarded argument I've heard this week

  8. 888777888x says:

    Its true.

  9. legaliseall says:

    Never Ever Ever believe anything that is said by any Government

  10. 48snowbird says:

    @1trilop2 oh geez! what will the killer SWAT teams in Utah do for fun if they can't terrorize the pot users!

  11. epicfailfailure says:

    Satvia is cannabis that motivates people. Oh and by the way partnership for a drug free America is sponsored by alcohol companies.

  12. jaytheoutlaw says:

    Those commercials are good. Do you know how terrible those drugs are?! They phuck people up, they are NOT healthy, and there are unlimited reasons for why marijuana is bad! There is only one thing that is good about it, and that "good thing" is that it is ILLEGAL! SO many people have lost jobs, never can get jobs because addiction, and they will soon loose themselves from death because they will spend all their money on DRUGS!

  13. jaytheoutlaw says:

    I can have soooo many reasons why drugs are bad, and so can the awesome person who made them illegal. Drugs are pitiful.

  14. realitytruthopinion says:

    A lie told often enough becomes the truth. "Vladimir Lenin" The bigger the lie the more people will believe it. "Adolf Hitler, Richard M Nixon". How our people don't know. In 1937 Hollywood propagandists produced a film funded by the DuPont Corporation called "reefer Madness". The reason marijuana is illegal today is because dupont didnt want hemp fibers competing with their synthetics during ww2

  15. Itsmeeman1 says:

    Then keep away from hospitals, ambulances, doctors, nurses, chemists, drugs stores, bars, night-clubs, coffee bars, health food shops, supermarkets, religious institutions, musicians and bands, politicians, retirement homes, caffeinated drinks, protein-shakes, long-haul flights(planes are pressurised using nitros-oxide), dentists…

    Guess what… drugs!

  16. StargazerAlphaOmega1 says:

    Yes drugs are pitiful, but herbs are very good for you, and Marijuana is a natural grown in the wild herb. Dumb ass, it's not a drug it makes insane people sane. Just go ahead and bitch and complain, because you have no idea what you are talking about.
    You haters are just plain morons, you listen to idiots for hell sakes just shut your pie holes.

  17. StargazerAlphaOmega1 says:

    Jay outlaw, you can not get addicted to pot, you stupid moron. The only way you can is, if it is laced with a man made drug. No fucking wonder this planet has gone to shit in hand basket, stupid people.

  18. chrism216 says:

    why, oh why do people want to make things illegal, just because they think they are bad?
    if i wanna smoke a fucking tree branch, then fucking let me. how is that the business of ANYONE else?
    if i wanna let my life go to shit because i spend all my money in pot, then why is that a fucking problem? so now you are telling me you wont allow me to decide what to spend my money on? just because you think its bad.
    well fuck you, you intolerant prick.

  19. chrism216 says:

    so yeah, marijuana is for people with a bad "intellectual and social status" (which is NOT true), it should be illegal.
    we should also make TV illegal. because in my opinion too much tv makes you stupid.
    And make fast food illegal. we all know how bad it is.
    oh and alcohol
    and cigarettes
    and skateboarding (i mean… its fucking dangerous)
    and driving
    and shaking hands (you know, bacteria, ew)
    and hell: having fun should illegal. because we ALLL want to be smart and successful. fuck fun.

  20. chrism216 says:

    You know, back in the day, they banned marijuana because they said it was for Mexicans and black people.
    You say it should be illegal because its for dumb people.
    By your logic, you sir, must be an avid pot smoker.

  21. zopiclone199 says:

    Penicillin is a drug, and should be illegal. Go Drug Free America.

  22. maciej wrotek says:

    i wonder how her titties wiggle in doggy style

  23. Kompa Music School says:


  24. John Chase says:

    As a Floridian I am embarrassed that DFAF thinks this video will them. But I am glad they have played the 'public safety' card aganist MMJ. Data is accumulating that says that states see benefits in public safety, as compared to states with no MMJ.

  25. Kelly Gaines says:

    I know a Dr who helps NBA player's with Marijuana

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