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  1. Antonio Montgomery says:

    Media not your friend. They agents. When out of towners get hip to this instead of going to Denver. This will get shut down

  2. FidelHimself says:

    Pushing an addictive substance? Fucking lies. More like giving people a way to unwind and heal themselves without pharmaceuticals or harmful chemicals.

    Anyone trying to use government to enforce their world view is a violent coward. Otherwise, how do they expect such laws to be enforced? My body, my choice.

  3. FidelHimself says:

    Smoking weed is a victimless crime

  4. Latoria Martin says:

    The drug…. smh

  5. E Mahacek says:

    Coffee is more addictive than Cannabis. All of these new LIES are getting old very rapidly. Smart Approaches to Marijuana is another group unhappy about legalization in every way funded by Big Pharma, Tobacco and Big Alcohol responsible for more deaths than all wars combined.

  6. steve ross says:

    It's not a drug it's natures natural plant. Not like man made pharma drugs period end of story

  7. Durruti says:

    I really really really can't stand the absurd logic of people who lobby against full legalization because they don't want an industry that profits off of addiction. There is no idealistic world in which no one is profiting off drugs. You have 2 choices: a legal, regulated market or the underground black market. If you lobby against legitimate businesses from accessing a legal regulated market, you are complicit in the cartel violence that's controlling the underground market. The real moral question is "Are you OK with having blood on your hands?"

  8. Danny Karim says:

    I was introduced to marijuana a few months ago & I found that it helps me with my illness unlike anything I have ever tried & I have been on prescription medication for 14 years.

  9. Jason H says:

    3:57Man Shut your Bitch Ass up!

  10. Joseph Edwards says:

    Always got a snitch

  11. Kevin Do bs says:

    Should be completely legal across the board! Corruption is why it was made illegal! Cannabis should be treated just as alcohol! Anyone who says there worried about people on cannabis know NOTHING about it! Only the clueless say it should not be legal ! Safer than any other so called drug! Addiction to cannabis is a joke! It is none addictive! Morons! Indie from withdrawals from Alcohol and prescription drugs! Cannabis is NOT addictive anyone who says other wise is NOT educated on the plant!

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