Mike Cernovich Weed Is A Form Of Escapism & Running Away From Your Emotions

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28 thoughts on “Mike Cernovich Weed Is A Form Of Escapism & Running Away From Your Emotions”

  1. RKO1988 says:

    He argues against using drugs to mask anxiety but used a drug (Ayahuasca) to confront his own insecurities.

  2. Gelaar Veer says:

    Not suprised

  3. Gelaar Veer says:

    Kind of funny, weed makes me feel my emotions better. When I'm not using I'm more animalistic and less introspective it seems the opposite of what Mike's saying is what I've observed with me. Mark Passio advocates weed smoking because it leads to questioning authority.

  4. Liam Lloyd says:

    Weed intensifies the anxiety, the fear and the vulnerability. Its not hiding from them.

  5. martyleeds33 says:

    Weed has undoubtedly played an enormous part in helping me loosen up, be more patient, more relaxed, be more exploratory with my thoughts, more contemplative and philosophical…I have been an avid smoker for nearly 20 years now, I write books, produce videos, work a full-time job, and do loads of research. I am doing anything but "escaping from reality." This is just about the dumbest shit I have ever heard coming from Mike's mouth.

  6. Ethical Anarchism Articulated says:

    just because you cant use the tool to improve your life, doesnt mean its that way for everyone dumbass. ayahuasca is not what you claim. you have no idea what it is. dmt is the molecule, not aya drrr. what a dipshit

  7. dannyrybeck says:

    Weed was put here on the earth by the creator for a reason, of course don't abuse it, a little now and then when depressed works wonders. Alcohol by far is the worse. Weed is also relaxing, it can help many to cope in this upside down world.

    You speak of going in your heart, but you no specific way to do so. How do you go deep, what technique do you use?


  8. dannyrybeck says:

    Jesus said to HATE yourself., NOT love yourself.

    “If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and
    children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he
    cannot be My disciple.

  9. Dominick Lebo says:

    Again, weed can be a help or a hindrance depending on how it is used. It has scientifically proven medical benefits, IF USED RESPONSIBLY. It can be used for intellectual and creative expansion or the reverse.Perhaps weed is not for everyone, because I hear plenty of personal anecdotes about how it messes with peoples' mind and ambition etc. If it does not work for you than don't partake. That is all fine and good, but do not go around saying that how it affects you is just how it is. That is a bit irresponsible as it may dissuade someone who might otherwise benefit through responsible use. I am currently helping someone break the chains of alcohol addiction (which is destroying their relationships, career and health) through mj. For those who say weed does this or weed does that, maybe you need to take a closer look and take a little more responsibility for your actions and motivations. Perhaps you need to stop blaming a plant for your problems.

  10. Charles Patterson says:

    "Weed" is a plant, an herb.
    It is not "drugs." I think you're confused, Mike.
    It (like many other substances derived from plants) has a natural purpose that cannot be properly quantified without a full and proper investigation. You are not providing that here.
    You have an opinion and that's great! I like when you share your fully researched information but it is clear to me you are not qualified to share this opinion because it is short, incomplete and irresponsibly dismissive…

  11. Charles Patterson says:

    I could write something about drinking iced coffee that would sound condescending but why should I bother? Mike is making some good points in this talk but his opinion on "weed" is not one of them. I still gave him a thumbs up even though I don't agree because he had the courage to try…

  12. Keith Ode says:

    Anybody who talks about the so-called evils of weed while drinking EVERY FUCKING DAY should just put a bullet in their heads. Worse than the gay closeted Christian preacher who uses church funds to pay for a gay prostitute.

  13. Victor Couwenbergh says:

    "People rather hate you than love themselves". This is the same mindset from people who rather attack you than confront themselves. For some people who are in pain or have a kind of sickness, weed is a natural medicine that can really help them. But healthy people smoke weed pure because they like it. And it does have the effect that you describe in the video. And it does make people tend to avoid looking deep within themselves in search for battles, answers and healings.

  14. Donna Cacciola says:

    Mike, honestly not escapism or running away from emotions– herb must be used correctly, very beneficial, love your videos but your attitude on herb is wrong.

  15. tweezy99 says:

    You ever use? If not, you cannot say.

  16. Evonda Valentine says:

    Yes, weed can be used as an escape from emotions, but so can work. You should realize that different people can do the same things for different reasons.

  17. Trend Town says:

    Good Stuff

  18. Viral Nation says:

    Good Video!

  19. Nickolas Heart says:

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's kind of like seeing a bird fly across your way as your smoking some good ol cannabis !

  20. Nickolas Heart says:

    It's all about intention , spiritual progression, High vibes and full love everyone

  21. Rock Against Globalism TV says:

    I think weed has its best effect when done in moderation. Chronic use can make you disassociate a little

  22. CHRIS LANDRY says:

    This guy is full of shit. Super selfish and ignorant. He feasts on blood and flesh and then condemns weed smokers.

  23. HBG SAVAGE says:

    FALSE! Mike, don't buy into the disinfo! THC, medicinal benefits aside, can be a very spiritual allowing inward analysis /self-reflection, if used in moderation, just everything else and unlike your wine consumption. You are stereotyping (and hypocritical), and that is beneath you. Also, the medicinal properties of CBD are endless and are not researched enough due to the prohibition (paid for directly or indirectly by the big beer cos and other stakeholders/special interest groups that profit from it being illegal/non-competitive).

    THC has antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-tremor, anti-inflammatory, appetite stimulating and anti-emetic properties, and CBD has anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, antioxidant, neuroprotective and immunomodulatory effects.


  24. RawDeal says:

    Absolutely agree. Actually, any drug done in a manner that is different from one-and-done or a few exploratory tries falls into the escapism category. Alcohol, sweets, cooked food are just a few that come to mind.

    As evidenced by most comments under this video, most inmates are not even aware of what is going on. Of course if they were aware, they would have made the first and most important step towards figuring out the solution to their problems. That is, the first step is becoming conscious and aware of the problem.

  25. Edward West says:

    smoking should not be the only focus on cannibis.
    eating raw bud is super beneficial to the human.
    the human has a Endo cannabinoid system.
    herbs such a cannibis and Echinacea both have cannabinoids in them.
    Not to mention hemp seeds are the most nutritional thing in nature.

    It benefits

  26. roertlast Rovertlast says:

    Purest fucking asshole! people are being oppressed still. i could not hate you people more!

  27. Breld System says:

    Bullshit ….Every one uses substances for their own reasons. If you use weed to escape that's your own problem. The world does not revolve around you and your bullshit.

  28. Зоя Ширяева says:

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