Neel Kolhatkar – Smoking Weed

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14 thoughts on “Neel Kolhatkar – Smoking Weed”

  1. SiwonJunior says:

    omg first

  2. BS RULER says:

    1st comment

  3. RabbitTM says:

    first comment, add me on fb

  4. Rhys MacDonnell says:

    Idubbz content cop theme song in the outro 

  5. Luna Lovegood says:

    "Hey curry muncher, shut the fuck up and munch on my white clit."
    -Neel 2K17

  6. Some1 says:

    Not first FUCK YES

  7. jimins momager says:

    did he say the n word?

  8. DogBaptiser says:

    well these were a dissapointment. what the fuck happened

  9. RyanTricks says:

    This is so true, it scares me. thought I was the only one haha

  10. dkhawk12 says:

    maybe he should stop smoking weed and his jokes might not be so shit

  11. Acevolvex says:

    Dislike this comment

  12. Doge McMaymay says:

    whom else watching this high?

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