Parents will rise up against the cannabis industry: Fmr. NYT reporter

Alex Berenson, former reporter for the New York Times, discusses the risk around the cannabis craze and whether marijuana can catch on in the market place.

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28 thoughts on “Parents will rise up against the cannabis industry: Fmr. NYT reporter”

  1. Big A says:

    A huge issue of violence with weed? Really!? I guess this guy must be completely against alcohol companies.

  2. IMA RUSSIAN says:

    According to the dems, doesn't every parent want their kids to grow up addle minded, unemployable, and impoverished.
    It's never too early to start an addiction just like the tobacco industry.

  3. Theworldiswierd says:

    Problm is most of these problems now are Gen X and millenials. They definitely aren't worried.

  4. Lincoln Harrison says:

    Parents wont rise up at all

  5. ALIX XANDIR says:

    this guy gonna wake up to zero followers on twitter if he keeps this up

  6. swankrecords says:

    What a bozo. Earth to Alex your oxygen tank is low.

  7. Nathan Tesfaye says:

    Look man try it if you don’t like it I get it but those of you who’ve never tried it shut the fuck up

  8. KnifeCatcher says:

    This guy is a complete idiot. The perspective of an 11 year old would be more coherent.

  9. hoofixrman martin says:

    Weed isnt for kids. But if you are a hurting adult CBD/THC will ease your pain levels. Period. I dont care if you smoke, eat, or rub it on. This guy is a jackass pimping his book.

  10. Lincoln Harrison says:

    "Tell your children I'm talking shit to help sell my book"

  11. Billy Mays says:

    Yeah I get so mad when I smoke weed that I fall asleep. This guy is too much lol.

  12. Sigmundy Freud says:

    USA have to stop their hypocritical politic on cannabis, USA forbide all the world to legalise it, in USA cannabis is not legalised BUT USA is becoming TH E biggest cannabis industry in the world !!!!!! TOO MUCH HYPOCRISY HERE !!

  13. Sigmundy Freud says:

    pump and dump pump and dump BIG WHALES ALWAYS WIN § BECAUSE big whales are maket makers thank algo

  14. O says:

    NYT = LOSER First off, parents are the one's buying and smoking it

  15. Nathan Durbin says:

    Lol 420 vives

  16. K P says:

    There are only two kinds of people that oppose the legalization of cannabis the ones that are ignorant on the subject and the ones that make money off of it being illegal.

  17. Troy P says:

    He's got those pill popper bags under his eyes and he needs to sell garbage books so he can afford them pills

  18. michael jordan says:

    I think this guy is confusing pot with cocaine

  19. James Schlueter says:

    So this guy is an expert on what exactly?

  20. Ganja Train says:

    This is a great upload!

  21. kris6682 says:

    He said its like the everclear of pot so to demonize marijuana he points to a legal widely used product lol

  22. Royce Wilson says:

    Is this guy a Christian? Lol

  23. john patterson says:

    It's outrageous that state servants of the people view a social activity as a cash flow for the state or even a city such as New York and it's city tax on tobacco ?

  24. peoples Patriot says:

    The truth is there's no connection between cannabis and mental health. With it illegal the kids are smoking it and the parents can't get it. Legalize It and the parents can smoke it and the kids won't be able to get it.

  25. Stabby McStabwood says:

    This dipshit doesn't know anything about cannabis… Or it's consumers.

  26. Ryan McShane says:

    Parents are rising up to fight for cannabis legalization. That’s why 2/3 Americans want it legalized. This guy is a fraud.

  27. Bill Cross says:

    Guys bought off by the prison industry, big pharma, private prisons, opiate heads, etc.

  28. Bill Cross says:

    Cannabis will kill the opioid crisis, and this retard cites it as a point against recreational cannabis, you're a fucking idiot.

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