Patrick Kennedy shares warning about legalizing marijuana

Former congressman Patrick Kennedy speaks out on #Tucker about how marijuana legalization impacts public health.

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32 thoughts on “Patrick Kennedy shares warning about legalizing marijuana”

  1. kathy mello says:

    Fully legalize it now! It has always been about the taxes, so figure out how to tax it and move on already. And Patrick needs to smoke a bit, he is stressed by nature….

  2. Ryan P says:

    "marijuana infused THC"

  3. Mr Don verga says:


  4. Richard Carchia says:

    Didn't this guy take Ambien and sleep crash his car ! To bad he didn't have CBD oil back then! Wake up Patrick and try using natural herbs instead of supporting big pharma that almost got you killed!!

  5. Rebecca Davis says:

    Just because they legalize it for medical use doesn't mean that they have to legalize it for recreational use. OR they could put an age-limit on it like they have on cigarettes…the problem is, they don't ENFORCE that age-limit law about cigarettes & they probably wouldn't on marijuana either because they're too anxious to make money!! That's what it's all about now…to our adults, to our government, to our Health Department, to EVERYONE…that almighty dollar!!!

  6. Duncan Baker says:

    Oh horseshit. You can often count on a reformed addict to be a hypocritical prude.

  7. The Great Homo Sapien sapien, says:

    SUGAR are the biggest drug that killing peoples worst than cannabis nobody talk about, its will be too late when American want to legalize marijuana, tucker is a jack ass on this one.

  8. Stephen Daniel says:

    “If we legalize marijuana babies will become addicted. When we legalized alcohol babies were getting drunk in their cribs with baby strippers and baby gambling” -SAM

  9. John Dotson says:

    Here’s the thing. Government officials like this guy are trying to delay legalization by saying big pharma and cannabis industries are taking advantage of us. Ok and that’s part of our society. It’s wrong, but we can’t tackle that issue UNTIL it’s legalized. These are separate issues. It’s no reason to keep the prohibition intact.

  10. Billy Bob says:


  11. Marzel parcel says:


  12. Clyde Burts says:

    And marijuana can get people off of opioids

  13. Clyde Burts says:

    Big Pharma is scared marijuana will be legalized because people will not be taking medicine anymore doesn't anyone realize this it would get people away from medicine

  14. Clyde Burts says:

    I know many of doctors that said marijuana would help people come off of the opioids that's why they don't want to Legalize It

  15. Clyde Burts says:

    It's better than medicine

  16. phycadelic pikachu says:

    I wish theyd have joe rogan on here itd be hilarious

  17. Yunglung420 says:

    It's sad to see how much America wants their youth sedated with weed. Our ancestors would be ashamed.

  18. Steve Webster says:

    Yes protect us from ourselves,we need prisons and swat teams now more than ever.

  19. B Cramer says:

    Get educated on marijuana before you talk about it

  20. Cauasia Rush says:

    Opioids? Cool, man. Alcohol? Cool. Addictive narcotics? Coolios. Caffeine? Coooool.

  21. Reston Turns says:

    Here I need you to save this video so you can see JUST how wrong you were…

  22. Michael Richardson says:

    Thats how the walking dead started it will take the right combination to get the going one day

  23. Default Account For Livingroom PCs says:

    Not a SOUL believes this garbage…I did not know 1950s style conservatives like this still existed. like , way to make conservatives look like ancient relics who don't care about modern studies….or common sense because MOST of us have tried weed and KNOW this guy is absolutely full of $#!+. Stories like this, as well as …well….Tucker himself, are keeping conservatives in the Dark Ages. I make fun of the left these days for acting a LOT like the Evangelical conservatives of the 1980s……….PLEASE don't keep conservatives in that dark dumb place.

  24. Default Account For Livingroom PCs says:

    ALso, This Guy is just a Pharma Minion pulling the line for his corporate masters…………………………..A REAL conservative would say "HEY, Weed is easily proven to not be remotely as bad as most legal pills, So maybe in a capitalistic country like ours we let the people see if they want to give this business their money, because it IS SUPPOSED to be a free market…..And if it is SAFER than products already out….AND the AMERICAN PUBLIC VOTES ON IT AND WANTS IT……well then, who ARE you fighting for? Corporations or the citizens of this awesome FREE country". "F" YOU Tucker, You FAKE conservative, for dragging us down and falsely claiming you are anything but an anchor for corporate agendas.

  25. econ says:

    "Marijuana-infused THC"

  26. A.J. Barron says:

    I would say that most people who use Marijuana, abuse it. I guess you could define “abuse” with your own ideas. But, it’s unfair to say that Marijuana is not addictive. Many people start to rely on Marijuana to cope with everyday problems and stress. Rather than using brain power to handle their situation in a healthy way with reason and thought, they are altering their brain. Marijuana is a quick, temporary fix. It won’t eliminate your problems; it will delay them until you’re sober. This is why you find that many people who smoke, smoke all day long. I’m not saying it’s impossible to use Marijuana responsibly. I am saying that Tucker Carlson has a point when considering affects that Marijuana may have on mental health issues, demotivation, and desensitization. I also agree with Tucker when he implies that Marijuana used regularly will get you nowhere, fast! Today, I’m 22 and have been addicted to Marijuana for 5 years. So, I speak solely on personal experience. I wrote this in hopes that someone out there struggling with a similar issue could benefit and move on with their life as I am trying to do myself.

  27. Craigs Eliquid Reviews says:

    As long as alcohol is legal, marijuana should be as well. Marijuana is way less harmful than the alcohol that both of these guys drink! Stop keeping us from enjoying something from God that needs no alterations by man to enjoy! Get off it already Tucker. We all know you don’t like pot!

  28. Charles Ott says:

    I'm glad that my brothers and sisters are at least looking at other Alternatives in big Pharma ! Tucker Carlson I respect you but please brother being formed !! You are about other topics but this one ?? It's not about getting high but other things people can take with natural side effects !! Not like Suicidal Thoughts From taking this medicine or even one that said anal drip ?? WTF ??

  29. Jarod David says:

    Opioids, Alcohol, Tobacco, Cigarettes- all legal, all much worse as many die from it, HOWEVER-
    Recreational Marijuana- Illegal, no one has died from it, doesn't cause schizophrenia and calms/relaxes people- doesn't make them more violent

    Kennedy made a good point about the fact that marijuana isn't the only solution, and shouldn't ever be the primary solution to help young people manage their stress, and although I am greatly in favor of marijuana legalization because everyone has the freedom to do what they want with which they fully know they are putting in their bodies and various other reasons, I am concerned with the reasons people take it, primarily either for medicinal use or as stress relief- and that there are many other things that can relieve stress other than marijuana use, and that those should be explored first before taking the slight risk of smoking a joint.

  30. Darragh Farrell says:

    Still can’t believe that this magical plant is still illegal nearly everywhere on earth!?! This magical plant should never have been made illegal everywhere on earth!?! If there is a god he or she put it here for a reason!?! Marijuana should be legal absolutely everywhere in the creation of the entire universe!?!

  31. Tyler Norberg says:

    I love watching anti weed videos when I’m high af. It’s so funny. He just compared weed to opiate addiction.. smh

  32. Eli Phillips says:

    What a fuckin moron. "you can smoke it, you can drink it, you can even eat it in pop tart form! This is oxycodone pt .2!" Why would you have someone who is so obviously paid off by big pharma. I use to love you tuck but youve been sketching a lot of people out lately. Whatsup?

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