Seth Rogen Warns Of The Dangers Of Weed Edibles

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31 thoughts on “Seth Rogen Warns Of The Dangers Of Weed Edibles”

  1. Tope Alabii says:

    All caps?? Is he MF DOOM??

  2. a really nice guy says:

    rogan can't handle his weed lmao

  3. Beyond Compare says:

    She has nice horse hair

  4. Thinking_emoji says:

    Bruh i ate half a cookie one time…. I was shook lol i swear i was still high the next day

  5. Pssst Man you know you lyin says:

    Envy was fucked up!! LMAO

  6. Jesse Shepherd says:

    my girl ended up in the ER for cookies.. I had a small ass weed brownie and thought Ben Affleck was tryna kill me from the movie "The Accountant"

  7. Sabrina Johnson says:

    LMAO at envy on ateables but ctg n the back round saying he high I damn near chock

  8. MiLiTARY MiNDED says:

    JayZ Yellow ass Tooth

  9. Charles Sinnheart says:

    you can literally overdose on edibles.

  10. jopimp14 says:

    you can die if you eat to many edibles at once.

  11. Tom Atos says:

    Ya out here eating ass and shit but ya acting like edibles are bad.

  12. Max Brackney says:

    Do shrooms people

  13. Lil B-Rok says:

    I love eatin a shit ton of edibles man. The edibles I eat are also stronger than store bought edibles most of the time bc I make em myself. I also like to put more weed than the recipe calls for. Most ppl have horror stories from gettin super fucked up on edibles but surprisingly I don't have any. It's probably bc when I eat a shit ton of edibles (more than 4 firecrackers each with a gram or more of gas in em) I sit at home by myself and get on youtube and play on my xbox or I have a couple of my homies over (who also all are baked as shit off some edibles) and just chill.

  14. Steve L says:


  15. FeelsBy Parah says:

    Angela is sweet, but damn her voice is sooooo annoying

  16. DoughBoy2318 says:

    I feel like I had some really dope trips on eddies, you just gotta portion it , and if the trip is strong remember * ITLL PASS*

  17. Jiggly Ween says:

    Why Prodigy? Why couldn't it have been Charlemagne? You gay version of young Jeezy looking ass

  18. jesse Salgado says:

    They say Tiger woods new nickname is cheetah.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Angelee promoting drugs illuminati shilling? God Bless Envy And Charlemagne Just Say No and calling Angelee out. Drugs can make you gay and dumb too (nothing wrong with that though). And Get Tiger away from psychiatrist, heard some types of enzymes help for back pain?

  20. Marlon Jones says:

    I tried an edible one time (at work). Shit was like Kid Cudi's video for Day n Nite and the Matrix. First time I ever hallucinated but I can't take that trip again.

  21. kjdnyhmghfvb says:

    "Who still calls Jay-z, Jay-z"
    You, you just did it, not 2 seconds ago.
    However, that press release, was unnecessary.

  22. fuck your comments says:

    the most negative effect ive had from any drug was wax. I've overdosed on just about everything (not proud and been clean over 5 years) but that shit had me face down in the bathroom with sweat literally pouring of me like a faucet. my heart didn't stop beating extremely fast for over 2 hours. my head was very foggy and nerves were shot for 2 days. I've had intense experiences on edibles and have witnessed a girl turn into a different person for 6 hours. very sad. I felt terrible for giving it to her. but wax was the worst for me. never again

  23. StarBrand_DRC says:

    If you can't face a blunt or joint on your own (at least a gram) then stay away from edibles.

  24. Split Zenzy says:

    Y'all saying edibles are bad but edible highs are the best highs I've ever had.

  25. TAYJU!CE says:

    Rumor report logo look like a edible today

  26. Early REED says:

    Edibles….wow….ate a brownie after a wake n bake session. Got to work and they sent my ass home EXPEDITIOUSLY…..i cracked jokes on errybody includin the boss.

  27. Hey Babe says:

    Edibles aren't bad

  28. Takeda Mataroshi says:

    Apparently edibles and inhaled metabolize and hit you differently and thus experienced smokers may not tolerate edibles well and visa versa. I can't say I know for sure one way or the other but when edibles are taken the onset and duration can differ by several hours depending on any number of factors. Problem is until you know your edible dose and don't just keep stepping it up too early it can avalanche you and you're done.

  29. mali mall says:

    Lmao Yall are fucking addicts !!! lol

  30. fyb3rotik says:

    Wow greatest news ever. yeah everyone should eat mushrooms in right context. Good stuff

  31. Kristian Ellis says:

    so proud of SZA

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